2010 NewsDash Archive List

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NewsDash – December 31  

Health Care Costs Still Loom Large for Employers, Making a New Year’s Resolution? There’s an App for That, Ohio Pension Files Sec Lending Suit

 NewsDash – December 30  

 Brand Names Matter…or Do They?, Boomers Skeptical About Medicare’s Future, Pension Funds Take Lead on BP Suit

 NewsDash – December 29  

 New Year’s Resolutions for Participants,  Most Say Boomers Should Retire Later, OHPRS Issues Emerging Market RFP

 NewsDash – December 28 

 Are Executive Physicals Impacted by the PPACA?, Participant Wins Judgment Against Morgan Stanley, What the Tax Relief Act Means for Compensation Planning

 NewsDash – December 24 

NLRB Proposes Union Rights Notice Posting, Those With Advisers Save Much More, IRS Issues New Guidance on FSA/HRA Debit Card Usage

 NewsDash – December 23  

Announcing PLANADVISER’s Top 100 Advisers, Pension Sponsors Rethinking Risk Approach, Depositary Receipt Trading on a Tear  

  NewsDash – December 22 

Job Stability Most Valued by Workers, SPARK Institute Cautions of Participant Disclosure, HHS: Insurers Must Justify Big Rate Increases

  NewsDash – December 21  

Must Dental Plans Include Young Adults Under PPACA?, Some Struggle to Leave Work at Work, Do Participants Believe in Santa?

 NewsDash – December 20 

Sponsors Rethinking Responsibilities?, Workers Push Back Retirement Expectations, 401(k) Matches Making a Comeback

 NewsDash – December 17 

Education Levels Matter in Retirement Plans, Holiday Greetings from PLANSPONSOR Europe, What Triggers a 403(b) Plan Audit? 

 NewsDash – December 16  

The Measure of the Plan, NC Seeking Retirement System Director, DB Versus DC in Europe 

 NewsDash – December 15 

Academic and Think Tank Hypocrisy, One-in-Five Say Pensions not Safe, Senate Probing Securities Lending Practices 

 NewsDash – December 14  

What You Need to Know About Medical Loss Ratios, Are You Ready for Roth Conversions?, Bad Hires Can be Costly 

 NewsDash – December 13 

The Impact of the Debt Commission Recommendations, No Clarity for Plan Sponsors on Revenue-Sharing Suits, Aon Hewitt Finds Gen Y Retirements Most at Risk, Texas TRS Approves Performance Incentives for Staff

 NewsDash – December 10 

How not to Say Happy Holidays at Work, True Love’s Costs Climb This Year, Mercer Says Alternative Investment Fees Falling 

 NewsDash – December 9  

Participation, Deferrals, Social Security Concerns Rise, Employers Cool on In-Plan Roth Conversion Option, Public Fund Groups Tell Washington: Back Off 

 NewsDash – December 7  

More HHS Guidance on HCR Waivers, Waco, Texas Best Military Retirement Locale, Most 401(k) Fees Come From… 

 NewsDash – December 6 

CalSTRS Lowers Actuarial Assumptions, BlackRock Rolls Out TIPS ETF, Bolivia Lowers Retirement Age, Emerging Market Funds Set to Double 

 NewsDash – December 3 

Study Says HCR Could Save Employers $$$, Pension Trustees Doubt Adviser Motives, IRS Publishes HCR Tax Credit Guidance

 NewsDash – December 2  

Debt Commission Makes Sweeping Recommendations, Ridgeworth Rolls Out Fee Benchmarking App, Principal App Targets Participants 

 NewsDash – December 1 

3 Things Your Investment Committee Should Know, Federal Judge Keeps PPACA Challenge Alive, IRS Issues Additonal 409A Relief 

 NewsDash – November 30  

The Grandfathered Rule Amendment Impact, AllianceBernstein Launches New Target-Date Solution, BofA Merrill Lynch Releases Stress Index 

 NewsDash – November 29 

Most Keep Checking Emails During the Holidays, Mercer Acquires Endowment/Foundation Consultant, Hungary Moves to Nationalize Private Pensions, IRS Publishes Guidance for In-Plan Roth Rollovers 

 NewsDash – November 24 

2009 a Good Year for Long-Term Participants, IRS Deals with Roth Conversion Withholding, Are You Shopping at Work? 

 NewsDash – November 23 

FAQs on PPACA Implementation Part III, What I’m Thankful For…, Stress Costing Time, Productivity 

 NewsDash – November 22 

Stress Still High, But Workers Taking Longer View, Private Sector Pensions Still Matter, SEC Proposes New Rules for Advisers, GAO Cautions on Raising Retirement Age

 NewsDash – November 19   

Participation Rate Dips, But…, E*Trade Beefs Up Retirement Planning Center, CalPERS Ramps Up Contractor Disclosures  

 NewsDash – November 18  

 NewsDash Delivery Update!, Getting Ready for Roth, Mercer Says Health Care Costs Up Most Since 2004 

 NewsDash – November 17 

Schwab Says Match Biggest Participation Mover, CalPERS Takes New Tact on Governance, Can a Postcard Furnish an SPD Solution? 

