Smith has been named CalSTRS chief operating investment officer (COIO).
Glenn Hosokawa was named director of the $22.4 billion asset class, Fixed
Income, the CalSTRS funds’ second largest. Paul Shantic was named director of Inflation
Sensitive, the newest and smallest asset class with an investment portfolio at
$1.4 billion.
three appointments, coupled with our 2010 creation of a deputy chief investment officer, complete a new organizational structure that allows us to bring more
assets in-house,” says CalSTRS Chief Investment Officer Christopher J. Ailman.
“This structure matches what you find in most large investment money managers.
This also fits our plans to internally manage more of our assets—currently at
45% in-house—to a projected 60% internally managed.”
three new appointments moved up from high-level positions in CalSTRS. Smith was
director of investment operations. Hosokawa and Shantic were acting
co-directors of Fixed Income.
new structure has the COIO overseeing Investment Operations, Branch
Administration, and a new unit comprised of Compliance, Internal Controls,
Ethics and Business Continuity. The new position will also directly report to
the Investment Committee twice per year. This fulfills a goal of CalSTRS’
internal auditors, who recommended the separation between investment management
and investment operations.
CalSTRS, with a
portfolio valued at $186.4 billion as of September 30, 2014, is considered the largest
educator-only pension fund in the world. CalSTRS administers a hybrid
retirement system, consisting of traditional defined benefit, cash balance and
voluntary defined contribution plans. It also provides disability and survivor
benefits. CalSTRS serves California’s 868,000 public school educators and their
families from the state’s 1,600 school districts, county offices of education
and community college districts.
had good participation [in our 401(k) plan], and we have people enrolling at a
pretty good deferral rate above what we match, so we weren’t interested in
implementing auto-enrollment,” Sonja Kellen, Microsoft’s director of global retirement, based in Redmond, Washington, tells PLANSPONSOR. “But one of things
we like about auto-enrollment is that it incentivizes savings behavior regardless of
whether there’s a company match. It’s an indication of what employees should do.”
issue Microsoft noted was how long it took new employees to enroll in the plan.
Kellen adds that Microsoft’s goal was not only to drive optimization of
benefits use, but to get more employees into the plan’s target-date funds to
improve investment diversification.
the same time Microsoft was contemplating its issues, Fidelity Investments was
considering how to make plan enrollment easier for participants because it was
hearing that employees had no idea how much to save or how to invest, and that
employees wanted an easy enrollment they could do on a tablet or over the
phone, according to Suzanne Howard, Fidelity’s vice president of 401(k)
management, based in Covington, Kentucky.
the two got together—the provider and its client—to develop a tool that would
solve these issues.
result was EasyEnroll, an enrollment experience that allows employees to enroll
in their workplace retirement plan with just two clicks. “It was a true collaboration,”
Howard says. “Sonja’s team was with us from the concept. Microsoft helped
develop the idea, used a research panel, worked with us on the prototype, and
was the test client for EasyEnroll.”
Embedded on Fidelity’s
NetBenefits site for plan participants, when employees access EasyEnroll, they
are presented with three packages created by the provider and employer. For example, employees may be presented with an
8%, 10%, and 12% deferral rate, each of which includes enrollment in an
automatic deferral increase feature and enrollment in the plan’s target-date
funds. The packages may be customized by the plan sponsor—automatic deferral increases and the
default fund are based on the plan’s design, and plan sponsors may choose the
deferral rates for each package, according to Howard. Employees click on the
package they want, review it, then click again to enroll. Howard adds that
employees are also given the option to go through standard enrollment if they want
to choose a different deferral rate or their own investments.
introduced EasyEnroll to its employees in May of this year. As of September 30, the company has 65,000 current employees eligible for the 401(k) plan. There are about 77,000 participants overall in the plan including active, terminated, and retired employees, and it has $12.1 billion in assets. The plan enjoys a 91% participation rate, up
from 87% last year. Microsoft matches 50% of the first 6% of pay an employee
puts into the plan, and participant deferrals average 8%.
implementation the issue of the delay in new hires enrolling has also improved. “We’ve
seen a 20% increase in the number of new hires who enroll right away,” Kellen
says. “Sixty percent of new enrollees are using EasyEnroll rather than standard
enrollment, and most of those who opt out of EasyEnroll are doing so to elect
higher savings rates, which is good.”
simplified enrollment experience has also led to an increase in the number of
employees using automatic deferral escalation. Before utilizing EasyEnroll, Microsoft
allowed employees to opt in to auto-increase—which increases participant
deferrals each year at the same time employees get salary increases—but the
company didn’t use any campaigns to encourage use of the feature, according to
Kellen. “Before EasyEnroll, about 3,300 employees
used auto-increase. Now about 5,500 do,” she notes.
has also seen greater utilization of the plan’s target-date funds (TDFs). “The
TDFs were already the most popular investment option among news hires, with
about half selecting them,” Kellen says. “Since the launch of EasyEnroll, the percent
of plan assets in TDFs increased from about 15% to 16%. Looking at the number
of participant, about 2,500 more are using the TDFs.”
forward, Microsoft plans to experiment with the findings of the research and
testing that went into developing an easier enrollment system. According to
Howard, they did extensive research and testing to ensure participants would
not only be able to move through the enrollment experience, but tested the
behavior of employees and whether, when presented with higher savings rates,
they would accept them.
With its EasyEnroll launch
in May, Microsoft presented employees with packages based on 6%, 8% and 10%
deferral rates. Kellen says the company just changed the package rates to 8%,
10% and 12% to see if that will improve overall savings rates or if it will lead
more employees to choose standard enrollment. "We think they will still
use the easier enrollment,” she says.