2013, up to 72% of defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors used a target-date
fund (TDF) as their qualified default investment alternative (QDIA), according
to an analysis of three industry surveys by the Government Accountability
Office (GAO).
its report, “401(k)Plans: Clearer Regulations Could Help Plan Sponsors Choose Investments
for Participants,” the GAO identified several factors that led the majority of
plan sponsors to select TDFs over other QDIAs. Several stakeholders the GAO
interviewed generally said that plan sponsors looked for design simplicity,
fiduciary protection, and a fit with participant characteristics when selecting
a default investment.
fit with participant characteristics especially led to the decision to use TDFs
as QDIAs. Plan sponsors interviewed by the GAO said they chose their QDIA type
because it best fit the age distribution of their participant population. In one
case, the sponsor stated that the age demographics of the plan’s participants
ranged from 21 to 71, so it believed TDFs best fit the wide spectrum of participant
interviewed and plan sponsors that responded to the GAO’s questionnaire
highlighted specific reasons that could make a TDF an appropriate choice for a
plan’s QDIA.
example, several stakeholders stated that plan sponsors generally selected off-the-shelf
TDFs because they are a conceptually simple, low-cost product that provides
diversification and dynamic asset allocation throughout a participant’s career.
Plan sponsors who selected off-the-shelf TDFs as their QDIA said these products
have a simple design, provide age-based asset allocations at a low cost, and
create appropriate retirement outcomes for participants who have little
interest in investing and tended not to change their investment selections over
stated that plan sponsors generally selected custom TDFs because these products
provide a more hands-on approach to investment management. Unlike off-the-shelf
TDFs, custom TDFs allow sponsors to select best-in-class asset management to build
a TDF series that meets the needs of the plan.
One plan sponsor told
the GAO that her plan set out to develop a custom target-date glide path using
plan specific demographic information and the current plan investment fund
managers. As part of this process, a service provider selected a glide path
that provided the best return for risk, based on participant demographics,
income needs, and behavioral investment patterns.
This week’s new investment products and services include an absolute
return fund from Goldman Sachs; a book about stable value investing from
Stable Value Consultants; and the launch of Tideline, a consulting firm
designed to provide tailored advice about institutional impact
Goldman Sachs Asset
Management Launches GS Absolute Return Multi-Asset Fund
Goldman Sachs Asset Management says the new Absolute Return
Multi-Asset Fund seeks to generate “consistent, attractive returns that are less
dependent on the direction of traditional markets.” The fund invests across
multiple asset classes accessing investment ideas from across GSAM, with a
dynamic asset allocation approach to navigate changing markets.
“In a period of increased market volatility and uncertainty,
investors are looking for ways to generate differentiated returns while
managing portfolio losses,” explains Jim McNamara, head of global third-party distribution.
“Our Absolute Return Multi-Asset Fund seeks to provide investors with a
powerful tool for navigating a changing market environment.”
Neill Nutall, the fund’s co-portfolio manager, says the goal
is to achieve consistent returns in all market conditions, within an accessible
mutual fund format.
“We are focused on offering investors the opportunity to
diversify into alternative sources of return while remaining nimble to capture
investment opportunities,” Nutall explains.
The Fund is managed by Goldman Sachs’ Global Portfolio
Solutions Group, the dedicated multi-asset investing team within the Asset
Management division. The fund is being offered in a variety of share classes,
including Institutional, Class R, Class IR and Class R6 Shares.
NEXT: Comprehensive
Look at Stable Value
New Stable Value
Publication from Stable Value Consultants
The author of a new book, “Consultants & Plan Sponsor's
Guide to Stable Value,” says the publication is the “first book published on
the topic since 1998.”
The book was penned by Chris Tobe, a CFA at Stable Value
Consultants. He notes stable value remains one of the largest investments in
401(k) plans, with more than $700 billion in assets.
“The Consultants and Plan Sponsors Guide to Stable Value is
the first book published on the topic since 1998 by Fabozzi,” he says. “Over
the last 17 years and especially after the 2008 financial crisis the entire
investment market including stable value has changed drastically. This book is
designed for investment professionals and attorneys and CPA's working in the
401(k) market as well corporate and public plan sponsors.”
Unlike the earlier book by Fabozzi et al, which was published from an industry provider point of view,
this book comes from the client and consultant view, he adds. The 14 chapters
in the book are designed to be “stand alone on very detailed subtopics.”
In response to accelerating institutional
demand, three experienced professionals in financial services and impact
investing announced
the launch of Tideline, a consulting firm designed to provide “tailored
to clients developing impact investment strategies and solutions.”
Christina Leijonhufvud, creator and former head of J.P.
Morgan's social finance business; Ben Thornley, former head of the global
research and consulting practice at Pacific Community Ventures; and Kim
Wright-Violich, former CEO of Schwab Charitable, are the brains behind
The group says they “joined forces to help institutional
clients take advantage of new opportunities in program and product development.”
“We have witnessed a significant shift in institutional
interest in impact investing over the past few years, as managers have
established track records of success and more investment options have become
available,” notes Wright-Violich. “Non-conflicted, actionable advice on impact
investing is needed now more than ever.”
According to the new
Tideline leadership, the broad category
of “impact investing” grew 76% in just two years, from $3.74 trillion at
beginning of 2012 to $6.57 trillion at the start of 2014. Impact
investing is often used as another term for SRI or ESG—short for
socially responsible investing (SRI) and
environment, social and governance (ESG) investing.
NEXT: Coming Together on CITs
A New CIT from Swan
and Gordon
Swan Global Investments and Gordon Asset Management introduced
a new collective investment trust (CIT) offering tailored for qualified
retirement plans.
Swan Global Investments, an independent investment advisory
firm, announced that it will be the co-investment manager to the Swan Defined
Risk Collective Investment Trust series, along with Gordon Asset Management,
LLC. The Alta Trust Company will serve
as trustee.
The Swan Defined Risk Collective Investment Trust is made up
of a series of five target-risk funds designed to meet the requirements to be
qualified default investment alternatives (“QDIA”) under Department of Labor
regulations under ERISA 404(c)(5).
According to the firms, the CIT series “uses an innovative,
equity stair-stepdown methodology as participants age and approach retirement.”
The Swan Defined Risk CIT’s five funds are based on the Swan
Defined Risk Strategy (DRS), which was first introduced in 1997 through
separate accounts and is also available via mutual funds. It is an actively
managed, hedged equity, rules-based process designed to hedge against large
stock market declines.
According to the firms, the strategy “has proven highly
successful, having consistently outperformed the S&P 500 Index over full
market cycles, defined as including a bull and a bear market.”