2013 NewsDash Archive List

You can find links to the online versions of NewsDash below:

NewsDash – December 31

A Plan Sponsor Notices Account Balances Not Improving, Is There a Better Message to Communicate to Participants?

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NewsDash – December 30

TDF Popularity Growing, Best Plans Built with Behavioral Economics in Mind, Engaged Employees Would Work After Lottery Win


NewsDash – December 27

Year in Review


NewsDash – December 26



NewsDash – December 24

Making Sense of the FSA Rule Change, One Year After New Fee Disclosure Rules, IRS Clarifies Same-Sex Marriage Rules for FSAs, HSAs


NewsDash – December 23

Steps for DC Plan Sponsors to Take in 2014, Don’t Let Right Brains Make All the Decisions, SURVEY SAYS: Favorite Holiday Movie 2013


NewsDash – December 20

DB Risk Management Priorities for 2014, SCOTUS Upholds Litigation Limitation Period


NewsDash – December 19

New Year’s Resolutions for Plan Sponsors, Plan Design Key to Fixing Retirement Crisis, Financial Planning Not a Priority in 2014?

  NewsDash – December 18

Reining In Loan Use, DCs Learning Lessons from DB Investing, Are Employees Shopping on Work Time?


NewsDash – December 17

Target-Date Funds: Choosing Them Wisely, SCOTUS Takes Up Presumption of Prudence Issue, How Much Should Santa Be Paid?


NewsDash – December 16

Great-West Launches Retirement Education Website, Pensions Need to Create Formal De-Risking Strategies, SURVEY SAYS: Plan Sponsor Online Communities


NewsDash – December 13

Gen Y Pays More Attention to Advice, Davies Returns to AllianceBernstein to Lead DC Business, IRS Clarifies Roth In-Plan Rollover Rules


NewsDash – December 12


Cohen Named Head of Russell DC, Prudential Launches TDF Series, Active and Passive Strategies Can Work Together

NewsDash – December 11

Retirement Crisis Worse for People of Color, Bond Market Risks Call for Creativity, That Perfect Gift for Coworkers


NewsDash – December 10

Plans to Work Longer Often Fall Short, Brokerage Window Issues Still Open, DOL Seminar Coming to NYC


NewsDash – December 9

Plan Benchmarking Report Available, Public Employees Paying More into Pensions, SURVEY SAYS: Does College Major Matter?


NewsDash – December 6

Customization a Top TDF Trend, More Plans Institutionalize Investment Lineups


NewsDash – December 5

Most Employees Value Income Projections, Employers Looking into DC Model for Health Benefits, OCIO Model Gains Steam


NewsDash – December 4

Carryovers of Unused Health FSA Balances, Why Do 401(k)s Terminate?, College Major May Not Define Career Path

NewsDash – December 3

Some Glidepaths Can Trigger Bad Bond Buying, HHS to Extend SHOP Enrollment Deadline, True Loves to Pay Even More for Christmas


NewsDash – December 2

Teaching Participants About Retirement Income Options, Covered Call Strategy Can Help Reduce Volatility for Pensions


NewsDash – November 27

Examining the Results of a DB to DC Shift, NCPERS Sees Pension-Related Bill as Unworkable, Are You Wearing the Right Colors to Get That Job?


NewsDash – November 26

2013 DC Survey Report Available, Comparing Pension Discount Rate Approaches, Coworkers Spend Thanksgiving Together


NewsDash – November 25

Protecting Executives’ Retirement Security, Use Data Mining to Lower Health Costs, SURVEY SAYS: Leaving Vacation on the Table


NewsDash – November 22

What We’re Thankful for About Health Care, Good Attitude Could Lead to Better Saving, Want to Avoid the Flu? There’s an App for That


NewsDash – November 21 

Successful Retirement Plan Promotes Corporate Profitability, Court Rules on Supplemental Pension Benefit Cuts

NewsDash – November 20

Accurate Data Important When Ending Pension, Tool Assesses Plan Effectiveness, Vacation Time Another Good Investment


NewsDash – November 19

Plan Sponsor of the Year Nominations Deadline Soon, PBGC Deficit Increases to $36B


NewsDash – November 18

PLANSPONSOR’s 2013 DC Survey, It Is Possible to Retire with $1M, SURVEY SAYS: Giving Thanks


NewsDash – November 15

More Retaining Retirement Savings from Job to Job, A Proposal for Fixing DC Annuities Is on the Table


NewsDash – November 14


Mandatory Contributions vs. Automatic Enrollment, Principal Helps Reach Hispanic Employees, Best Funded Pensions More Conservative


NewsDash – November 13

Outsourcing Fiduciary Responsibilities, DB Sponsors Proceed with De-Risking, Work Stress Is the Worst


NewsDash – November 12

Equity Compensation Plan Participants Value Education, Tool Kit Helps with New Pension Accounting Standards, Regulators Issue Final Mental Health Parity Rule


NewsDash – November 11

Increased Focus Needed on Administrative Compliance, Leased Employees and 403(b) Plans, SURVEY SAYS: Executing a Re-Enrollment


NewsDash – November 8

Plan Adviser and Adviser Team of the Year, Positive Messaging Can Empower Participants, Fee Management Issues Important to DC Plans


NewsDash – November 7

Adviser of the Year Finalists, Managing Frozen Pensions Not Easy, How Long Should Plan Records Be Saved?

