DATAIR Announces Addition to Plan Document System

September 23, 2011 ( - DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems, Inc. announced the addition of 2012 Cycle A Cash Balance Pension Plan Documents to its Plan Document System. 

DATAIR has also redesigned its Summary Plan Description to a Q&A format.

Plan Document System lets users select plan provisions from on-screen checklists and then generates tailored plan documents, SPDs, administrative forms, notices, and procedures.

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Cash Balance plans give the advantage of DC plan account balances and employee communications, coupled with the higher deductibility limits available to DB plans. Cash Balance Plans are Individually Designed Documents and should be filed with Form 5300 according to the IRS staggered five-year Cycle. DATAIR’s Plan Document System now includes EGTRRA Cycles A through E with all required interim amendments plus the new 2012 Cycle A Cash Balance Pension Plan Documents.

DATAIR lets pension professionals license the Plan Document System with just the document types and plan types they need: Prototype/Volume Submitter/Individually Designed – DC/401(k), Defined Benefit, 403(b), Cafeteria, and Cash Balance. Plan Document System is licensed on a site basis (no limit to the numbers of users or documents produced at one office).  Licensees receive support on systems and document questions at no additional cost.