 NewsDash – November 16  

IMHO: A Lack of Clarity for Plan Sponsors, EBRI Data Finds Drop in Health Coverage, Group Maps Out Public Pension Changes 

 NewsDash – November 15 

Our DC Survey Best in Class List, A Rebuilding Year for DC Plans, Fitch Finds Narrowed Pension Funding Gap, Baucus Plans Repeal of HCR-Linked 1099 Requirement 

 NewsDash – November 12 

Managers Sticking Around for the Holidays, 12 Things to Know about Target-Date Funds, UK Pensions Shifting from Stocks

 NewsDash – November 11  

Are TDFs Losing Their Allure?, International Funds Strong Draw in 2010, TOP “10”: 2010 ETF Flows Favor Vanguard: Morningstar  

 NewsDash – November 10 

Few Large Employers Plan to Dump Health Benefits, Citi Launches Flu Care Card, Mercer: Treasury Move Hurts Pension Funding 

 NewsDash – November 9 

Exploring PPACA Implementation FAQs, What Lies Ahead for Retirement Plans, Workers Hunkering Down 

 NewsDash – November 8 

Workers Now See More Opportunity Staying Put, Health Care Costs Higher at AARP, ICI Tears Into 12(b)1 Proposal 

 NewsDash – November 5 

What’s YOUR Definition of “Hardship?”, IRS Sets out Employee Plans Agenda, Prudent Presumption Prevails Again 

 NewsDash – November 4 

Survey Finds Half Leaving 401(k) Behind, Health Benefits Highly Prized by Workers, Sun Life Rolls Out Enrollment Campaign 

 NewsDash – November 3 

IMHO: Cost of Living ‘Adjustments’, SPARK Institute Weighs in on 12(b)2 Fees, A Ding in the Armor of Prudent Presumption 

 NewsDash – November 2  

Some “Grab Bag” Guidance on HCR, Large Plans Outline Plan Design Policy Shifts, Workers Not Seeking Information Needed  

 NewsDash – November 1 

Workers Less Confident About Healthcare Benefits, Are CIOs Ready to Embrace Emerging Markets?, McDonalds Fined for Making Manager Fat?  

 NewsDash – October 29 

IRS Announces 2011 Contribution/Benefits Limits, ICI, ABC Ask for Roth Conversion Guidance, Judge Rejects SunTrust Stock Drop Claims 

 NewsDash – October 28/Special DB Issue 

Comparing Pension Risk Behavior in the U.K. and U.S., De-risking Revs Up Interest in Investment Outsourcing, The Role of Partial Risk Transfer 

 NewsDash – Special Bulletin IRS Updates Contribution/Benefit Limits 

 NewsDash – October 28  

Gen Y Uncertain About Financial Decisions, Weird Workplace Absence Excuses, Stress Feeding Uptick in Bogus Work Outages 

 NewsDash – October 27 

AP Proposes DB Freeze, MetLife Offers New Participant Advice Option, What’s the Biggest Workplace Lawsuit Concern? 

 NewsDash – October 26  

What Grandfathered Under HCR Really Means, What a New Fiduciary Definition Could Mean, Most Adult Children Current on Parents’ Situation 

 NewsDash – October 25 

The Oddest Interview Attires?, Russell Rolls Out New World Cap Index, SSgA Acquires Bank of Ireland Asset Management, Our Interactive Consultant Survey 

 NewsDash – October 22 

Labor Department Broadens Fiduciary Net, DoL Reconsiders Distribution Advice, New Web Site Helps Small Biz Pick Retirement Plan 

 NewsDash – October 21  

“Safe” May Not be Safe…for Fiduciaries, Regulators Probing California Town’s Bonds, What You Don’t (Yet) Know About Retirement Income  

 NewsDash – October 20 

What’s Up With the French?, Younger Boomers Have Different Concerns, Things Advisers Do Wrong 

 NewsDash – October 19  

An Extension for W-2 Health Care Reporting, Will Participant Fee Disclosure Have an Impact?, Mercer Sheds Light on Tax-Exempt NQDC Plans 

 NewsDash – October 18 

 COBRA Subsidy Impact Different Than Expected, No 2011 COLA Increase for Social Security, Common Outsourcing Myths, PBGC Extends Comment Deadline on ERISA 4062(e) 

 NewsDash – October 15 

Another Revenue-Sharing Suit Settles,  A Third Wish They Had Studied Something Else, Malone Joins Plan Sponsor Advisors 

 NewsDash – October 14 

Workers Say Recession Fouls Relationships with Boss, Group Says Legislation Could Complicate Payrolls, Northern Trust Enhances Exposure Analysis  

 NewsDash – October 13 

Buck Consultants See Higher Health Care Costs, Most Financial Services Pros Looking for Bigger Bonus, Segal Takes Aon Hewitt Multi-Employer DB Biz, IRS Gives Employers a Break on Health Care Reporting

 NewsDash – October 12  

A 2011 Health Care Reform Plan Amendment Checklist, Why Participants Resist Retirement Planning, Microsoft Workers Will Get Health Care Bill 

 NewsDash – October 11 

Wal-Mart Swaps out P/S Contribution for 401(k) Match, Mercer Exits Pubic DB Investment Consulting Biz, Barclays Sets Out Stable Value Index, Invesco Announces Plans To Close 10 ETFs  

 NewsDash – October 8 

Study Says Auto Designs Can Make Big Difference, Fewer Covered by Employer Healthcare, Newkirk Announces New QDIA Notice Service 

 NewsDash – October 7  

Voluntary Benefits Prized by Workers, Advisers See Rollovers as Money in Motion, Want Your Work Group to Get Along? 

