SURVEY SAYS Cheering for the Chiefs or Favoring the 49ers?

NewsDash readers share which team they want to win Super Bowl 54.

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, “Which team do you want to win Super Bowl 54?”

The Kansas City Chiefs are the clear favorites, with two-thirds of responding readers selecting that team to win. Only 16.7% selected the San Francisco 49ers, and the same percentage chose “don’t know/care.”

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Among those who chose to leave comments, it seems quite a few are cheering for the Chiefs because of Coach Andy Reid. Of course, a few expressed gladness that there were new contenders in the game this year. A number of readers are looking forward to the ads, although one said, “Even the commercials won’t be enough for me to care about this game.” This week’s Editor’s Choice goes to the commenter that made me LOL: “I want the red team to win.”

Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey!


I had no idea who was playing or when it was until this survey. Now I’m just looking forward to the commercials.

Should be an exciting game. It’s great to have another team from the AFC besides the Patriots for once.

It’s a sure bet if I want a team to win you should bet on the other team because mine will lose. That is why I chose “Don’t care,” neither of the teams I wanted are in the Super Bowl.

Going to be an exciting game with 2 of the leagues youngest and more promising star quarterbacks! We will most likely see both of these quarterbacks in the Super Bowl again during the next 10-15 years.

Born and raised in Kansas City, so I definitely want the Chiefs to win!

I would like to see Andy Reid win a Super Bowl.

I always say “I just want a good game” whenever my hometown Minnesota Vikings aren’t playing (which has been for more than 40 years), but my wife is from the Bay Area, so this year I have to say “Go Niners!”

The ads are better than the game. Usually.

I want the red team to win.

49ers have a Good Offensive- running a fullback- BUT their defense is GREAT! Bunker and Ackerman big mean tackling machines.

I’m a Packers fan, but we all know how that game went. So I have to go with my husband’s team and root for the Chiefs. It would have definitely been a house divided had it been the Packers and the Chiefs!

I just wish there was a Premiere League game to watch on Sunday evening!

It should be a much better game than last year’s 13-3 snooze

I was 5 years old when the Chiefs last appeared in and won a Super Bowl. It’s been a long 50 years! Go Chiefs!

KC resident here – we are overdue for a Super Bowl win (50 years)!

Andy Reid. That’s all that needs to be said.

Would like to see Andy Reid win a championship

SF is now literally a sewer. From a political standpoint, I detest SF and would prefer they never win another championship.

Go Chiefs!!

The lesser of two teams I don’t care for.

I’m just glad we don’t have to deal with the Patriots again this year! I think more people will tune in!

Start earlier or move to Saturday. Eliminate half time show. Improve commercials — is it me or they’re just not as good, unless a Clydesdale is involved.

Even the commercials won’t be enough for me to care about this game.

My hope is that the NFL dies a rapid death and takes its corruption and brain damaging actions with it.

I’m excited the Chiefs are in the Super Bowl and hope the cruise line I’ll be on at the time will have a Super Bowl party!

Even though my response is I don’t care, I do enjoy football. I am happy to see some new teams in the Super Bowl this year. Young talent seems to be making its mark on the professional sport.


49ers have enough wins!

Andy Reid, former coach for the Philadelphia Eagles, deserves to finally win a Super Bowl. He is a great coach and was too distracted with family drama in Philly to get to the big game. I hope this year is his year!

Fifty years……..

I don’t really care for either team but it would be nice to see Jimmy get a Super Bowl victory. Something tells me the Patriots could use him back right about now.

Hope the commercials are better this year 🙂

I root for teams with Vols, Bearcats and RedHawks on them. KC has all three!!

It has been a long time for KC, and their coach is loved by his players and respected by other teams.


NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not necessarily the stance of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) or its affiliates.
