2024 ERISA Plan Compliance Calendar

A schedule to help plan sponsors track important due dates for their plans.

Being a retirement plan sponsor involves juggling many tasks including, importantly, making sure your plan complies with all pertinent federal legislation and regulations. A compliance calendar keeps track of required filings, their due dates and related details so plan sponsors can avoid incurring any fines or other penalties for late filings or missing information.

What follows is intended to alert sponsors of retirement plans governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act to some of the significant regulatory dates for 2024. It does not identify all compliance obligations or due dates, and the calendar assumes that a plan is being administered on a calendar year basis by an employer using a calendar fiscal year.

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For the most part, the information for defined benefit plans applies to single-employer plans.

A downloadable PDF is available here.


16 // Deadline for final minimum funding quarterly installment payment for defined benefit plans that had a funding shortfall in 2022—i.e., due 15 days after the last plan-year quarter-end. (Due January 15, which falls on a holiday in 2024. The IRS provides that dates that fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday are delayed until the next business day.)

30 // Deadline to provide participants and beneficiaries of a defined benefit plan with the notice of benefit restrictions if the DB plan is less than 60% funded. (Due January 30, or 30 days after the measurement date at which the plan has become subject to a benefit restriction.)

31 // Many recordkeepers require participant data for average deferral percentage (ADP)/average contribution percentage (ACP), top-heavy and 402(g) compliance testing to be returned by this date.

31 // Deadline for sending Form 1099-R to participants who received distributions from a qualified retirement plan during the previous year.


14 // Deadline for participant-directed defined contribution plans to provide participants with the quarterly benefit/disclosure statement and statement of plan fees and expenses charged to individual plan accounts during the last quarter of 2023. (Due 45 days after the end of the quarter.)

28 // Deadline for filing Form 1099-R with the IRS, if not filed electronically, to report distributions made in the previous year.


15 // Employer contributions due to the retirement plan’s trust for S corporations and partnerships with December 31 fiscal year-end in order to take deductions with no corporate tax extension.

15 // Forms 1042 and 1042-S due to the IRS to report, respectively, income tax withheld from distributions made to nonresident aliens and retirement plan distributions made to nonresident aliens.

15 // Deadline for distributing ADP/ACP refunds without incurring a 10% excise tax on the employer—i.e., due 2 1/2 months following the plan year-end. (Note: A special deadline applies to plans satisfying the requirements of an eligible automatic contribution arrangement (EACA). See June.)

15 // Deadline to apply to the IRS for a waiver of the minimum funding standard for DB and money purchase pension plans—i.e., no later than the 15th day of the third month after the close of the plan year for which the waiver is requested.


1 // Electronic filings of Form 1099-R for 2023 distributions are due to the IRS. (The deadline is March 31, which falls on the weekend in 2024. The IRS provides that dates that fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday are delayed until the next business day.)

15 // Deadline for corrective distributions of excess deferral amounts under Internal Revenue Code Section 402(g) to participants.

15 // Deadline for first 2024 minimum funding quarterly installment payment for DB plans that had a funding shortfall in 2023—i.e., due 15 days after the last plan-year quarter-end.

15 // Employer contributions due to the plan’s trust for C corporations with December 31 fiscal year-end in order to take deductions with no corporate tax extension.

29 // Deadline for sponsors of single and multiemployer DB pension plans to send their annual funding notice to participants, beneficiaries and labor organizations representing participants. (The notice must be provided no later than 120 days after the close of the plan year, and 2024 is a leap year.) Small plans—i.e., those covering fewer than 100 participants—must provide the notice by the IRS filing due date of the plan’s Form 5500; the notice takes the place of the summary annual report for a DB plan.

30 // Reconciliation filing and payment for the 2023 comprehensive Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation premium due to the PBGC for DB plans that filed an earlier estimated variable rate premium in the October 16, 2023, comprehensive filing.


15 // Deadline for participant-directed DC plans to supply participants with the quarterly benefit/disclosure statement and statement of plan fees and expenses charged to individual plan accounts during first quarter of this year. (Due 45 days after the end of the quarter.)


28 // Deadline for retirement plans with publicly traded employer securities to file their Form 11-K annual report—i.e., by 180 days after the end of the retirement plan year.

30 // Deadline for corrective distributions for failed ADP/ACP tests to highly compensated employees (HCEs), to avoid a 10% excise tax on the employer for EACA plans. (June 30 falls on a weekend in 2024. There is an open question as to whether the IRS rules for extending deadlines that fall on a non-business day apply to corrective distribution deadlines.)


15 // Deadline for the second 2024 minimum funding quarterly installment payment for DB plans that had a funding shortfall in 2023—i.e., due 15 days after the last plan-year quarter-end.