 NewsDash – October 6 

Why Workers Aren’t Saving Enough, Lincoln Site Helps Advisers with Retirement Income, Mercer Says DB Sponsors Slow to Respond 

  NewsDash – October 5   

Inside the New Insured Plan Nondiscrimination Rules, 3M Says It Will Stop Offering Retiree Healthcare, Segal Sees Flat Trend in Benefit Plan Costs  

  NewsDash – October 4  

Report Offers Savings Gap Insights, Federal Workers Looking at Higher Health Care Premiums, AllianceBernstein Snaps Up SunTrust Unit, Retirement Income:  Not If, But When – and How 

 NewsDash – October 1 

McDonalds Asks HHS for Mini-Med Waiver, Survey Says It’s Hard to Stay Focused at Work, If Asked, “Take Me to Your Leader…” 

 NewsDash – September 30  

Retirement Savings Still Very Prized, NYC Pension Checks Just Keep on Coming, McKInsey Sees $5 Trillion DC Market by 2015 

 NewsDash – September 29 

What Keeps Workers Loyal?, Healthcare Employers Making DB Changes, Roth Conversions Could be Complicated 

 NewsDash – September 28  

OTC Drug Reimbursement Changes Coming, Employer, Employee Health Care Costs Move Higher, What is the Least Risky City? 

 NewsDash – September 27 

 Higher Ed Health Care Costs Set to Climb, Foundation Faults SEC in Madoff Scam, New EU Pension Rules Could Trigger Fines, Prison 

 NewsDash – September 24 

Job Offers Coming, but at Lower Pay, Court Finds Employer Breach in Copy Failure, Researchers Examine the Parting of the Red Sea 

 NewsDash – September 23  

Mercer Examines Retirement Spend Down, Researchers Put a Price Tag on Obesity, BNY Mellon Picks Up Outsourcing Mandate 

  NewsDash – September 22   

What Retirement Income Offerings Need, EBRI Tracks Average IRA Balances, 2011 Looks to be Busy for Advisers 

  NewsDash – September 21    

What Notices Are Required by PPACA?, Schwab’s McCool Throws Down Advice Gauntlet, NY Life Rolls Out New Participant Ed Approach 

 NewsDash – September 20 

 SunTrust Rolls Out Education Toolkit, New Ways for Asset Managers to Reach Advisers, Retirement Income Witnesses Press for Fiduciary Shield 

 NewsDash – September 17 

High Balance Rollovers Slipping Away from Providers, Health Care Costs Clip Retirement Savings, A New Curse in Baseball? 

 NewsDash – September 16  

Just How Good ARE Your References?, Health Care Cost Trends Projected Higher, August Participant Transfers Flock to Fixed Income  

 NewsDash – September 15 

It Was Only Two Years Ago Today…, Participants Say They’d Use Advice, But…, Stock Drop Suit Has Big Lawyer Payout   

 NewsDash – September 14  

Getting a Waiver from the PPACA’s Annual Limits, “Hesitations” Form a Sixth Retirement Segment, Transamerica Expands Investment Menu 

 NewsDash September 13 

Roth 401(k) Appeal Broadens, HHS Issues Guidance on Mini-Med Waivers, JPM Launches E&F Advisory Group 

 NewsDash – September 10 

Remembering September 11, What TV Boss is Most Like Yours?, A Bailout for Public Pensions? 

 NewsDash – September 9  

Just Half Think They’ll Keep Grandfather Status, Hewitt Finds Slight Uptick in Roth 401(k), Adoption Paper Highlights Plan Sponsor Impact on Total Returns 

 NewsDash – September 8 

Should We “Ditch” the 401(k)?, Dutch Employers Prefer to Hire Dutch, 401(k) Stock Drop Suit Settled 

 NewsDash – September 7 

Retirement Savings Spurs Global Asset Growth, Vanguard Report Cautions on Cash Balance Switch, Hermes Brings on New Real Estate Head

 NewsDash – September 3 

Comments Call for Disclosure Flexibility, Global Retirement Assets Grow, But Unevenly, Do You Like to Respond to Surveys? 

 NewsDash – September 2  

More Make Savings Cuts to Make Ends Meet, Work/Life Balance Still a Struggle, VRS CIO Announces Departure  

 NewsDash – September 1 

Fewer Continue Funded Benefits during Leaves, After a Rough August, Could September Be Worse?, Huntington Shifts Rotating Fund Focus 

 NewsDash – August 31  

The Impact of PPACA on Internal Claims Procedures, Could Payday Proximity Impact Take-Up Rates?, Online Degrees Gaining HR Credibility 

  NewsDash – August 30  

What You Need to Know About Fee Benchmarking, Law Firm Probes Fiduciary Breath by Northern Trust, Milwaukee County Sets out 457 Plan RFP, DoJ Sues Adviser for Role in Sham Pensions  

 NewsDash – August 27 

Does Casual Attire Make You More Productive?, Strained Greek Pension System Paid Deceased, Senate Bill Would Repeal Health Care Mandates 

 NewsDash – August 26  

Benchmarking Tool Finds Program Differences, More Health Cost Shifts Coming, But…, SPARK Institute Publishes More 403(b) Answers 

 NewsDash – August 25 

IMHO: The Troubling Trends Inside Fidelity Report, Fund Industry Weighs in on SEC TDF Rules, Hancock Rolls Out To, Through TDF Families 

 NewsDash – August 24  

Limits and Reach of Grandfathered Plan Rules, Principal 10 Best Committed to Benefits, Workers Confused on Critical Illness Insurance 

 NewsDash – August 23 

Fidelity Finds Uptick in 401(k) Withdrawals, Researchers Say Where You Sit in Meetings Matters, Hartford Rearranges Wealth Management Team, What You Need to Know About Revenue-Sharing 

 NewsDash – August 20 

Most Find Commute a Time-Waster, State Street Beefs up Client Dashboard, Is a Market Crash Looming? 

