July 28, 2014 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – Penbridge Advisors and P-Solve have formed a strategic alliance that will allow sponsors of defined benefit (DB) plans to integrate pension risk transfer (PRT) information and advice within a fiduciary asset management offering.
Penbridge Advisors, a Stamford, Connecticut-based provider
of PRT-related services, will primarily help plan sponsors evaluate the
cost-effectiveness of annuity buyouts relative to other pension de-risking
strategies. Its services include PRT pricing and underwriting assessments,
executive and board education, ongoing monitoring of buy-out pricing,
evaluation and comparison of various insurance products, and other de-risking
alternatives such as lump sums and liability-driven investing solutions.
P-Solve, a London-based provider of fiduciary asset
management services for institutional investors, will work with plan sponsors
to create and implement an investment and risk management plan to help achieve
their pension de-risking and termination goals. The firm will also use its specialized
investment skills and deep actuarial knowledge to help plan sponsors invest effectively to close a funding gap and ultimately to manage risk near and at termination.
“P-Solve and Penbridge are well-positioned to provide the
market with advice on PRT, as well as the tools to efficiently implement a
PRT-focused investment strategy,” says Ryan McGlothlin, managing director and co-head
of P-Solve’s U.S. business. He notes that many plans that have implemented
de-risking strategies in order to eventually terminate do not target the actual
plan termination liability as precisely as they could.
Steve Keating, co-founder and principal of Penbridge
Advisors, says, “This alliance offers plan sponsors highly coordinated
fiduciary asset management and PRT advice at each step of the pension
de-risking process.”
23, 2014 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – The concept of retirement income planning may be
common parlance among industry professionals, but plan participants are still
adjusting to the new age of personal accountability.
For many workers in the U.S., the effort of saving for
retirement is no longer a cradle-to-grave proposition with a generous lifetime pension
waiting at the back end, says Shams Talib, a senior partner at Mercer and
leader of the consulting firm’s retirement business in North America. Talib says
a number of recent
Mercer research projects suggest younger workers—especially those born
after the end of the Baby Boom, circa 1965—must come to a new understanding of
retirement if they are to successfully self-fund their golden years.
This understanding must be anchored in a sense of personal
accountability, Talib tells PLANSPONSOR, which in turn can only be cultivated
by employers who are active in promoting their defined contribution (DC)
retirement benefit programs. Well-executed DC plan communication programs can
play a big part in helping workers come to terms with the new paradigm, he says
(see “Sending
the Right Message”).
And what makes an effective communications program?
Talib says it’s in large part about coming to an understanding of what has
changed for workers over the last several decades. The biggest and most obvious
shift has been the widespread transition by employers away from defined benefit
(DB) pension plans in favor of DC arrangements, he
explains. Employers have grown far less accepting of the open-ended nature of
pension benefit liabilities, passing the bulk of “longevity risk” onto
The negative effects of this change have been widely
reported and are still playing out, adds Orlando Ashford, president of the
talent business at Mercer, but there are some positive outcomes as well. For
example, with the evolution of a DC-centric retirement system, employee-participants
can often become vested in a firm’s retirement plan in just one or two years.
This compares with vesting periods that can last up to five or even 10 years
for many DB plans. As Ashford explains, faster vesting periods in the DC system
allow workers to change jobs more often without sacrificing employer matching
Plan sponsors and advisers should be sure to highlight these
types of details when presenting a DC plan, Mercer contends, especially to
younger workers. The Millennial generation in particular—which Mercer defines
as individuals born after 1981—appears especially interested in this kind of
“Millennials aren’t necessarily driven by money,” Ashford
explains. “But the compensation has to be strong enough to take that question
off the table. It needs to be fair, relevant and competitive. But then it gets
to the question of, Is this exciting work? Am I with really smart colleagues,
am I learning, am I developing, do I get a chance to grow internationally?”
says most companies want their stables full of Millennials, because they
typically are more affordable, eager to please and naturally help companies
market themselves as being progressive. And while Baby Boomers, and to a lesser
extent, Generation Xers, are scrambling to make sense of their new-found personal
accountability, Millennials are entering the workforce knowing nothing else.
Beyond the employer-driven shift toward DC plans, there
have also been more subtle, worker-driven changes in behavior that are of increasing
importance in the retirement planning context. For example, Talib says
employees in previous generations often desired to stay with one or two
employers for the entire course of their working lives, and they were not very
likely to change industries mid-career. Generation Xers and Millennials, on the
other hand, appear to be more interested in regularly switching employers and
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there is
actually scant data on the question of whether employees are changing jobs more
now than in the past. To determine the metric, one would need data from a
longitudinal survey that tracks successive generations of respondents over
their entire working lives, the BLS explains. So far, no longitudinal survey
has ever tracked sufficiently many respondents for that long.
Still, Talib says it is clearly true that the shape of the
U.S. workforce is changing, largely due to the increasing prevalence of remote
office technology and “off-the-balance-sheet” employment arrangements. And
anecdotally there does seem to be mounting evidence behind the proposition that
workers are changing jobs more often, he says.
“We are seeing the workforce become much more mobile, and it
is increasingly transient,” Talib explains. “At the very least there is the
recognition that employees have been given more responsibility towards their
own life goals, and especially their own retirement goals, as the default
retirement benefit shifts from defined benefit to defined contribution.
“The employees are in charge now,” he adds, “so they need to
be more equipped to make long-term financial planning decisions. We’re asking
these young people to make complex financial decisions that will have an impact
30 or 40 years later.”
One strategy that companies are trying with success is
applying behavioral science to improve retirement savings patterns, according to Talib.
scientists have studied how people make tradeoffs between present and future
rewards,” he says. “They say low savings for younger workers is partly a
result of ‘hyperbolic discounting,’ which means that people value money spent
today much more than they value the idea of deferring their spending far into
the future. Put another way, buying stuff today provides a bigger psychological
boost than saving money for later.”
One can argue that the way plan sponsors and advisers are
presenting information to their participants is actually compounding this
problem, Talib says. Most young workers can’t reasonably entertain the idea of retiring
for at least another 25 to 35 years. It’s difficult for them to imagine what
their 401(k) account balances might convert into in terms of a retirement
income. “Even those forward-thinking sponsors who provide income projections
are likely to find that presenting income numbers alone will not change savings
So it’s time for sponsors and advisers to get creative,
Talib says. He points to research from the Stanford Center on Longevity, which found
that when 401(k) participants viewed an age-enhanced, “3D” avatar of
themselves, they were willing to put an average of 6.8% of their salary into a
401(k) plan, versus only 5.2% for people who had not seen the avatar.
Michael Fein, president and co-chairman of CIC Wealth, says
another key is to remember that, as workers age, they generally start to make
more money. It’s critical to work with these employees over time to instill the
sense of personal accountability for retirement savings.
“When you talk about workers born in the 1980s or even in
the late ’70s, these folks are just starting to make better money,” Fein tells
PLANSPONSOR. “They have much more disposable income and they must decide what
to do with it. I often hear clients say, ‘I really want to redo my bathroom or
buy a new car,’ but it’s the adviser’s role to convince them to start socking
it away as soon as possible.
“I always tell them it’s more important to save, and when I
can’t convince them, I say, whatever big ticket item you want to buy, put away
as much as you spend,” he continues.
if the worker wants to spend $5,000 on a big screen TV, he’ll have to put $5,000
into the savings account first, Fein explains. “And the main thing to remember
is that most people work hard and spend all day dealing with work, so it’s very
difficult for them to do financial planning.”