529 Plans Post $97.4B in Assets in Q306

January 30, 2007 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - The assets in Section 529 college savings plans climbed by 4.9% to $97.4 billion during the third quarter of 2006, up from $92.9 billion the quarter before, according to the Investment Company Institute (ICI).

Prepaid plans held $15.2 billion of the assets and savings plans $82.2 billion.

The number of 529 plan accounts increased 2% to nine million, bringing the number of prepaid plan accounts to 2.1 million and savings plan accounts to seven million.

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Virgina has the greatest number of 529 plan accounts at 1,428,530, with a combined value of $19.1 billion, followed by Florida, with 1,180,385 accounts totaling $5.7 billion.

For the full ICI data report visit  http://www.ici.org/issues/edu/529s_09-06.html .
