Student Loan Debt Causing Delays in Retirement Saving

According to the Federal Reserve, student loan debt now totals over $1.3 trillion.

Student loan debt is causing Americans to delay saving for the future and forcing them to take on multiple jobs, according to a survey from the American Institute of CPAs conducted by Harris Poll.

Eight in 10 U.S. adults with student loans say they have made financial or personal sacrifices because of loan debt, and half of respondents say they delayed contributions to retirement accounts, up from 41% in 2013. A growing number of Americans are working a second job as a result of their monthly loan payments, with 46% in the current survey saying they’re moonlighting compared with the 31% who did so in 2013.

Student loans are also affecting Americans’ living situations and family planning. Forty percent are delaying purchasing a house and that same percentage are living with roommates. Thirty-seven percent are living with family members. In addition, 20% are postponing marriage and 19% are delaying having children.

“College is often viewed as a stepping stone to the American dream. However, the way education is funded could actually wind up delaying homeownership, getting married and having children – hallmarks of that dream,” says Gregory Anton, CPA and chair of the AICPA’s National CPA Financial Literacy Commission. “To put themselves on the best financial footing possible when they graduate, students should explore all available options for funding their education before they resort to taking out loans.”

Considering the effects of student loan debt, it comes as no surprise that almost seven in 10 Americans (71%) say they would have changed their educational experience if given a second chance. Approximately one in three (36%) would have gone to community college for two years or to a public instead of a private university (34%). Despite the cost of higher education, 42% say they would have gone to college in the hope of getting a higher paying job, underscoring the importance of a college degree in today’s society.

To keep student loan debt in check or avoid it altogether, the National CPA Financial Literacy Commission suggests students seek scholarships, grants, work-study opportunities or work part time; consider attending community college or a public university instead of a private one; check if they qualify for military aid or any employer tuition reimbursement programs; fill out FAFSA forms (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as soon as possible after January 1 to improve the chances of getting financial aid; carefully read loan documents before signing them with respect to interest rates, repayment terms and penalties; and learn about the differences between various sources of loans and repayment options.

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Police Department Settles Age Bias Suit

The police department was sued by the EEOC in 2013 for passing over a job candidate who was 45 at the time.

The County of Maui, Hawaii, will pay $24,000 and provide other relief to settle an age discrimination lawsuit filed against the Maui County Police Department by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

In a lawsuit filed in 2013, the EEOC alleged that the County of Maui violated the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) when it refused to hire a qualified candidate as a police officer due to his age.

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Lars Sandstrom applied for the position of police officer in 2009, met all of the minimum qualifications for the position and passed the qualifying written exam, according to the suit. Sandstrom also had a bachelor’s degree, as well as extensive military and life experience, which qualified him for the position.

The EEOC contends that during the job interview, assumptions were made about Sandstrom’s abilities given his age, which was 45 at the time of the alleged discrimination. This included the comment, “I doubt someone your age could handle the stress of training,” case documents show.

The EEOC investigation found that other, younger, less-qualified candidates were hired as police officers during the time in question.

The settlement requires a complaint process and impartial investigations, together with a centralized tracking system for discrimination complaints and provisions holding employees accountable for discrimination. Annual training about age-based discrimination and retaliation will be provided for all employees, especially those involved in human resources and at the supervisory level, to educate them about their rights and responsibilities regarding age discrimination, with the goal of preventing and deterring any discriminatory practices in the future.

Sandstrom was able to secure employment as a police officer with another police department.