NewsDash – November 6

2014 ACA Plan Amendment Checklist, Rehire Administration Can Be a Headache, Employers Recount Memorable Sick Day Excuses


NewsDash – November 5

Reenrollment Can Solve Several Plan Problems, DiCenso Takes New Role at MassMutual, Retirement Plan Issues in Bankruptcy


NewsDash – November 4

The Evolution of LDI, Treasury Permits Carryover of FSA Amounts, PBGC Offers Tips for Premiums Filings


NewsDash – November 1

House Approves Bill to Delay DOL Fiduciary Rules, Retirement Plan Deferral Limits Unchanged for 2014


NewsDash – October 31

Retirement Health Care Costs Cited As Top Concern, Russell Outlines TDF Evaluation Strategies, Social Security Announce 2014 Benefits Increase


NewsDash – October 30

Unanswered Questions About Uncashed Checks, Workers Avoiding Risky Investments, Shutdown Put Delay on Some Regulations

NewsDash – October 29

Moving the Needle with Participant Education, PPACA May Create Need for New Type of Adviser


NewsDash – October 28

Federal Mortgage Giants Eliminating Pensions, Private Health Insurance Exchanges Offer Choice, SURVEY SAYS: Skills Plan Sponsors Need


NewsDash – October 25

2013 Asset Allocation Buyer’s Guide, Engaging Gens X and Y in Retirement Planning


NewsDash – October 24 

 The Real Social Security Retirement Age, Making Up a Retirement Savings Shortfall, ESOP Fiduciaries to Repay Plan

NewsDash – October 23

Retirement Readiness Requires Changes, PBGC Creates Advocate Position, Managers Take One for the Team


NewsDash – October 22

Retirees Continue Working to Recoup Losses, 457 Plan Reflections, Young Adults Affecting Parents’ Finances


NewsDash – October 21

Boosting Retirement Readiness in America, Embezzler Can Sue for Benefits, SURVEY SAYS: Boss Personality Types


NewsDash – October 18

401(k)s Survived Recession, DB Sponsors Betting on Interest Rates,  Fee Litigation Still a Possibility

NewsDash – October 17

Sponsors Doing More to Increase Plan Value, AB Offers Z Shares, The Whipsaw Effect


NewsDash – October 16

Retirement at Age 70, Retirement Readiness Takes Teamwork, Managers Set Good Example


NewsDash – October 15

DOMA Decision Issues, Program Helps Measure Retirement Plan Success, Default Effect on Treasuries a Major Concern


NewsDash – October 14

Add Value to Plans with Small Cap Growth Funds, Custodian’s Response to State Court Order Supported, SURVEY SAYS: Top Benefits Challenges


NewsDash – October 11

Nominations Open for Plan Sponsors and Plan Adviser of the Year, Debt Debate Could Cause Big Losses for Retirees


NewsDash – October 10

A New Perception of Plan Success, Guiding Higher Ed. Faculty, Another Pension Sued over Investments

NewsDash – October 9

Are Sponsors Offsetting Match for Auto-Enrollment?, How to Avoid the Health Plan Excise Tax, What Should Plan Committees Do About Revenue Sharing?


NewsDash – October 8

DC Plan Fees Fall to Record Lows, Controlling Costs the Top Benefits Challenge, Suggestions for Improving the U.S. Retirement System


NewsDash – October 7

The Link Between Health Care Benefits and Retirement, Suggestions for a Fragmented System, SURVEY SAYS: Halloween Plans 2013


NewsDash – October 4

GAO Supports Automatic IRAs, Top Benefits Enrollment Mistakes, ETF Usage in DC Plans Varies

NewsDash – October 3

Teaching Participants the Language, Overcoming Small Firm Retirement Benefit Challenges, Collective Investment Trusts Making a Comeback


NewsDash – October 2

ACA Application to HRAs, Consider Global High Yield for Diversification, Government Shutdown No Free Pass for Plan Sponsors


NewsDash – October 1

Helping Preretirees with Retirement Budgets, Fiduciaries Consider Outsourcing Duties, Some Still Skeptical About Online Degrees

 NewsDash – September 30


What Is a 415(m) Plan?, HSAs and FSAs Different Benefit Strategies, SURVEY SAYS: How Much Are You Managed?