 NewsDash – August 19  

Is a Mandatory IRA a Good Idea?, Employers Bracing for Health Care Cost Increases, Firms Using Social Media to Promote Business 

 NewsDash – August 18 

When’s Your Office “Down” Time?, BB&T Adds FDIC-Insured Account to 401(k), Judge Clears State Street in Yield Plus Fund Litigation 

 NewsDash – August 17  

The Preventive Care Requirements Under PPACA, Insurers See Higher Costs With Health Care Reform, Workers Say Profit Sharing Would Motivate Them 

  NewsDash – August 16  

What You Should Know About Being a Fiduciary, Stock Drop Suit Dismissed, Executive Pay Draws New Scrutiny  

 NewsDash – August 13 

Fall Could Bring a Whole Other Type of Intern, Court OKs Revenue-Sharing Settlement, Are You Seeing Red? 

 NewsDash – August 12  

Employee-Owned Firms Tout ESOP Benefits, Study Finds Contribution Rates Up, Withdrawals Down, ETFs Keep Up the Pace in July 

 NewsDash – August 11 

More Things You’re (Probably Still) Doing Wrong, PSCA Rolls Out 2010 401(k) Day Campaign, Price is Right Models Claim Pregnancy Discrimination 

 NewsDash – August 10  

The Limits of PPACA’s Annual & Lifetime Limits, Roughly Half Very Concerned About Outliving Savings, Health Care Overhaul Could Cost San Francisco 

  NewsDash – August 9  

Many Don’t Take Allotted Vacation Time, Greece Plots a Course Through Its Pension Storm, Auto IRA Bill Introduced with Employer Mandates 

 NewsDash – August 6 

Do Small DC Plans Need 12(b)1s?, Treasury, EBSA to Convene Retirement Income Hearing, What’s the Biggest Concern of Aging Men? 

 NewsDash – August 5  

The Comfort of Expected “Returns”, Social Media Cutting into Productivity, Does Candidate Weight Influence Hiring Decisions? 

 NewsDash – August 4 

10 Things You’re (Probably Still) Doing Wrong, Report Says Burned Out Teachers Staying for Pensions, Study Says Auto IRAs May not Deliver as Expected 

 NewsDash – August 3  

Collectively Bargained Plans Under PPACA’s Grandfather Rules, Economic Challenges Straining Finances, Stress, Tyrie Leaves Putnam for BofA Merrill Post 

 NewsDash – August 2 

Mets Management Beaned With 401(k) Suit, Worker Fired for Refusing to Wear Santa Outfit, DoL Rejects Blanket Extension for Form 5500 Filing 

 NewsDash – July 30 

Can Fidgets Keep You from Getting Hired?, Smaller Firms Fear Health Reform-Related Costs, Hewitt Says Employee Engagement at 15-Year Low 

 NewsDash – July 29  

IMHO: The Duty to Ask, Auto Adoption Stalled Out?, Standard Solution Embraces Behavioral Finance 

 NewsDash – July 28 

Judge OKs Access to Facebook, MySpace Accounts, Firm Offers HSAs in California, Labor Department Weighs in on ERISA SOL 

 NewsDash – July 27  

PPACA’s Impact on Pre-Existing Condition Restrictions, FedEx Brings Back Rest of 401(k) Match, The Biggest HR Challenge Over Next Six Months 

 NewsDash – July 26 

 What Are the Odds of Running Short in Retirement?, “Side Deal” Snags Prison Term for Utah Pension Analyst, AARP To Liquidate Mutual Funds   

 NewsDash – July 23 

Most Now Offer Telecommuting Option, PwC Rolls Out Pension Risk Monitor, Did You Hear the One about the Laptop and the Pond? 

 NewsDash – July 22  

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Consultancy Predicts Surge in Outsourcing, BNY Mellon Chronicles Quiet Annual Meeting Season 

 NewsDash – July 21 

Participants Making Positive Savings Steps, Middle-Aged Make Best Financial Decisions, GAO Says DoL Guidance Needed on Alternatives 

  NewsDash – July 20  

What the Interim Final Rule Means for Grandfathered Plans, Remember When It Used to be Quiet in July?, Retirement Income Debate Heats Up  

 NewsDash – July 19 

 TDFs More Likely Among Younger, Lower-Income, AIG Settles Class Action Led by Ohio Pensions, Bond Flows Surge in June, EBSA Provides Insights on the New Fee Regs 

 NewsDash – July 16 

Trade Group Requests 5500 Filing Extension, Global Pensions Struggle to Regain Ground, DoL Publishes Interim Final Rule on Fee Disclosure 

 NewsDash – July 15  

Keeping an Eye on Auto Designs, LPL Acquires NRP, SEC Votes to Take Another Look at Proxy System 

 NewsDash – July 14 

Is There a Fee Knowledge Gap?, Most 403(b) Assets Still in Annuities, DOMA Rulings Have Implications for Benefit Plans 

 NewsDash – July 13  

Implications of the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program, Pension Prevalence Varies By Industry: S&P Analysis, Hewitt Associates to Merge with Aon 

 NewsDash – July 12 

 Former TierOne Employee Files Stock Drop Suit, Employers, Participants at Odds on Fee Disclosures, Court Backs Lifetime Benefits for Retirees 

 NewsDash – July 9 

Recession Reinvigorates Healthier Habits, Employers Taking Steps to Reduce Workplace Stress, Cuomo Probes Empire State Pension Padding 

  NewsDash – July 8  

HR Communications Lagging on Social Media, Most Ready for Vacation, Guardian Enhances Critical Illness Plans 

 NewsDash – July 7 

Questioning the Presumption of Prudence, State Street Sues Former Sec Lending Execs, Why Were YOU Late for Work? 

