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A survey by Adecco Staffing found the majority of respondents (65%) claim to love their jobs.
However, there were some differences among genders and generations. Seventy-one percent of women said they love their job, compared to 59% of their male counterparts. Twenty-three percent of men claim they do not love their jobs, compared to only 14% of women. Maybe the answer to this conundrum lies in this next finding: 22% of women find their jobs emotionally fulfilling, while only 14% of their male counterparts said the same.
Those who claim to love their jobs most often are Gen Xers (72%). Millennials are the most likely (at 32%) to say that they do not love their jobs.
Aside from paying their bills, the highest proportion of respondents (at 28%) work to give their kids a better life, and, 23% work to afford doing things they love—traveling, dining out, and pursuing hobbies. Respondents’ reason for working shifted depending on their age. Generation X is more likely work to provide a better life for their kids (41%). Millennials’ biggest motivator for work is being able to afford activities they love (29%).
Another survey from Robert Half and Happiness works finds that for many professionals, that first year in a new job can be a “honeymoon period,” full of new and exciting challenges. But, the study shows professionals with between one and two years on the job are less happy, less interested in their work and more stressed than those still in their first year. After three years or more on the job, happiness levels edge back up and interest levels increase. Those with the greatest tenure (21 years or more) showed the highest level of interest in their jobs.
“Once they get past year one, the honeymoon appears to be over for many professionals,” says Paul McDonald, senior executive director of Robert Half. “After 12 months on the job, employees are expected to work more autonomously and take on added responsibility. At the same time, aspects of the job that at first seemed novel and interesting may lose their luster.”
When asked who’s responsible for keeping spirits high on the job, 25% of workers surveyed said it was their responsibility alone. Another 5% said it was all in their company’s hands. The majority of respondents (70%) cited a combination of the two.