NewsDash – September 27

An Opportunity to Showcase Health Benefits, Fidelity Readjusts TDF Strategy, Frozen DBs Still Need Amendments for Law Changes


NewsDash – September 26

Lessons Learned About DCs, Actuaries Encourage Retirement Income Solutions, Automatically Revoking Spousal Beneficiaries

NewsDash – September 25

Educating Participants About Social Security, Cleaning Up Loose Ends for 403(b)s, Resume Errors Doom Job Candidates


NewsDash – September 24

Begin Your Path to Wellness Compliance Now, Study Supports Increasing Equities During Retirement, How Public Pensions Invested Assets


NewsDash – September 23

Protecting Fiduciaries and Optimizing Committee Performance, Retirement Readiness: Act II, SURVEY SAYS: Incorporating DOL TDF Tips


NewsDash – September 20

Employees Want More Information for Health Coverage Decisions, Health Care Costs Hindering Saving for Retirement, Contractor Owing Pension Withdrawal Liability Not a Fiduciary


NewsDash – September 19

Incorporating DOL TDF Tips into Your Processes, Improving Plan Participant Outcomes, DOL Says Use State of Celebration for Marriage Definition

NewsDash – September 18

Investors Underestimating Retirement Income Needs, CalPERS Adopts Set of Investment Beliefs, A Conversation with the DOL


NewsDash – September 17

Plans to Work Longer Not Panning Out, Ranking Finds Wisconsin Has Strongest State Pension, No Fine for Failing to Provide Exchange Notice


NewsDash – September 16

Workers Don’t Understand Health Care Benefits, Gaps Between Sponsor Intent and Plan Design, SURVEY SAYS: Financial Education in Public Schools


NewsDash – September 13

Honda Cuts Pension, Moves to DC Plan, Balancing Risk with Hedge Funds?, ERIC Supports Dismissal of SPD-Related Case


NewsDash – September 12

ADP Simplifies ACA Compliance for Employers, IRS Probing Nonqualified 457(b) Plans, Humor Can Get You Hired


NewsDash – September 11

Barry’s Pickings: The Annuity Vision, 2013 Best Managers You’ve Never Heard Of, Saxon Angle: ERISA Accounts


NewsDash – September 10

DC Survey Deadline is Tomorrow, Employers Using Wellness Initiatives to Reduce Costs, Employers Need to Make DOMA-Related Updates


NewsDash – September 9

BofA Finds Advice Improves Financial Wellness, U.S. Can Learn from Retirement Programs Abroad, SURVEY SAYS: Post -Recession Financial Behavior Changes


NewsDash – September 6

Participants Want Retirement Readiness Help, DOL Posts New FAQs About ACA


  NewsDash – September 5 

Retirement Responsibility Shift to Workers Leads to Inequality, Gen Y Acting on Hard Lessons Learned


NewsDash – September 4

Preparing for New Wellness Program Rules, Effective Security Strategy for Nonqualified Benefits, Many Still Connected to Office While on Vacation


NewsDash – September 3

A Lesson Plan for Life, Revisiting Part-Time Employee Eligibility, IRS Offers Tips for Audit Preparation


 NewsDash – August 30

Employees Unaware of PPACA Changes, Employers Want DOMA Guidance, DC Plans Increase Indexing


 NewsDash – August 29

Health Care Benefit Costs Rise … Again, Market Testing Retirement Income Projections, Pension Rights Center Questions IRS Plan Designation


 NewsDash – August 28

Reluctance to “Go Mobile” For Investment Info, Participants Banned From Trading, Long-Term Participant Accounts Grew 19% Over the Year 


NewsDash – August 27 

Health Insurance Costs Are Reason for Uninsured, State Pensions Stabilizing But Have A Ways to Go, Technology – Friend or Foe? 


 NewsDash – August 26 

Lack of ACA Knowledge Persists; Understanding ERISA Budgets; Leaving Money on the Table?


NewsDash – August 23

Reinvigorating Enrollment, More Debt for Retiree-Age Americans, Participant Transfers Slow in July 


NewsDash – August 22

Action Plan in Response to DOMA Decision, Think Tank Proposes New Retirement Plan, IRS Explains Automatic Contribution Increase Options


 NewsDash – August 21

Americans Saving Less, Newport Re-Launches Participant Website, Most Would Still Work After Winning Lottery


NewsDash – August 20

Misunderstanding Impedes Auto Feature Adoption, Communication Needs More Focus on Younger Employees


NewsDash – August 19

Institutionalizing DC Plans, Proposed PTE 80-26 Amendment Could Dampen Investing, SURVEY SAYS: “Friends with the Boss”


  NewsDash – August 16

Many Lack Confidence to Manage Retirement Savings, SPARK Asks for Expedited DOMA-Ruling Guidance


NewsDash – August 15

Women Saving Less for Retirement than Men, Pensions Continue Lowering Assumptions

NewsDash – August 14

Determining Seasonal Worker Exceptions, SPARK Seeks IRS 403(b) Guidance, Managers Don’t Want to Be “Friends”


NewsDash – August 13

Looking Beyond the Hype to Value, Survey Reveals Need for Investment Knowledge, Court Certifies Class in Stable Value Fund Case


NewsDash – August 12

Retirement Savings: The Real Problem, IRS Announces New Self Audit Tool, SURVEY SAYS: Night Owl or Morning Lark?


