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Survey Finds Participant Choice, Access Increase
Balance inquiries (62.9%) and investment changes (60.2%) were the most common Internet options, according to the 43rd Annual Survey of Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plans.
On the other hand, Intranet usage continues to be something of a rarity, with just 7.4% of plans offering that option, according to the survey. However, that is nearly twice the 4.1% that made that available a year earlier.
Some 4.2% of plans now offer automatic enrollment, though it is much more prevalent in plans with more than 5,000 participants. 17.3% of those plans offer the option. Of plans offering this option 40% use an assumed deferral rate of 3%, the most common choice.
Employee pre-tax deferrals average 5.4% for non-highly compensated workers, up from 5.1% of pay a year ago and 4.2% in 1991.
Employer contributions averaged 4.7% of payroll, but were 8.6% of pay in profit-sharing plans and just 3.3% of pay in 401(k) plans. As a percentage of payroll, employer contributions to 401(k) plans represented 14.1% of total net profit, compared with 25.9% for profit-sharing programs.
Options Increase
Over half (51.2%) of respondent plans offer 10 or more investment choices to participants, up significantly from 1998’s 28.8%. The average number of funds available is 11.5. Over three-fourths (75.7%) offered daily valuation.
Actively managed domestic equity funds were offered by 85.7% of plans, compared with 73.2% that offered actively managed international equity funds and the 72.7% that offered balanced funds. Just 67.7% offered indexed domestic equity funds.
Respondent plan asset allocations were:
- 77% in equities
- 7.5% in stable value
- 2.6% in cash equivalents
Stocking Up
In plans with 5,000 or more participants, nearly half of assets were invested in company stock (46.4% of assets), with actively managed domestic equity funds (13.8%), indexed domestic equity funds (11.0%), balanced funds (10.8%) and stable value funds comprising 7.1%.
In plans with less than 5,000 participants, assets were most commonly invested in actively managed domestic equities (38.2% of assets), company stock (16.7% of assets) and stable value funds (10.5% of assets).
The vast majority of 401(k) plans (82.4%) offer loans. On average a quarter of participants have an outstanding loan, with an average loan balance of $5,936. Loan balances are 1.4% of plan assets in plans where they are offered.
Nearly a third (29.6%) of 401(k) plans now offer immediate vesting.
Service Providers
Large plans are much more likely to have a bank trustee (54.8%), while plans with less than 50 participants are generally (74.9%) self-trusteed.
Recordkeeping services are provided most often by
- third party administrators (26.1%)
- banks (14.3%)
- mutual funds (13.2%)
14.1% of plans use more than one recordkeeper.
– Nevin Adams