Broad Strokes of New Fiduciary Rule Outlined by DOL

New rule language outlined by the Department of Labor will increase the number of advisers and brokers required to act as fiduciaries for investment clients.

Language underlying a revised “consumer protection proposal” from the Department of Labor (DOL) has been made public—representing the latest step forward in a years-long effort by the DOL to strengthen investment advice and conflict of interest standards.

Matching the expectations of some industry practitioners and analysts, the DOL appears to be taking an exemptions-based approach to a stronger fiduciary standard. As explained by Labor Secretary Thomas Perez during a national media call, the DOL expects its rule to significantly expand the number of advisers and brokers who will be considered fiduciaries in the context of investment advice. However, Perez was quick to add the wider application of the fiduciary standard would also come along with a new and lengthy list of prohibited transaction exemptions designed to allow new fiduciary advisers to continue to receive commissions, 12b(1) fees and other widely practiced forms of compensation—so long as proper disclosures are made.

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Perez was joined on the call by Jeff Zients, director of the National Economic Council and assistant to President Obama for economic policy. Both reiterated Obama’s controversial comments that there is a rampant problem in the U.S. investment advice industry related to conflicted advisers and brokers, who put their own financial interests ahead of the well-being of their clients. While they introduced the call with harsh language about the impacts of bad financial advice on the typical U.S. workplace retirement investor, both Zients and Perez were clearly trying to ease some of the long-standing fears of the advisory industry surrounding potential unintended consequences of a new and stronger fiduciary standard.

For example, Perez highlighted part of the rulemaking language that will establish a new type of contract for advisers/brokers and their clients, which can be used when an adviser wants to recommend a type of product or a type of investment maneuver (such as an individual retirement account rollover) that he feels is in the client’s best interest—but which also could result in additional compensation for the adviser. Perez says an adviser and client could enter this type of a formal contract without requiring prior approval from DOL. Once the contract is signed it gives the adviser the ability to enact transactions that would otherwise be prohibited by ERISA.  

As an example of how this works, Perez described his own dealings with his family’s investment adviser:

“Currently I get advice from a trusted certified financial planner, who under the rule must be a fiduciary,” he explains. “Even as a fiduciary, there are some investments he can offer me that are commission-based or involve some type of revenue sharing or other fees. The new rule makes it clear that he has an obligation to look out for my best interest first, but it doesn’t make it impossible for him to make these recommendations.”

Perez explains that an advisory firm will not have to apply for an exemption directly with the DOL in this case—instead it has to "enter into a proper contract," Perez says, and then the necessary exemptions will automatically apply.

“They first simply have to notify us that they intend to rely on this type of a contract and this exemption, and that they have properly disclosed their own financial interest in said advice relationship,” Perez continues. “Part of this will be to show they have policies and procedures in place that will mitigate the advisers’ own financial conflicts of interest and ensure the client understands the financial interests of the people giving them advice.”

Perez expects this prohibited transaction exemption to be used extensively in the individual retirement account (IRA) portion of the market.

“In the IRA market, the way it will work is, if the broker or adviser doesn’t have any conflicts of interest with respect to a given piece of advice, he or she doesn’t need an exception simply for recommending a rollover,” he says. “But if they are getting a commission or other payments that give him a personal financial interest in the outcome of the advice, this exception will force them to commit to give advice that is prudent and puts the customer first, and has reasonable fees. They can’t mislead the customer and they have to be upfront about their conflict, but when that hurdle is met, the transaction can move ahead.”

The new rule language is outlined in a DOL fact sheet here, and will be published soon in full in the Federal Register. According to the DOL fact sheet, the new rule language is built on “a very simple principle: You want to give financial advice, you’ve got to put your client’s interests first.”

The top line impact of the rulemaking language is that it will expand the types of retirement investment advice covered by fiduciary protections under ERISA. While it distinguishes simple “broker order taking” from broker-provided investment advice, the proposal seems to lump together advisers and brokers under a single fiduciary standard. At the same time it provides a “new, broad, principles-based exemption that can accommodate and adapt to the broad range of evolving business practices.”

Perez explains the impact of the exemptions as follows: “Because of the exemptions and a number of other features, the new rule does not bar or end commissions or other common forms of payment that advisers depend on. It also doesn’t apply to appraisals or valuation of stock within an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP).”