NewsDash – August 9


Employees Delaying Retirement, Contributions Will Sway Pension Funding, Court Dismisses Stock Drop Suit


NewsDash – August 8

Professor’s Study Riddled with Deficiencies, Participant Demographics, Behavior Varies by Plan Type


NewsDash – August 7

Weigh In on Plan Sponsor of the Year Finalists, Counting Hours for Seasonal Employees, Night Owls May Not Be So Nice


NewsDash – August 6

How to Help Loan Takers, What Makes a Successful Workplace Wellness Program?, Court Awards Same-Gender Spouse ERISA Plan Benefits


NewsDash – August 5

Weigh In on Plan Adviser of the Year Finalists, Surviving, Avoiding Service Provider Investigations, SURVEY SAYS: High School Cliques


NewsDash – August 2

More Regulatory Guidance Expected, Pensionmark Adds Education Consultant, John Hancock Cleared of Wrongdoing in Excessive Fee Case


NewsDash – August 1

Lifetime Income Guarantee a “Must Have” for Participants, ASPPA Recommends Disclaimers for Lifetime Income Illustrations


  NewsDash – July 31

Open Enrollment a Compliance, Communication Opportunity, ASPPA Makes EPCRS Recommendations


NewsDash – July 30

Outsourced CIO Model Beneficial to Nonprofits, Hedging Appropriate As U.S. Dollar Strengthens, ASPPA Asks DOL to Improve Form 5500

NewsDash – July 29

Longest Living Should Save 25% More, Pre-Approved 403(b) Plan Process Is Underway, SURVEY SAYS: Yale Professor’s Letter


NewsDash – July 26

Funding Pensions a Top Concern for CFOs, The Principal Starts Search for 10 Best, DOL Welcomes New Secretary


NewsDash – July 25

A Retirement Income Product Portability Solution, Court Upholds Dismissal of Lehman Stock Drop Case

NewsDash – July 24

Plan Provider Waives Plan Startup Costs, How Hedge Fund Allocations Affect Returns, Ask the Experts – Different Dates for Fee Disclosures


NewsDash – July 23

Is Your Retirement Seminar Really Helping?, Letter Sparks Upset in the Industry, Plan Sponsors Can Reset Disclosure Date


NewsDash – July 22

Five Factors That Reveal Plan Health, Use the Delay to Prepare for ACA, SURVEY SAYS: Disaster Preparedness


NewsDash – July 19

Time to Change Plan Providers?, Educating Participants About Exit Strategies, Council Requests Guidance on DOMA Changes


NewsDash – July 18

Fee Disclosures Had Negligible Effect on Participants, Simplicity of TDFs Has Eroded


NewsDash – July 17

Higher Adviser Use Increases Focus on Retirement, IRS to Teach About Internal Controls, Are You Prepared for a Disaster?


NewsDash – July 16

Newer Participants More Likely to Use Roth, Certain Revenue Sharing Payments not Plan Assets


NewsDash – July 15

ESPPs Another Way to Help Employees Save for Retirement, Mulling a Graceful Glide as Funded Status Rises, SURVEY SAYS: Participant Education Topics


NewsDash – July 12

2013 Recordkeeping Survey Report Available for Purchase, IRS Asks for Voluntary Compliance with Delayed ACA Provisions


NewsDash – July 11

Some Sponsors to Simplify Investment Lineups, Bill Would Overhaul Public Pension System


NewsDash – July 10

ASPPA Supports Forfeitures to Fund Safe Harbor Contributions, DOL Files Brief in RJR Stock Drop Case


NewsDash – July 9

Employers Continue Preparing for ACA Compliance, Ask the Experts – The Impact of the DOMA Ruling, Americans Need a Vacation–from Debt Stress


NewsDash – July 8

PLANSPONSOR National Conference Photo Gallery, Court Limits Remedy for Cash Balance Notice Violation


NewsDash – July 5

Mitigating Behavioral Risk Through Plan Design, The Role of Recordkeeper, Industry to DOL: Don’t Stifle Innovation


NewsDash – July 3

Regulators Delay ACA Employer Reporting, Payment Deadlines, Social Media Can Cost You a Job


NewsDash – July 2

Think Outside the Style Box for DC Plans, 457(b) Plan Primer, Which Sports Organizations Are Good Plan Sponsors?


NewsDash – July 1

Is DB or DC Better for Participants?, Why Punish Those Who Save Too Much?, SURVEY SAYS: Discouraging Participant Loans

NewsDash – June 28

Auto Features Need Robust Defaults, Differing TDF Asset Allocations Yield Similar Results, DOL Extends Lifetime Income Comment Period

NewsDash – June 27

The Elements of Retirement Readiness, Benefit Changes Ahead After DOMA Ruling, Court Dismisses Verizon Pension Buyout Suit

 NewsDash – June 26

 The Allure of a DB, Discouraging Participant Loans, Effectively Monitoring TDFs

NewsDash – June 25

Securing Retirement Outcomes for Employees, A Lifetime Strategy, Tentative Settlement Reached in Excessive Fee Case

NewsDash – June 24

Attorney Introduces Fiduciary Administration Service, Investors Need to Be Aware of Interest Rate Risk, SURVEY SAYS: Summer Reading List 2013


NewsDash – June 21

Helping Engage Women in Retirement Planning, ACA Leading to More Self-Insured Plans, Is the Retirement Crisis Worse Than We Think?