29 // Summary of material modifications is due to participants—i.e., 210 days after the end of the plan year in which the change was adopted—unless it was included in a timely updated summary plan description (SPD). (The summary of material modifications must be provided no later than 210 days after the close of the plan year; however, 2024 is a leap year, and July 28 falls on a weekend in 2024. The DOL provides that filing dates that fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday are delayed until the next business day.)

31 // Form 5330, which reports excise taxes related to employee benefit plans, is due to the IRS.

31 // Form 5500 is due to the DOL for plans with a December 31 plan year-end—i.e., due seven months after year-end. The Form 5500 filing can be delayed if the Form 5558 is filed with the IRS by this date; also called the Application for Extension of Time to File Certain Employee Plan Returns, it is used to apply for an extension to file forms 5500 and/or 5330.

31 // Deadline for annual benefit statements for individual account plans not offering participant-directed investments.


14 // Deadline for participant-directed DC plans to provide participants with the quarterly benefit/disclosure statement and statement of plan fees and expenses that were charged to individual plan accounts during second quarter of the year. (Due 45 days after the end of the quarter.)


15 // Deadline for money purchase pension, target benefit and DB plans to make required contributions to their plan trust—i.e., by 8 1/2 months after the plan year-end—and for S corporations and partnership plan sponsors that filed a corporate tax extension to make 2023 employer profit-sharing and matching contributions. (Note: September 15 falls on a weekend in 2024, so plan sponsors should prepare accordingly.)

15 // Minimum funding deadline for the 2022 plan year for pension plans that do not have a funding shortfall for 2023. (Note: September 15 falls on a weekend in 2024, so plan sponsors should prepare accordingly)

16 // Form 5500 due to the DOL’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) from plans eligible for an automatic extension linked to a corporate tax extension. (September 15 falls on a weekend in 2024. The DOL provides that filing dates that fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday are delayed until the next business day.)

30 // Summary annual reports are due to participants from plans with a December 31 year-end—i.e., due nine months after the plan year-end or two months after filing Form 5500 (unless Form 5500 filing is extended).


2 // Start of the period to disseminate annual notices to participants, including the 401(k) safe harbor, automatic contribution arrangement (ACA), qualified automatic contribution arrangement (QACA) safe harbor and qualified default investment alternative (QDIA)—i.e., from 90 to 30 days prior to the end of the current plan year.*

15 // IRS deadline for filing the retroactive amendment to correct an Internal Revenue Code Section 410(b) coverage or Section 401(a)(4) nondiscrimination failure.

15 // Deadline for third 2024 minimum funding quarterly installment payment for DB plans that had a funding shortfall in 2023—i.e., due 15 days after the last plan-year quarter-end.

15 // A PBGC flat rate and variable rate annual premium filing and payment is due to the PBGC—i.e., by the 15th day of the 10th full month after the month the plan year began.

15 // Deadline for filing Form 5500 after a plan files Form 5558 to request an extension.

15 // Form 5310-A due to the IRS to give notice of the establishment of qualified separate lines of business.


14 // Deadline for participant-directed DC plans to provide participants with quarterly benefit/disclosure statement and statement of plan fees and expenses charged to individual plan accounts during third quarter of the year. (Due 45 days after the end of the quarter.)

15 // Summary annual reports due to participants if the Form 5500 deadline was extended because of a corporate tax filing extension.


1 // Final deadline to disseminate the 401(k) safe harbor annual notice to plan participants. (Note: December 1, 2024, falls on a weekend, so plan sponsors should prepare accordingly.)

1 // Final deadline for supplying the QDIA annual required notice to all participants who were defaulted into a QDIA no more than 30 days prior to the beginning of the plan year. (Note: December 1, 2024, falls on a weekend, so plan sponsors should prepare accordingly.)

1 // Final deadline to provide participants with the annual automatic enrollment and default investment notices; these may be combined with the QDIA notice. (Note: December 1, 2024, falls on a weekend, so plan sponsors should prepare accordingly.)

1 // Deadline to elect safe harbor status for the current plan year with non-elective contributions if the non-elective contribution is less than 4% of compensation. (Note: December 1 falls on a weekend in 2024, so plan sponsors should prepare accordingly.)

16 // Extended deadline for providing summary annual reports to participants if the Form 5500 deadline was extended because of filing Form 5558. (Note: December 15 falls on a weekend in 2024. The DOL provides that filing dates that fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday are delayed until the next business day.)

31 // 2024 RMDs are due to participants who were age 72 and older prior to January 1, 2023.

31 // Deadline for correcting a failed ADP/ACP test.

31 // Deadline to adopt discretionary amendments to the plan, subject to certain exceptions—e.g., anti-cutbacks.

31 // Deadline for a safe harbor plan to remove its safe harbor status for the following year or for an existing DC plan to convert to a safe harbor plan.

31 // Deadline to elect safe harbor status for the prior plan year with a nonelective contribution of 4% or more of compensation.