 NewsDash – July 6 

 What Are the Restrictions on Coverage Rescission?, aw Firms Swirl Around BP 401(k), DoL Weighs in on Stock Drop Suits, Feds, Virginia Clash on Health Care Law 

 NewsDash – July 2 

SEC Approves Pay-to-Play Rules for Pension Advisers, Diageo PLC Funds Pension with Whiskey, Stock Drop Suit Gets Go Ahead 

 NewsDash – July 1  

Thoughts on Freedom and Responsibility, Another Participant Sues BP – and State Street, Medical Mari.juana Worker Fired After Failing Drug Test 

 NewsDash – June 30 

Pay Slips on Job Satisfaction List, TDFs: When One Size Fits Almost Noone, BBC Makes Pension Shifts 

 NewsDash – June 29  

PPACC’s Impact on HRAs, HSAs, and FSAs, Employers Brace for Higher Turnover, Study Says Accumulators Overlooked 

  NewsDash – June 28  

 ERISA Litigators Circle BP 401(k) Plan, Court OKs Revenue-Sharing Settlement, Obama Signs Pension Relief Bill 

 NewsDash – June 25 

Law Firm Investigates BP’s 401(k) Plan, Vanguard Expanding Index Fund Array, World Cup Hazardous to Your Health? 

 NewsDash – June 24  

Five Things You Need to Know About QDIAs, Participants Deferring What They Can Afford, Ascensus Enters New Partnership 

 NewsDash – June 23 

Workers Say Sick Days are a Basic Right, AllianceBernstein Launches Multimanager TD Solution, Returning to Securities Lending 

 NewsDash – June 22 

How to Handle the New W-2 Reporting Requirements, Pension Fund Adviser Gets Nine Years, DWS Makes Changes to International Value Fund 

 NewsDash – June 21 

 Most Holding Off on Extending Dependent Care, SD Retirees Sue to Preserve COLA, Research Cautions Against 4% Rule, Principal R/E Fund Makes Another Distribution 

 NewsDash – June 18 

Gearing Up For Changes to Your Health Care Programs, The State of Alternative Investments, GASB Lays Out New Pension Reporting Proposal  

 NewsDash – June 17 

Have You Heard the One About…,Sticking Points on Retirement Income, SEC Proposes Target-Date Changes  

 NewsDash – June 16 

Employers Brace for Post-Downturn Competition, The Active versus Passive Debate Renewed, Does “Sin” Win? 

 NewsDash – June 15 

Inside the Retiree Reinsurance Program, Health Care Costs Continue to Climb, ICMA, Pru Link on Retirement Income Offering 

 NewsDash – June 14 

 The One Question to Ask Your Future 401(k) Provider, Hewitt Contractors Make Off With 401(k) Balances, Mercer Settles Actuarial Suit for $500 Million, Big Shifts Coming in Workplace Health Coverage? 

 NewsDash – June 11 

Job Seekers Getting More Creative, DoL Issues Final Rule on DROs, Towers Watson Makes World Cup Call 

 NewsDash – June 10 

DC Shoppers Have Many Concerns, FSBA Makes Room for Hedge Funds, International Explorer Fund Adds New Manager 

 NewsDash – June 9 

EBRI Sees Short Life for Retiree Subsidies, Participant Transfers Flee Stocks in May, PBGC Relents on Filing Relief 

 NewsDash – June 8 

Digging Deeper Into the New Adult Children Coverage Rules, CFOs See Hiring Uptick in Q3, CAPTRUST Corrals Another Adviser Team 

 NewsDash – June 7 

 Employers Gearing Up Retention Efforts, SunTrust Adds Retirement Income Option, SPARK Institute Takes Issue With Fee Disclosure Bill, Living La Dolce Vita 

 NewsDash – June 4 

Midwesterners Less Confident About Retirement, Canada Rethinks Pension Pay for Prisoners, Match Suspension Draws Participant Suit 

 NewsDash – June 3 

About that IRS Questionnaire…, Most Familiar with Automatic Designs, But…, Gallagher Updates Risk Mitigation Manuals 

 NewsDash – June 2 

Who is Eligible for the Health Care Tax Credit?, Survey Days Millennials Are Different, Interest Rates Dampen Pension Gains 

 NewsDash – June 1 

Worst Interview Gaffes Outlined, Pensions Climb Higher On Corporate Risk Radar, House Passes Funding, Fee Disclosure Bill 

 NewsDash – May 28 

ING Lifts Stop-Loss Limits, Monitoring 401(k) Investments, The Impact of New Investment Advice Regulations 

 NewsDash – May 27 

Retirement Communications Trending Short, Succinct, Most Say They Need Vacation More Than Ever,
Calculator Adds Up Cost of Health Care Reform 

 NewsDash – May 26 

Should There be a Retirement Income Default?, What Makes for a Happy Workforce?, Obama Administration Responds to Healthcare Challenge 

 NewsDash – May 25  

 Does PPACA Apply to Dental, Vision Plans? 401(k) Stock Drop Settlement Proposed, CUNA Revamps Target-Date Glidepath 

  NewsDash – May 24  

 U.S. and U.K. DC Models Compared, Darfur Concerns Trigger Unitarian RK Shift, More than Pension Relief in House Bill 

 NewsDash – May 21 

Most Employers Bracing for Health Reform Cost Increases, Workers Still Putting on Pounds at Work, Court Says no Duty to Disclose on W/D 

 NewsDash – May 20 

Finding Your Way When the Way is Blocked, 10 Trends Shaping Workplace Benefits, Will 403(b) Plans Pass Their Tests?