NewsDash – June 20


Holistic Retirement Programs Help Higher Ed. Staff, Even with Insurance, Many Not Getting Health Care, SSgA Makes Leadership Changes, ICI Comments About Money Market Fund Proposals, SERP Participants’ Claim Not Pre-empted by ERISA, More Time Needed for Lifetime Income Comments


 NewsDash – June 19 

Gen X Has Competing Financial Priorities, Are Your Participants Too Conservative?, Are You a Disfavored Worker?


NewsDash – June 18 

DC Sponsors Plan to Change Investment Lineup, Higher Ed. Faculty in No Rush to Retire, The IRS 457(b) Plan Compliance Check 


 NewsDash – June 17 

2013 PLANSPONSOR RK Survey, Assembling the Pieces of the “New Retirement”, SURVEY SAYS: Retirement Saving PSA


NewsDash – June 14

401(k) Participants’ Mutual Fund Expenses Declined, Multiemployer Plans Going Off the Rails, What to Consider if You Use Swaps


 NewsDash – June 13

Health Care Reform: Preparing for 2014, Financially Stressed Employees Could Be Costing You, PSNC: Stable As It Goes


NewsDash – June 12

403(b) Q&A: What About the Little Guy?, Fees: 3 Steps Every Plan Sponsor Should Take, PSNC: Lower-Cost Investing


NewsDash – June 11

Health Care Savings More Like Retirement Saving, Time for New Investing Rules, PSNC: Duty Bound


NewsDash – June 10

PSNC: Metric Taking, PSNC: Participant Behavior and What It Means to Maximize It, PSNC: Pursuing PRT


NewsDash – June 7

PSNC: 401(k)s Under Attack: I Don’t Get It!, PSNC: Inside or Out?, PSNC: Target Practices


NewsDash – June 6

PSNC: CEO Roundtable, PSNC: After Fee Disclosure, Negotiating a Better Deal, PSNC: From the Beltway


NewsDash – June 5

Guardian Creates Plan Participant Website, Largest DBs Planning to Reduce Risk, How Financially Capable Are Residents of Your State?


NewsDash – June 4

Link Between Employee, Company Wellness, Staying Ahead of the Curve, DOL Announces Wind Up of Abandoned Plans


NewsDash – June 3

Social Security Depletion Date Stil 2011, What to Know About the 403(b) Pre-Approved Plan Program, SURVEY SAYS: Vacation Needs


NewsDash – May 31

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Weyerhaeuser, Harmonizing DB and DC Plans, Motivation Key to Better Saving Behavior


NewsDash – May 30

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Vanguard, Wilshire Consulting Adds Actuarial Services, Wellness Program Final Rules Issued


NewsDash – May 29

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: State Street, African Americans Face Hurdles to Retirement Readiness, Americans Need to Recharge More Often


NewsDash – May 28

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: HELP Committee, How to Combat the 401(k) Loan Problem, Helping Conservative Savers Get Retirement Ready


NewsDash – May 24

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Schwab, Boomers Not “Working ‘Til They Drop”, The Regulators Are Coming


NewsDash – May 23

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Russell Investments, How to Communicate Benefit Changes, The Regulators Are Coming


NewsDash – May 22

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Prudential, 403(b) Sponsors Continue to Improve Plan Value, Workplace Wardrobes Can Get Wacky


 NewsDash – May 21

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: The Principal, Small Plans Early Adopters of In-Plan Guarantees, Lump Sums More Common for DB Plans


NewsDash – May 20

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Intel, Five Tips for Improving Retirement Readiness, Employer Match Changes Not Widespread Reaction


NewsDash – May 17

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: IBM, DC Plan Education Has Shifted Focus, Considering a Holistic Glide Path Solution


NewsDash – May 16

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Harvard Management Company, Lessons from Australia’s Retirement System, Retirees Need Nearly Quarter Million for Health Care


NewsDash – May 15

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Financial Engines, What Is Derailing Boomer Retirements?, Half of Centenarians Have No Regrets


NewsDash – May 14

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Fidelity, The Changing Role of Adviser, Has DC Plan Design Come Full Circle?


