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2015 Plan Sponsor of the Year Finalists: Public DC, Public DB and Multiple Plans
PLANSPONSOR is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2015 PLANSPONSOR Plan
Sponsor of the Year award in multiple categories.
In the Public DC category, the finalists are:
- City of Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada
- County of San Diego Deferred Compensation Program San Diego, California
In the Public DB category, the finalists are:
- Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Oak Brook, Illinois
- Missouri Local Government Employee Retirement System (LAGERS) Jefferson City, Missouri
For the first time, the judges have also selected one finalist/winner in a new category: the Multiple Retirement Plans category:
- Mary Washington Healthcare Fredericksburg, Virginia
To be considered, a plan sponsor must first be nominated for the award. Nominations are accepted from across the industry, after which the sponsor is asked to complete an online form providing details about its plan’s administration, participant statistics and data, such as participation rates. A committee of PLANSPONSOR editors reviews the submissions and selects those that rise to the top.
Winners and finalists will be recognized at the annual PLANSPONSOR/PLANADVISER Awards for Excellence dinner in New York City on March 31, and also will be featured in the March issue of PLANSPONSOR magazine.