 NewsDash – May 19 

IMHO: Live Long and Prosper?, TIAA-CREF Opens New Endowment Initiative, IRS Publishes Rules for Diversification of Company Stock 

 NewsDash May 18 

Dealing With the Age 26 Coverage Requirements, A Behavioral Finance Makeover for Annuities, Are IT Hiring Delays Putting Your Systems at Risk? 

 NewsDash May 17 

 Small Biz Trade Group Joins Healthcare Suit, UTC Expands Adult Dependent Health Coverage, UK Workplace Pension Scheme Coverage Slips 

 NewsDash – May 14 

Worried about Losing Your Top Performers?, Spain Reigns in Pensions, Public Sector Pay, Obama Administration Responds to Health Care Suit 

 NewsDash – May 13 

Surging Stocks Draw Participants Back, Restricted Stock Modeling Tool Launched,  Hartford Adds Faith-Based Funds to Retirement Roster 

 NewsDash – May 12 

403(b) Programs Holding up Well, Greek Government Lays out Pension Reform, Court Splits Stock Suit Class 

 NewsDash – May 11 

 What if Your Health Plan Discriminates?, BNY Asset Management Chief Heads to Fidelity, UK Scheme Trustees, Sponsors Diverge on Risk 

 NewsDash – May 10 

 Here We Go Again…, The Role of the Plan Sponsor, DoL Backs Fiduciary Breach “Surcharge” 

 NewsDash – May 7 

Former CalPERS Officials Sued in Investment Scheme, DoL, SEC Issue TDF “Primer”, Recordkeeper Wins $1Million 

 NewsDash – May 6 

 Why Do YOU Offer a 401(k) Plan?, Mom’s Equivalent Pay Takes a Pounding, Who’s Your Favorite Fictional Mom? 

 NewsDash – May 5 

Suit Claims Genetic Discrimination, Hewitt Puts a Figure on Retirement Savings Target, House GOP Group Cautions DoL on 401(k)s 

 NewsDash – May 4 

 Could Dependent Coverage Trigger Imputed Income?, Check Out PLANSPONSOR’s National Conference   

 NewsDash – May 3 

 Participants, Sponsors Differ on Motivations, Towers Watson Outlines EC Strategy, Public, Private Disparities in Frozen Pensions 

 NewsDash – April 30 

Incentive Plans Focus on Pay Grade, Unisys Revenue-Sharing Suit Tossed, What’s the Weirdest Thing You’ve Seen on a Resume? 

  NewsDash – April 29  

 Study Says Public Workers Undercompensated, Employers Could See Big Tab for Extended Child Coverage, WealthPoint, UnitedHealth Stop Dropping Coverage 

 NewsDash – April 28 

Health Reform Penalties Could Hit Many Employers, 2009 Manager Searches Rise: Mercer, Labor Retargeting Target-Date Disclosures 

  NewsDash – April 27  

 What Is a Grandfathered Plan Under the PPACA?, Things That Made Me Say “Huh?”, Securian GPS Helps Retirees Find their Way 

  NewsDash – April 26  

 Senior SEC Staffers Snagged Surfing P.orn, 14 Million to Lose ER Healthcare: Report, Labor Department FAQs Deal with COBRA, Reform    

 NewsDash – April 23 

CBO Says 4M to be Hit by Health Care Fines, Maryland Wants to Hire Four Investment Analysts, Schwarzenegger Backs Big Pension Changes 

 NewsDash – April 22 

 Sandwich Generation Getting Squeezed, Supremes Back Deferential Review for Plan Admin, Something Missing From Your Resume? 

 NewsDash – April 21 

Quarter of Participants Missing out on Match, Insurers Move to Fill Coverage Gap, Participant Balances Making a Comeback 

 NewsDash – April 20 

 TMRS Builds on 2008 Success for the Future, Target-Dates Make it Four in a Row, Prudence Presumption Punts Another Stock Suit 

 NewsDash – April 19 

 Participants Weigh in on Retirement Income, NC County Cuts 401(k), 457 Matches, Groups Sue to Get List of Top SCERS Pensions 

 NewsDash – April 16 

Health Reform Could Mean FSA Changes, Consultants Key in UK Default Decisions, What is the Most Productive Day of the Week? 

  NewsDash – April 15  

 Employers Embracing Global Health Strategies, Many Wanting to Work After Retirement, Assurant Loads Up a Dentist App 

 NewsDash – April 14 

 Controlling Costs New Benefit Priority, Workers Have a New Definition of Retirement, Court Says Early Retirement Incentives Discriminatory 

 NewsDash – April 13 

 Anatomy of a Scandal, Daylight in the Garden of LDI, Harvard’s Ethical Efficacy 

 NewsDash – April 12 

The Near-Term Impact of Health-Care Reform, IMHO: Why the Reluctance on Retirement Income?, 401(k) Stock Drop Class Action Certified 

 NewsDash – April 9  

 MassMutual Adds Four to Target-Date Family, Dow Jones Launches Contrarian Index, Principal No Fiduciary in 401(k) Rollover Case 

 NewsDash – April 8 

Those With Retirement Plans Better Off Than You Think, More States Line Up to Oppose Health Bill Reform, Does Your DC Plan Offer a Retirement Income Option?      

