Plan Profile
Plan Profile
Continuous Improvement
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2019 winner Corporate 401(k) >$500MM

Plan Design
Plan Design
Upgraded NQDC Plans
Sponsors get creative with how they use these supplemental benefits.

Model Retirement Plans
This year, 12 401(k)s reveal what it means to be Best in...
Participant Analysis |September-October
Diversified Retirement Income
Participants need a plan for optimizing their whole nest egg in retirement.
Rules/Regs |September-October
From Washington and the Courts
Insurers may have to meet more requirements to be used in a PRT; the IRS reports it will monitor for...
UpFront |September-October
How Auto-Portability Works
A founding partner in the Portability Services Network explains the mechanics of plan-to-plan account transfers.
UpFront |September-October
A $1,000 Buffer Can Keep Savings Afloat
An emergency account serves to back up participants’ savings in their employer-sponsored plan, research finds.
UpFront |September-October
Ask the Experts: Annuities Outside the Plan
Question: We’re a new church-plan sponsor that does not offer annuities at all in our 403(b) plan, either as investment options or as a form of distribution. May...
UpFront |September-October
The Pluses and Pitfalls of SWPs
Retirees can benefit from a systematic withdrawal feature, if they are careful of how they draw their savings down.
Tidbits |September-October
A Plan for Permanence The Diminishing Trust In the Fund Beneath the Shiny Surface While 94% of employees said they like the concept of guaranteed income for...
Participants |September-October
If the Goal Is Engagement
Steps to better outcomes for the plan next year.
Fiduciary Forum |September-October
When to Amend?
Plan sponsors face multiple deadlines, but some are unclear.