Perez also took time during the call to note that the new rule language “will explicitly allow employers and call centers alike to continue to provide their own general investment education without becoming fiduciaries.” Many advisers have raised concerns about this very point, that forcing call centers to only give fiduciary advice would shut huge numbers of low-balance savers out of access to any advice whatsoever. 

On the timing of a final rule, Perez says the DOL is “very confident we’ll get new insights and commentary from the industry and other stakeholders in the days and months ahead,” so he “can’t say when the final rule is likely to come down.” He wouldn’t even commit to trying to get it done before the end of the Obama Administration, but as one journalist suggested, that seems basically to be a requirement, given the largely partisan nature of the proposal and the uncertainty that it would move forward under even another Democratic president. He also feels its possible the rule will change substantially before it is finally adopted.

The full text of the proposed rule is available here, and the DOL is inviting all stakeholders to submit commentary via its website or the eRulemaking portal on 

Stay tuned to this evening and throughout the week for coverage of industry responses and other important follow up.

New York State Moves to Create Its Own PRT Standards

Legislation in the New York State Senate and Assembly would provide protections and new disclosures for retirees whose pension assets and accrued benefits are sold or transferred by former employers.

Filed as Senate Bill 1092 and Assembly Bill 6796, a new initiative in the New York State Legislature seeks to expand and strengthen scrutiny paid to pension risk transfer transactions enacted by employers in the state.

State Senator Tony Avella, a Democrat from New York’s 11th District, introduced the bill alongside Assembly Member Peter Abbate, a Democrat from the 49th District. The identical bills would require that companies moving to convert pensions to annuities provide “proper disclosures related to the transaction for all impacted retirees.”

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As Abbate and Avella note, “The purpose of the bill is to provide necessary protection to retirees whose pension plans are entirely divested of all Employee Retirement Income Security Act [ERISA] and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC] [safeguards] as a result of a group annuity purchase from a life insurance company.”

The bill also prohibits the subsequent transfer of the retirees’ pension benefits without the confirmation of the New York State Superintendent of Financial Services that the insurer acquiring the group annuity contract has the financial strength to fulfill its long-term obligations to all retirees.  

Specifically, provisions of the bill would amend state insurance law by adding a new Section 3219-a to New York’s Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR), relating to pension de-risking transactions with an annuity. The section requires that an annuity issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the state, which sells an annuity intended to provide pension benefits to retirees of any company, corporation, limited liability company or association must include the following features:

  • A clear statement that payments to annuitants under an annuity contract issued pursuant to this section are exempt from the claims of creditors;
  • A statement that the retirees will no longer have protection under ERISA and the PBGC;
  • The identity and contact information for the New York Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, or any substitute or replacement guaranty association that provides coverage to annuitants residing in New York in the event of the insurer’s financial impairment or insolvency, as set forth on a publicly available website such as that maintained by the Life Insurance Co. Guaranty Corp. of New York (; and
  • Mandatory annual disclosures to all retires whose benefits are transferred to an insurance company or alternative benefit provider for the purpose of providing retirement benefits, of the following: funding levels of all assets relative to expected liabilities under the assumed pension benefit schedules, investment performance summary by asset class, investment performance detail by asset class, expenses associated with any group annuity contract, changes in actuarial assumptions, if any.

Other provisions will prohibit transfer or assumption of pension assets and liabilities to another insurer without confirmation by the superintendent that the insurer assuming the obligations of such allocated or unallocated group annuity contract has the financial strength to fulfill its obligations under such contract. In addition, the proceeds of any such allocated or unallocated group annuity contract issued “shall be exempt from application to the satisfaction of money judgments under Section 5200 give of the CPLR.”

Section 2 of the bill amends Paragraph 2 of Subdivision (1) of Section 5205 of the CPLR, as amended by Chapter 24 of the laws of 2009, by adding that “Statutorily exempt payments” shall specifically include “any annuity proceeds whose benefits are transferred to an insurance company or alternative benefit provider for the purpose of providing retirement benefits pursuant to Section 3219-a of the insurance law in a pension de-risking transfer.”

Section 3, lastly, sets forth an effective date of 120 days “after [the bill] shall have become law and shall apply to all policies and contracts issued, renewed, altered, or amended on or after such date.”

Full text of the bill is available here