 NewsDash – April 7 

Principal Adds a New Health and Wellness Option, Cadbury Workers Given Pay Freeze or Pension Choice, Supremes Send Adviser Fee Case Back 

  NewsDash – April 6  

It’s National Employee Benefits Day!, Survey Finds Some in No Hurry to Restore Match, Invesco PowerShares Readies New ETF Family 

 NewsDash – April 5 

Tips for 403(b) Fiduciaries, Mercer Beefs Up Taft-Hartley Focus, Parallels Between Healthcare Reform and Retirement Income 

 NewsDash – April 2 

 Bare Flight Attendants Bear Pay Message, Trinity Rolls Out Three Epiphany Funds, An Ill-Advised Way to Get a Day Off 

 NewsDash – April 1 

Matches Making a Comeback at Fidelity Plans, PayFlex Offers HSA “App”, When Did You Last Look at Your Account? 

  NewsDash – March 31  

 GenCorp Brings Back Its 401(k) Match, Pace of Plan Change Positive, but Slow, Supremes Weigh In on Excessive Fund Fee Case   

 NewsDash – March 30 

It’s Not What You Pay, It’s What You Get for What You Pay, RLP Capital Sets Out Green 401(k), EGTRRA Restatement Program for DBs to Open  

 NewsDash – March 29 

Why You Should Communicate About Healthcare Reform, Healthcare Reform Change Hits Retiree Medical, DoL Wants Court to Reconsider Fee Suit Suggestion, Teen Worker Fired Via Facebook   

 NewsDash – March 26 

PLANSPONSOR’s Awards for Excellence Update 

 NewsDash – March 25 

MetLife Extends 5500 Help to 403(b)s, Investment Managers Less Bullish, What Will Health Care Reform Mean? 

 NewsDash – March 24 

Fidelity Restructures Adviser Fees, Public, Corporate Plans Take Different Pension Paths, State AGs Take on Obamacare 

 NewsDash – March 23 

Smart401(k) Touts New Retirement Planner, Credit Suisse Sets Out Hedge Fund Indices, Vantage Point TDFs Extend Glide Path 

 NewsDash – March 22 

Getting Ready for the Next Storm, Auto Programs Help More than You May Think, Judge Dismisses Most Claims in State Street Stock Suit 

 NewsDash – March 19 

AICPA Issues 403(b) FAQs, Paperless Benefits Enrollment Surges, New Law Offers Hiring Incentives 

 NewsDash – March 18 

 My Moment of Clarity on Retirement Income, Fewer Late for Work, but Oh, Those Reasons…, What’s Your 2010 NCAA Pick(s)? 

 NewsDash – March 17 

Savers Even More Confused Now, Has the PPA Held Back Pensions?, Have You Been Duped by the Dirty Dozen? 

 NewsDash – March 16 

 The Case for March Madness at Work, Mutual of Omaha Rolls Out Retirement Income Solution, Passes Bill to Expand 401(k) Roth Access, But… 

  NewsDash – March 15  

Has Your 401(k) Program Been Restricted?, Cogent Finds No Retirement Income Standouts, Judge OKs Northern Trust Stock Drop Suit 

  NewsDash – March 12  

Firms Looking at New Performance Measures, Virginia Passes Ban on Mandated Health Care, Is Springing Forward Hazardous to Your Health? 

  NewsDash – March 11  

Participants Buck the Market in February, Senate Bill Gives Pensions Some Breathing Room, Do You Use Less Energy with DST? 

 NewsDash – March 10 

Employers Still Committed to Heatlh Care, Senate Bill Could Permit 401(k)-Roth Conversion, E*Trade Sued for “Milkaholic” Commercial  

 NewsDash – March 9 

Why Keep Participants in the Dark?, Retirement Confidence Levels Off, Bottoms Out?, Wilshire Tracks Big Drop in State Pension Funding 

 NewsDash – March 8 

Inside the New Advice Regulations, BB&T Beefs Up Participant Web Site, SEC Charges Psychic Scammer  

  NewsDash – March 5  

Most Focused on Saving for the Future, DoL Sues ESOP Trustee over Stock Purchase, The Difference between Dog and Cat – People 

 NewsDash – March 4 

What the New Advice Proposal Means, Older Participant Accounts Bounce Back, But…, Do You Have Web Filters at Work? 

  NewsDash – March 3  

Breaking Down the Boomers, Caregiver Discrimination Costly for Employers, EEOC Outlines RFOA Aspect of ADEA 

 NewsDash – March 2 

Nokia Targeted in Company Stock Suit, Hartford Adds I Class to Two Funds, Dow Jones Indexes Extends Target Family 

  NewsDash – March 1  

Announcing Our Plan Sponsors of the Year, Academia Embraces Pay for Performance, DoL Issues New Advice Proposal 

  NewsDash – February 26  

Major Employers Weigh in on Health Care Reform, Pension Administrator Offers 403(b) Solution, Jobs Bill Contains another COBRA Extension 

  NewsDash – February 25  

The Most Common Interview Mistake, CUNA Unwraps 401(k)-Fitted Stable Value Option, Where Will You Live After You Retire? 

  NewsDash – February 24  

Fidelity Rolls Out Online Trading App, Pensions Turn Attentions to Liabilities, RIAs Say Most Need More than $1 Million to Retire   

 NewsDash – February 23 

The Premises Behind Pension Promises, Downturn Turns Hiring Focus Inward, EBSA Offers Form 5500 Guidance for 403(b) Plans 

 NewsDash – February 22 

Employers Weigh in on Healthcare Reform, Are You Ready for the DB(k)?, Lawyers, Finance Pros Worst Drivers?  