NewsDash – May 13

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: FASB, Largest 403(b) Segments Have Different Plan Designs, SURVEY SAYS: Mother’s Day Gifts


NewsDash – May 10

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: Department of Labor, The Place for Stable Value in 401(k) Plans, Technology and the DB Custodian


NewsDash – May 9

PLANSPONSOR National Conference, PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: CIEBA, Newkirk Completes Roth Conversion Analyzer


NewsDash – May 8

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision: CalPERS, Mercer Launches Health Care Education Tools, DOL Seeks Comments About Income Projections


NewsDash – May 7

Financial Resources for Retirement Changing, Moringstar Offers Retirement Income Drawdown Advice, ETFs Increasingly Used for Tactical Management


NewsDash – May 6

Benchmarking Fees for Optimizing Plan Value, Meeder Launches Fiduciary Service, SURVEY SAYS: Communicating Health Care Changes


NewsDash – May 3

Understanding Health Care Expenses, Participants Need a Retirement Income Plan, Managed Accounts Gaining Popularity


NewsDash – May 2

PLANSPONSOR’s 2013 Defined Benefit Administration Survey, PlanTools Launches DB Benchmarking Database, Regulations: What’s Happened and What’s Coming


NewsDash – May 1

Automatic Plan Features Adoption Stalled, The Principal Offers ESOP Resource, Market Lessons for Investing Plan Assets


NewsDash – April 30

The Price of Retirement Confidence? $500K, There’s a Limit to Reliance on Service Providers, Marshall & Ilsley Benefits from Presumption of Prudence


NewsDash – April 29

DBs Cost More in Bad Times, 408(b)(2)s Effect on Form 5500s, SURVEY SAYS: Evaluating Retirement Account Fees


NewsDash – April 26

Saving 10% Improves Chance of Retirement Success, Employees Need Education About Health Care, DOL’s Position on Erroneous Gains


NewsDash – April 25

Documentary Critics: Inaccurate Portrayal of Fees, Most Participants Ignored Fee Disclosure, Providers Need Value Proposition to Win Business


NewsDash – April 24

Is It Your Problem If Your Employees Can’t Retire?, Higher Education Plans Set High Standard, IRS Gives Amendment Relief to Certain ESOPs


NewsDash – April 23

What Women Want… in Financial Education, AUL’s Revenue-Sharing Practices No Fiduciary Breach, Fidelity Accused of Self-Dealing in New Lawsuit


NewsDash – April 22

Improving Retirement Readiness for Gens X and Y, Masterson Retires from Transamerica, SURVEY SAYS: Unusual Requests from Bosses


NewsDash – April 19

Planning for Your Other Half in Retirement, Plan Sponsors Favoring RFPs to Find Advisers, MassMutual Adds to Retirement Planning Resources


NewsDash – April 18

DC Participants Want Guaranteed Income Options, CalPERS Approves Plan to Improve Funding, Bill Would Encourage More S Corporation ESOPs


NewsDash – April 17

Preparing to De-Risk in 2013, Benefits Recovery Should Not Hurt Participants, Your Boss Asked You to Do What?


NewsDash – April 16

ERIC Urges Caution on Tax Treatment of Retirement Savings, PBS Documentary May Raise Plan Questions, Wells Fargo Launches Retirement Planning Tool


NewsDash – April 15

Annuities May Be a Good Fit for DC Plans, Trouble May Be Ahead for Bond Funds, Budget Proposals for Retirement Savings-A Deterrent or Not?


NewsDash – April 12

Obama’s ESOP Proposal Poses Concerns, Fidelity Exec Calls for Extension of PPA, ING U.S. Plans to Rebrand


NewsDash – April 11

Boomers Close to Retirement Want Guarantees, Things May Be Looking Up for Investors, DOL Budget Request Includes PBGC Premium Initiative


NewsDash – April 10

Savings Cap Could Affect Up to 5% of Participants, Six Tips for DB Cash-Out Programs, Low Pay Top Work Stressor


NewsDash – April 9

Altering Plan Design Can Mitigate Costs, Considerations for Pension Buy-Ins, PBGC Loses Suit Against Morgan Stanley


NewsDash – April 8

Are Custom TDFs the Next DC Plan Trend?, Preparations for Pension Buyouts and Lump Sums, SURVEY SAYS: Additional Work Holiday


NewsDash – April 5

Health and Retirement Benefits Link Is Strong, Cash Balance Plan Growth Outpacing 401(k)s, Webinar Offers Social Security Education


NewsDash – April 4

GAO Encourages Easier Plan-to-Plan Transfers, Middle Class Needs Financial Advice, PBGC Taking Steps to Encourage DB Sponsorship


NewsDash – April 3

Income Projections Encourage Saving, PBGC Proposes Reduced Reporting Obligations, Want More Time Off? Move to Russia


NewsDash – April 2

State DC Plan Sponsors Offer Financial Education, Consultants Make Suggestions for DC Investments, IRS Establishes Pre-Approved 403(b) Plan Program


NewsDash – April 1

Helping Exiting Participants with Balance Decisions, How Should Plan Success Be Measured?, SURVEY SAYS: Dipping into Retirement Savings Accounts


NewsDash – March 29

PLANSPONSOR’s 2013 Plan Sponsors of the Year


NewsDash – March 28

Most Do Not Want to Dip into Retirement Savings, Financial Wellness Firm Offers Retirement Education, SunGard Updates Relius


NewsDash – March 27

Time Is Main Obstacle to Financial Planning, Americans Not Considering Longevity Risk, IRS Lists Dirty Dozen of Scams


