Fidelity Facing Suit Regarding Float Income

February 11, 2013 ( – Participants from three 401(k) plans have filed a lawsuit against Fidelity Investments regarding its use of float income.

The participants allege Fidelity engaged in prohibited transactions and breached its fiduciary duty by using float income to pay itself trust and recordkeeping fees above and beyond the fees authorized in the trust agreements between the plans and Fidelity. The lawsuit claims Fidelity engaged in repeated self-dealing transactions and breaches of duty in violation of §406 and §404 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) whenever it paid itself float income.   

In addition, the complaint says Fidelity engaged in prohibited transactions and breached its fiduciary duty by remitting float income into the mutual fund options selected by the plans’ participants without crediting the amount of that float income to the contributions made by the plans or the plans’ participants. “This had the effect of disseminating the value of the float income generated by the plans’ assets to all of the investors in the mutual fund and substantially diluting the value of the float income received by the plans and the plans’ participants”—also in violation of §406 and §404 of ERISA, according to the complaint.  

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When plan assets are deposited on an interim basis in interest-bearing accounts before invested or disbursed as directed by the plans’ participants, the income earned on or derived from the assets while invested in such accounts is “float income.” (See “Be Careful Not to ‘Float’ into an ERISA Violation”)  

The lawsuit used the trial record from Tussey v. ABB (see “Employer to Pay for Failing to Monitor RK Costs”), which the complaint says reveals that Fidelity’s practice of misallocating float income did not just victimize the ABB PRISM Plans investor classes represented in that case, but harmed the entire population of Fidelity’s client retirement plans and investors to whom Fidelity owed fiduciary duties under ERISA.  

The lawsuit seeks to recover the float income that Fidelity “improperly took” from members of a proposed nationwide class.  

The complaint is here.

Master Trusts End 2012 on Positive Note

February 11, 2013 ( The median return of the BNY Mellon U.S. Master Trust Universe was 1.95% for the fourth quarter of 2012.

Performance for the typical fund was 12.57% on a year-to-date basis—the best annual performance in two years. The median plan posted positive quarterly returns for three of four quarters in 2012.    

“For 2012, corporate plans came out on top with a median return of 13.4%, followed by public plans, driven by a 16.5% annual gain in U.S. equities, compared to 7.9% for U.S. fixed income,” said John Houser, vice president and manager of Performance and Risk Analytics for BNY Mellon. Endowments recorded the highest median return for the quarter (2.26%), followed by foundations (2.20%).   

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Ninety-seven percent of plans in the BNY Mellon Master Trust universe returned positive results during the quarter. Over the prior 12-month period, 99% (611 out of 613) of plans were in the black.

Eighty-nine percent of plans matched or outperformed the custom policy return for Q4.For the full year, 65% of plans outperformed the custom policy.  

Non-U.S. equities posted a quarterly median return of 5.07%, behind the Russell Developed ex-U.S. Large Cap Index result of 5.96%. U.S. equities posted a median return of 0.78%, versus the Russell 3000 Index return of 0.25%. Non-U.S. fixed income posted a median return of 1.83%, compared to the Citigroup Non-U.S. World Government Bond Index return of -2.36%. U.S. fixed income had a median return of 0.81%, versus the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index return of 0.21%. Real estate posted a median return of 2.37%, versus the NCREIF Property Index result of 2.54%.    

The average asset allocation in the BNY Mellon U.S. Master Trust Universe for the fourth quarter was: U.S. equity 26%, U.S. fixed income 28%, non-U.S. equity 16%, non-U.S. fixed income 2%, real estate 3%, cash 1% and alternatives/other 24%.  

With a market value of more than $2.2 trillion and an average plan size of $3.4 billion, the BNY Mellon U.S. Master Trust Universe consists of more than 649 corporate, foundation, endowment, public, Taft-Hartley and health care plans.