  NewsDash – February 19  

Lincoln Expands 403(b) Remitter Offering, Pew Center Reports Public Pension Concerns, CT Bill OKs Police Benefits in Animal Killings

 NewsDash – February 18  

Toyota Tapped With Stock Drop Suit, Fidelity Participants Regained Ground in 2009, Mercer Notes Uptick in Pension Benefit Calc Requests

 NewsDash – February 17  

Bad References Draw Suit from Former Exec, New Fiduciary-based Consulting Report from BPG, PlanTools Opens Client Resource Center

  NewsDash – February 16  

Plan Sponsor Sentenced in 401(k) Theft, Pension Funds Sue Morgan Stanley on Pay, Reid Clips Pension Relief from Jobs Bill 

 NewsDash – February 15 

PLANSPONSOR National Conference Agenda posted, PLANADVISER Peerless Voting Begins   

  NewsDash – February 12  

Workplace Irritations Press Stress Buttons, Pension Execs Looking to Dampen Portfolio Volatility, Are Teleworkers Disadvantaged in Bad Weather? 

 NewsDash – February 11 

 How Much Would You Be Willing to Work?, More than a Third Admit to Workplace Flings, Faith Healing Trip Not FMLA-Eligible 

  NewsDash – February 10  

 2010 Salary Increase Budgets Track Lower, WMSI Adds Roth IRA Rollover Option,  Report Finds Big Turnover in Active Portfolios 

 NewsDash – February 9 

Our Plan Sponsor of the Year Finalists, How Much Better Did DB Portfolios Perform?, Golden Parachute Values Dropping 

 NewsDash – February 8 

NQDC Buyer’s Guide Now Online, Great-West Rolls Out SecureFoundation, Pension Relief Tied to Economic Recovery 

 NewsDash – February 5 

 IRS to Begin Reaching Out on Compliance, State Street Strikes a Deal With Regulators, Super Bowl Another Sure Thing? 

 NewsDash – February 4 

Using New Ways to Attract Talent, Study Says DB Returns Outpace DC, Who Are You Backing in the Super Bowl? 

 NewsDash – February 3 

Many Still Hazy on 403(b) Requirements, Match Cuts Triggered by Liquidity Concerns?, JPMorgan Crafts New DCIO Group 

 NewsDash – February 2 

The Oddest Interview Questions, Hewitt Spins Off Executive Comp Unit, EBSA/IRS Issues Retirement Income RFI  

  NewsDash – February 1  

Putting Things in Perspective, Principal R/E Fund Makes a Distribution, Administration Publishes New Mental Health Parity Rules  

 NewsDash – January 29 

 Law Firm Probing Motorola Stock Suit, Another Revenue-Sharing Suit Tossed, EBSA Releases New Batch of 5500 Data 

 NewsDash – January 28 

Employers Skeptical About Health Care Reform, SEC Weighs in on Climate Change, What’s Your Favorite Retirement Plan Initiative   

 NewsDash – January 27 

 Our Retirement Plan Adviser of the Year Finalists, Lawton to Head NY Life Retirement Group, Obama Lays Out Retirement Initiatives 

 NewsDash – January 26 

A Tie Between Exec Comp and Pensions?, A New Provider Landscape Emerges, Gearing Up for the New 5500 

 NewsDash – January 25 

 EBRI Data Finds Auto Enrollers Boost Match, Study Finds Investment Help Helps, MOSERS Board Votes to Drop Staff Bonuses 

 NewsDash – January 22 

Are Overweight Workers Held Back?, Guess Who’s Sick Again?, Fidelity’s Lawson Steps Down 

  NewsDash – January 21  

Briggs & Stratton Brings Back Match, Teachers Annuity Sale, What’s Next for Health Care?Sue VALIC for 403(b)  

  NewsDash – January 20  

Participant Xfers Move With Markets, Health Care Premiums Ready to Rise?, Supremes Won’t Consider Revenue-Sharing Case 

 NewsDash – January 19 

Reaching Out to Hispanic Participants, Is 35 the New 40?, A Record Year of Inflows for Bond Funds 

 NewsDash – January 18 

Introducing the “Peerless” Awards

  NewsDash – January 15  

Do Wellness Programs Matter?, Report Says Pension Bonds Pose Risks, T. Rowe Targets Top Russell Ranking 

 NewsDash – January 14 

Wells Fargo Moves to Streamline Fund Offerings, DoL Publishes Safe Harbor Contribution Rule, Do You Feel Better Than You Did a Year Ago? 

 NewsDash – January 13 

Callan Says Fees Top of Mind for Plan Sponsors, Former TCW CIO Registers Three New Funds, Report Says Institutions Missing Out on ETFs 

 NewsDash – January 12 

New Year’s Resolutions for Participants, Study Says Most Target-Dates Don’t Match Behaviors, EBSA Publishes More COBRA Guidance 

 NewsDash – January 11  

Insights from our Annual DC Survey, ABC Cautions on Health Care Reform, EFAST2 is Open for Business 

 Special DB NewsDash Issue – Investment Trends for 2010   

Funding Status Remains Top of Mind for DB Plans, Hedge Funds Regain Ground, A New Priority for Risk Management 

 NewsDash – January 8 

One-in-Five Planning to Change Jobs Soon, Former PIMCO Exec to Lead Janus, TCW Sues Former CIO 

 NewsDash – January 7 

‘Taking Care of’ Business Picking Up, Dow Jones Revamps Target-Date Series, What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions? 

 NewsDash – January 6 

Guess Who Has the Best Job?, IRS Offers Guide for 409A Fixes, New Determination Letter Procedures Published 

 NewsDash – January 5 

SunLife Enhances Public Sector Package, SEC Looking into Pension Investments, Will Supremes Let Pension Fund Sue BAE in US? 

 NewsDash – January 4 

Looking Forward by Looking Back, The Duty to Remove investments, DoL Investigations are Coming 