NewsDash – March 26

Improving Nondiscrimination Test Results, Documentary Examines Retirement Savings Obstacles, 9th Circuit Affirms Ruling in Retail Fund Dispute


NewsDash – March 25

Amounts of Personal Debt Have Increased, T. Rowe Price Offers Social Security Calculator, SURVEY SAYS: March Madness in the Workplace


NewsDash – March 22

Plan Sponsor of the Year Winner: DB, Mobile App Best Practices for Plan Providers, Proskauer Offers ERISA Resource for Employers


NewsDash – March 21

Plan Sponsor of the Year Winner: 403(b), Are Participants ‘Double-Taxed’ on Plan Loans?, Bill Aims to Thwart Retirement Plan Leakage


NewsDash – March 20

Plan Sponsor of the Year Winner Announced, Mandatory Distributions Reduce Cost and Risk, Basketball Not Creating Madness in the Workplace


NewsDash – March 19

Plan Sponsor of the Year Winner Announced, Saving for Retirement Easier Said than Done, Addressing the Issue of Missing Participants


NewsDash – March 18

Plan Sponsor of the Year Winner Announced, Stable Value Deserves Reconsideration, SURVEY SAYS: Multiple Retirement Accounts


NewsDash – March 15

Sponsors Need Education About Stable Value Funds, DOL Guidance About Swap Clearing and ERISA Plans, Is Your Health Plan SPD ERISA-Friendly?


NewsDash – March 14

Retirement Plan Sponsors Helping Participants Engage, Underfunding Drives Pension Investment Strategies, Sponsors Have a Duty to Evaluate Advisers


NewsDash – March 13

Many Misunderstand Social Security Benefits, Engaged Participants Also Need Help, Investment Committees Need Balanced Discussions


NewsDash – March 12

Demand Growing for Participant-Focused Mobile Tech, Targeting Generational Issues in Retirement Education, Debunking SRI Myths


NewsDash – March 11

Senators Urge IBM to Reconsider Match Decision, DOL’s TDF Guidance “Mischaracterizes the Market’, SURVEY SAYS: Flexible Work Arrangements


NewsDash – March 8

A Plan Sponsor’s Financial Wellness Program Success, Individuals Need Long-Term Care Conversations, ERISA Concerns for Annuity Contracts in DC Plans


NewsDash – March 7

PLANSPONSOR’s 20/20 Vision, Even Active Retirement Planners Need a Push, Regulatory and Legal DC Issues for 2013


NewsDash – March 6

Tax Reforms to Loom Over 401(k)s in 2013, Women Need Retirement Strategies, Gotbaum Offers Suggestions for Multiemployer Plan Crisis


NewsDash – March 5

Participants Still Lack Fee Knowledge, DC Plan Investing Lessons from DBs, EBSA Offers Tips for Selecting TDFs


NewsDash – March 4

Putnam Launches Health Cost Estimator, Investing Globally Offers Important Advantages, IRS Offers 403(b) Plan Fix-It Guide


NewsDash – March 1

Participants With IRAs Saving More, ERISA Concerns When Combining SPD, Prospectus, Lawmakers Attack Health Care Reform Again


NewsDash – February 28

Retirees Not Retiring, Smoothing May Distort Financial Picture for DBs, Council Says DOMA Burdens Employers


NewsDash – February 27

Americans Want New Pensions, 401(k) Plan Fees Declining, What the DOL Has in Store


NewsDash – February 26

IBM Match Decision a Bellwether for Others?, Americans’ Savings Habits Unchanged, IRS Offers FAQs About RMDs


NewsDash – February 25

Educating Participants About RMDs, Prudential Announces Educational Tools, SURVEY SAYS: Obstacles to Retirement Savings Goals


NewsDash – February 22

Executives Rethinking Retirement, ING Offers Savings Benchmarking Tool, DOL Gets $80M for Stock Plan Suit


NewsDash – February 21

Reforms Needed to Reduce IRA Fees, Family Pressures Thwart Boomers’ Retirement Plans, Campaign Provides Employee Education Opportunity


NewsDash – February 20

Employees With DC Plan Access Save More, Nationwide to Offer Fiduciary Service to 457(b)s, It’s a Job Interview Not a Dating Service


NewsDash – February 19

Developing a Fiduciary File Cabinet, PLANSPONSOR’s 2013 403(b) Buyer’s Guide Now Online, SURVEY SAYS: Most Influential Retirement Industry Developments


NewsDash – February 15

Gen X and Gen Y Uninformed About Investments, Affording Health Care Tops Financial Worries, Industry Veteran Wants to Spark a Savings Movement


NewsDash – February 14

Factors That Impact Retirement Readiness, DB Lump-Sum Offerings Will Continue in 2013, DC Plan Withdrawal Guarantees and QJSA Rules


NewsDash – February 13

More Plan Sponsors Sticking With Providers, Russell Brings Together TDFs and Managed Accounts, Cost of Loving Increases in 2013


