New Study Highlights Best Employers in Asia

October 2, 2001 ( - The best employers in Asia have engaged and committed employees; contribute to the region's competitiveness and growth; and create a culture that meets the needs for the business and workforce, a recent study finds.

Results of the study, “The Best Employers in Asia,” conducted by Hewitt Associates, The Asian Wall Street Journal and the Far Eastern Economic Review, shed light on these characteristics.

Rules of Engagement

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Engagement scores, which measure employees’ emotional and intellectual commitment to their companies, at the top employers were 16 points higher than other participating companies. In fact, when asked whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, “I feel this is an exceptional place to work,”

  • some 83% of the employees at Best Employers either agreed or strongly agreed
  • compared to only 56% of employees at firms that didn’t make the list.
  • Overall, engagement scores averaged 55% for the region with The Philippines recording the highest individual country engagement score at almost 72%.

Winning Workers

Managers at 85% of Best Employers in Asia believe that they are able to attract the right workers, in comparison to 64% of managers at other companies. In addition, 78% of the former group feel confident in their retention methods versus managers at only 56% of employers that didn’t make the list.

And Best Employers are more likely to develop future leaders internally and provide more opportunities for employees to learn skills for current and future roles.

Asian Tigers

The study also revealed that the best employers also are better employment creators. Between 1999 and 2000, the 81 Best Employers grew their workforces by 7.14% compared to 4.81% at other companies.

Culture Club

The majority (91%) of those employed at Best Employers report having a good understanding of the organization’s goals, direction and objectives, according to research results. In addition, Best Employers also share information on a more regular basis and in ways that are more effective than other companies.

In comparison to workers at other companies, more employees at Best Employers:

  • feel positive about their relationship with their supervisors,
  • feel positive about working with colleagues to achieve their goals, 81% versus, 66% of employees at other companies,
  • have a strong sense of pride, loyalty and purpose for their organizations,
  • feel empowered in their jobs,
  • agree that the organization has an excellent reputation within the community, 80% versus 63%

In addition, more than 76% of employees at Best Employers feel that they have the authority to make the necessary decisions to do their job well, compared to only 54% of employees at the other companies.

Asian Miracles

According to the study, topping the list of the best employers in Asia are:

  • The Portman Ritz-Carlton in Shanghai, China
  • Agilent Technologies Singapore
  • The Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore
  • Western Digital in Malaysia, and
  • PT Elegant Textile Industry in Indonesia


The Best Employers in Asia study was conducted in 10 Asian countries, using data from 355 organizations and 92,000 employees. The study was open to organizations with more than 100 employees which have been in business for at least two years.

Hewitt analyzed the data and submitted the analysis to independent judging panels in each country, which then identified the winners. To help identify the Best Employers in Asia, three survey tools were used: an employee opinion questionnaire, Hewitt People Practices Inventory and a CEO questionnaire.

– Camilla Klein            
