plan sponsors are pushing the envelope yet again, going beyond target-date
funds by offering more personalization to their plan participants through
managed account vehicles, according to the DC Investment Manager Brandscape, a
Cogent Reports study by Market Strategies International.
Reports notes that actions by mega plans often serve as indicators of new
industry trends. The proportion of mega plans offering these customized
allocation solutions as their 401(k) plan default investment option has
increased from 5% in 2014 to 18% in 2015.
to the study, mega plans, defined as those managing $500 million or more in
assets, report a strong interest in offering exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
within managed accounts to their plan participants as a means of offering a
cost-effective solution. Furthermore, these sponsors are significantly more
likely to cite retirement income product offerings as a key reason for selecting a managed account provider.
target-date funds continue to serve as the most widely preferred default
investment option among most plans, this increased usage of managed accounts
among Mega plans signals a growing desire in the industry to offer a more
personalized solution for plan participants,” says Linda York, vice president
of Cogent Reports.
report identifies the top investment managers that plan sponsors would likely
consider for managed accounts and target-date funds as well as other investment
products. Among the larger plan segments, eight firms rank in the top ten for
both managed accounts and target-date funds.
Study results are
based upon 600 web-based surveys among a statistically representative sampling
of investment decision-makers within 401(k) plan sponsors. Information about
how to purchase the report is here.
Plan sponsors looking to enact a PRT transaction, but lacking sufficient cash, might consider “hibernating” their portfolio until a more favorable risk transfer opportunity arises.
In his recent work as managing director of asset allocation
and risk management for Russell Investments, Jim Gannon has participated
firsthand in what he calls “the ongoing pension risk transfer [PRT] boom.”
“Whether it’s the insurance companies that want to acquire
the business, or the employers looking to offload some of this risk, or the consultants
and advisers guiding the process—it’s been a vigorous market in the last
several years,” Gannon tells PLANSPONSOR.
One thing to note about the action so far in 2015 is that PRT
is customarily an effort that is completed towards the end of the year, but Gannon
says the market has already seen “a couple really big transactions in the last couple months.” One deal in February saw Prudential Financial and MassMutual agree
to take on $2.5 billion in pension liabilities from hygiene products company Kimberly-Clark.
In another example staged north of the border, Sun Life Financial Inc., a large
Canadian life insurance provider, agreed to take on about $4 billion in pension
liabilities from telecommunications company BCE Inc.
The early moves show these plan sponsors have been thinking
about transacting likely for years, Gannon suggests, because even the
fastest-executed transactions take five or six months from start to finish, and
most take significantly longer. Overall the economics are still quite ripe for PRT, presenting an ongoing opportunity for sponsors and advisers to
work together to take control of pension risk.
Despite the economic tailwinds, PRT remains a huge challenge
for many plan sponsors. Even when plans are fully funded, the sponsor will
typically have to pay a substantial premium to the insurer taking on the
pension benefit risk. The Mercer U.S. Pension Buyout Index, which tracks the
relative cost of keeping pension debt versus selling it off to an insurer, finds
the average cost of purchasing annuities from an insurer to cover pension liabilities
stands around 104.4% of the accounting liability. What amounts to a 4.4% risk
transfer premium may actually be a good deal, Gannon notes, because the real cost
of maintaining the pension plan—factoring in staff costs, insurance
premiums and other expenses—stands around 105.6% of the accounting liability.
“These numbers have started many plan sponsors on the road
to a PRT transaction,” Gannon says. “They are learning just how much work goes into
PRT—it’s cleaning up the benefits calculation data; it’s coming to an understanding
of the market factors and how your portfolio is aligned with those; it’s
finding the right consulting and advisory partners and the right insurer to
actually take on the risk. All of this takes time and resources, and then you
move on to negotiating the exact pricing and the underwriting. It takes quite a
while to transact.”
What happens when a sponsor of a frozen pension plan realizes she isn’t ready to cut a check worth 104.4% of the entire pension plan
liability, or even a smaller portion of the plan? Gannon says “hibernation” can
offer a reasonable path forward when risk transfer is desired but still not
within reach. It’s not exactly a groundbreaking approach to pension management, he
notes, but hibernation as a distinct strategy hasn’t received as much attention compared with
annuitization and lump-sum payments.
“In the simplest terms, to achieve hibernation you are taking
your frozen pension plan, getting a liability driven investing program in place, and then letting the
natural process of paying out benefits shrink your plan, and thus shrink your overall
pension risk and the size of a future PRT premium, over time,” Gannon explains. “It’s a potential path forward for the
plan sponsor who wants to do PRT but sees that it isn’t currently possible.”
Gannon says pension hibernation represents a shift from a
return-seeking mindset to a position of caution and risk mitigation.
“That’s often described as liability driven investing [LDI]—but
hibernation is more than that, because it represents a means of shrinking,
rather than growing, the plan,” Gannon says. “With LDI you are trying to match
your need for growth with a more specific goal tied to the long-term pension
plan liability, but with hibernation you’re trying to put an end date on the liabilities.”
Gannon wrote an informative paper about hibernation about a year ago, and one of the main
focus points was that every frozen plan at some point is going to buy annuities
and terminate. The alternative just doesn’t make economic sense, Gannon
“If you have a frozen plan with no intention to terminate, you’ll
still be running this plan 30 or 40 years from now, with one or two participants
left in it, and they’ll have to keep the plan infrastructure in place to keep
paying out the benefits and keep the plan in compliance,” he explains. “Before
that happens, the employer will almost certainly make a move to get out of the
business of managing pensions.”
This makes PRT almost entirely a timing decision for plan
sponsors that are frozen. Equally critical is spending the time and effort to
identify the right insurance provider to take on the risk, Gannon says. It’s an
effort made somewhat easier by strong competition among insurers for this
“The final timing will largely be based on price,” Gannon
says. “Can they afford any necessary cash infusion? Is the funding level as
high as it’s likely to get without requiring more risk taken in the portfolio?
What’s the employer’s wider balance sheet look like? Can we find a suitable
partner right now that wants to take on these liabilities?”
While prolonged hibernation will keep a DB plan exposed to
market risk, it will also likely cause the plan to shrink over time, especially
when the plan population skews older and there is a higher proportion of participants
actively collecting benefits.
“In this sense a hibernating pension should see the cost for
transferring risk go lower year after year,” Gannon says. “There is no free
lunch, and market risk is important to consider, but as a basic principal
pensions can use this approach to shrink their plan towards a point where PRT
is more feasible.
“It’s compelling if you don’t have a big cash flow or a lot
of financial flexibility, as an employer, to help cover the premium associated with getting the
risk off your balance sheet,” Gannon concludes. “This approach can offer a path
forward for plans that know they want to do PRT, but are struggling to find the
cash right now. Maybe there’s a point five or even 10 years down the road when you’ll
have the sufficient cash.”