NewsDash – February 12

Men More Secure About Retiring, Improving the Automatic Plan Design, Fidelity Facing Suit Regarding Float Income


NewsDash – February 11

Paper Poses a New Withdrawal Rate Method, Gold Investments Can Provide Long-Term Gains, SURVEY SAYS: Best and Worst Super Bowl XLVII Commercials


NewsDash – February 8

Americans Support DC Plan System, TDFs Outperformed Indexes in Q4, Electronic Disclosure Rules Need Updating


NewsDash – February 7

Improving the Plan Sponsor-Trustee Relationship, Do Trustees from Mutual Funds Play Favorites?, 2013 Pension Funded Status: What to Expect


NewsDash – February 6

Retirement Expectations May Be Too Ambitious, Can Balances of Missing Participants Be Fofeited?, “Problem Solver” a Resume Problem


NewsDash – February 5

Digital Divide Among Retirement Plan Participants, Player’s Daughter Defrauded NFL Pension, ING Settles with DOL on Processing Error Policy


NewsDash – February 4

In-Plan Guaranteed Income Options Solve DC Risk, ESOP Challenged on Post-Recession Benefits Changes, SURVEY SAYS: Education About Finances


NewsDash – February 1

Many Plan to Work Longer for Health Benefits, Navigating ACA Guidance, Retirement Savings Hearing Witnesses Share What Works


NewsDash – January 31

Report About Retirement Plan Tax Incentives Challenged, Are Higher PBGC Premiums for ‘Risky’ Companies Necessary, PBGC Warns of Trouble for Multiemployer Program


NewsDash – January 30

How to Solve the ‘Equity Dilemma’, Most Retiring 401(k) Participants Leave the Plan, Work Day or Hotel Stay?


NewsDash – January 29

Employers Use Benefits to Recruit Employees, Many Unprepared for Retirement but Still Hopeful, Diversification Helped TDFs in 2012


NewsDash – January 28

PLANSPONSOR’s 2013 Plan Sponsor of the Year Finalists, Executives Should Reconsider Qualified Plans, SURVEY SAYS: Super Bowl XLVII


NewsDash – January 25

DC Plans Need More Diversification Options, Effect of Election Results for Plan Sponsors, IRS Voluntary Correction Program Forms Available


NewsDash – January 24

Wealthier Plan Participants Turn to Outside Advisers, Considerations for Selecting a Plan Provider, Court Makes Repeat Decision in Amara v. CIGNA


NewsDash – January 23

Parents Play Important Role in Financial Education, Gen X and Y Prefer Interactive Retirement Tools, Mobile Apps Get Personal


NewsDash – January 22

Health Care Reform No Reason to Panic, Baby Boomer Retirements Affect Entire Economy, SURVEY SAYS: Oscar Best Picture Nominees


NewsDash – January 18

Employees Ready to Hand Over the Retirement Savings Reins, Firm Rolls Out Retirement Income Planning Tool, More Pensions Using Glide Paths


NewsDash – January 17

Employers Making Retirement Readiness a Top Priority, Lincoln Aims to Grow Government Markets Presence, Money Market Fund Reforms Worked: ICI


NewsDash – January 16

Perceived Value of Employee Benefits Improving, Are DC Plan Sponsors Funding Retirement?, Job Seekers Reveal True Character in Interviews


NewsDash – January 15

Tax-Exempts Increasingly Using Nonqualified Plans, 10 Steps for DC Sponsors in the New Year, Solis Announces Resignation of DOL Post


NewsDash – January 14

Retirement Concerns Plague Nonprofit Employees, Sibson Offers Considerations for Terminating Frozen DB, SURVEY SAYS: Increasing Salary Deferrals


NewsDash – January 11

Retirement Savings Resolutions for Participants, Managed Volatility Investing a Growing Trend, Pension Lump Sums Must Account for COLAs


NewsDash – January 10

Employees Willing to Engage in Wellness, Social Media Can Help Build Financial Brands, Taxation for Beneficiaries Younger Than 59 1/2


NewsDash – January 9

DC Plan Sponsors Focused on Compliance in 2012, Most Recordkeeping RFPs to Benchmark Fees, Ecuador Is the “Complete Package” for Retirees


NewsDash – January 8

Tax-Advantaged Accounts Important for Retirement, Pentegra Launches Q&A Tool, Updated Contribution/Benefit Limits Table


NewsDash – January 7

Revamped 401(k) Helps Employees Get on Track, Wyeth Settles Stock Drop Suit, SURVEY SAYS: Regifting


NewsDash – January 4

Pension Contention Stalling End to NHL Lockout, IRS Updates Compliance Resolution System, Fiscal Cliff Deal Extends Roth Conversions


NewsDash – January 3

What to Do About Missed RMDs, Prudential Debuts LIVESTRONG Portfolios, Pension Funding Levels Slightly Declined in 2012


NewsDash – January 2

Employer Costs for DC Plan Higher Than DB, 2013 Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers, PBGC Updates Premium Payment Instructions

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