JP Morgan/American Century Launch Sponsor Web Site

November 2, 2000 ( - J.P. Morgan/American Century Retirement Plan Services is launching its new Web site for retirement plan sponsors, including a customizable homepage and access to preset and customized plan reporting.

The internally developed site ( ) offers plan sponsors a standard package of 50 reports in seven categories, including

  • plan design
  • loans
  • financial investments
  • participation
  • asset allocation
  • participant inquiry
  • plan administration and service  

Sponsors also can customize their reports, which are also available for designated time periods.  The reports come in presentation format, and can be downloaded to Microsoft Excel.  

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Frequently accessed reports can be included on their customized home page, which can also include news from more than 30 news and entertainment modules, including Reuters News Service, Motley Fool and Rolling Stone. 
