CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index Rises 0.7% In April

May 15, 2001 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - Hedge funds underperformed equities in April, with the CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index posting a narrow 0.7% increase.

Leading the CSFB/Tremont sub-indices was the NASDAQ Composite, which jumped 15% in April. The Dow Jones Industrial Index followed at 8.7% and the S&P at 7.7%. In the year-to-date column, Global Macro lead with a 7.9% increase.

Category                   April 2001      

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Hedge Fund Index                     0.7%            
Convertible Arbitrage                1.2%             
Dedicated Short Bias                down 7.5%             
Emerging Markets                    down 0.5%            
Equity Market Neutral              1.4%              
Event Driven                             0.9%              
Fixed Income Arbitrage            1.3%              
Global Macro                           0.7%              
Long/Short Equity                     0.8%             
Managed Futures                      down 5.5%              
Dow Jones Industrial Index       8.7%             
MSCI EAFE US$ Index          6.7%             
MSCI $ World Index              7.2%             
S&P 500                                7.7%             
NASDAQ Composite            15.0%   

The index is calculated monthly and includes the results of 339 funds, drawn from more than 2,600 hedge funds, both US and offshore. 

Funds must have at least US $10 million under management and an audited financial statement. The Index does not include funds of funds.
