Workers Secure, But Leery

February 27, 2001 ( - While most (73%) of American workers feel secure in their current jobs, and more than half (56%) feel very secure, a like number (58%) are taking precautions - just in case.

In fact, a third (34%) believe layoffs at their firm would affect them, either directly (20%) or through reduced pay (14%) according to the February 2001 Xylo Report: Job Security Within the U.S. Workforce.

Gender Bender

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Women were slightly more inclined to feel very secure than men, 58% to 54%.  Nearly half (42%) of men over age 55 feel insecure, compared with just 19% of the women in that age bracket.

Overall, nearly a third (31%) of those over age 55 feel insecure, compared with just 19% of those under age 34. 

Of those making preparations for the possibility:

  • 26% are saving more money
  • 15% are trying to improve their job prospects, either by additional schooling/training, updating their resume, interviewing or checking out the want ads
  • 8% are cutting back on their expenses, or increasing income through a second job.