*If a traditional safe harbor 401(k) plan provides a nonelective contribution but also provides non-safe harbor matching contributions that are structured so the plan is not required to satisfy the ACP test, then the plan still must satisfy the safe harbor notice requirements. If a traditional safe harbor 401(k) plan that satisfies the safe harbor nonelective contribution requirements also provides non-safe harbor matching contributions and is required to satisfy the ACP test, then the plan need not satisfy the safe harbor notice requirements.

Participant Fee Disclosure Requirements

  • Plan sponsors must furnish fee disclosures to participants on or before the date on which they or their beneficiary can first direct their investments in the plan and at least annually thereafter, which is now defined as “at least once in any 14-month period, without regard to whether the plan operates on a calendar year or fiscal year basis.”
  • Plan sponsors must, at least quarterly, furnish participants with a statement of account expenses and the services for which they apply.
  • If any changes are made to fee information, plan sponsors must communicate the change to participants at least 30 days, but not more than 90 days, in advance of it.

Miscellaneous Requirements

  • Defined contribution (DC) plan statements must be provided at least annually for participants who do not have the right to direct their investments, and at least quarterly for those who do have the right.
  • A QDIA [qualified default investment alternative] notice for plans that choose to use a QDIA must be provided to participants 30 days prior to their first investment. Note: If the plan has immediate eligibility, participants must be given the notice as soon as administratively feasible.
  • Notice to participants of a qualified automatic contribution arrangement (QACA) or an eligible automatic contribution arrangement (EACA), and of a participant’s ability to opt out, must be provided 30 days prior to eligibility and then annually. For plans with immediate eligibility, notice may be given on or as soon as feasible after eligibility.
  • Defined benefit (DB) or money purchase pension (MPP) plans must provide the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) with a notice of failure to meet minimum funding standards within 60 days of a missed payment or denial of payment waiver.
  • An explanation of a plan’s pre-retirement survivor annuity must be provided to a participant between the first day of the plan year in which he reaches age 32 and the last day of plan year in which he reaches 35. If a participant is over 35 when hired, he should be given the explanation within one year of hire.
  • An explanation of a joint and survivor annuity must be made to affected plan participants between 90 and 30 days before the annuity’s starting date.
A downloadable PDF is available here.
—Reviewing and editing by Summer Conley, a Partner in the Los Angeles office, and Elise Norcini, an Associate in the Dallas office, at Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Regulatory Updates for Corrections, SECURE 2.0, Health Plans

Health plans, ESOPs and VFCP are all short-term priorities for the DOL.

The Internal Revenue Service and Department of Labor published on Friday their regulatory agendas for spring 2024. The agendas describe the short-term objectives for the regulators and contained items related to the fiduciary adviser definition proposal, SECURE 2.0, health plans, fiduciary corrections and employee ownership.

Fiduciary Corrections

As part of the announcement, the DOL announced it would publish a final rule on fiduciary corrections this month to close the process it began it November 2022.

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The DOL initially proposed to amend the Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program to permit fiduciaries to self-correct without pre-approval errors related to not vesting employee contributions or processing participant loan repayments. The errors must be no older than 180 days and related to amounts no greater than $1,000 in total.

If finalized, this would enable self-correction of a majority of the errors made by plan fiduciaries.

Fiduciary Adviser Proposal

The Conflict of Interest in Investment Advice proposal, sometimes called the retirement security proposal, was listed in the DOL’s agenda. However, the agenda did not outline a timetable for a final rule or even next steps. A public hearing on the proposal is scheduled for December 12, and the comment period closes on January 2, 2024.


As it relates to the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, the DOL’s agenda contains updates on employee ownership and automatic portability.

Section 346 of SECURE 2.0 requires the DOL to “issue formal guidance for acceptable standards and procedures to establish good faith fair market value for shares of a business to be acquired by an employee stock ownership plan.”

The regulatory agenda shows that the DOL intends to propose a rule in March, though agendas of this kind are not legally binding and can be aspirational in nature. The issue of regulatory clarity on properly valuing private equity is a source of much litigation and is a major deterrent to the creation of ESOPs.

For automatic portability, Section 120 of SECURE 2.0 created a “statutory exemption for the receipt of fees and compensation by the automatic portability provider for services provided in connection with an automatic portability transaction.” The agenda announced that the DOL intends to begin hosting stakeholder meetings in June 2024.

Health Plans

The IRS announced it would finalize a new rule related to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act in June 2024. The IRS initially proposed a new rule under MHPAEA in August. The proposal seeks to limit the ability of plan sponsors to use non-quantitative treatment limitation to restrict access to mental health treatment.

The DOL also announced it will finalize a rule that seeks to reconcile access to contraceptives with religious objections thereto by August 2024. The proposal was published in February.
