Running the Fund |May 1996

Faster Growth Ahead

A new report analyzes the rise of alternative investments
Rules/Regs |May 1996

More Room for ERISA Litigation

The Supreme Court's Varity decision could force sponsors to run plans-especially those that contain company stock-more cautiously, experts say.
Rules/Regs |May 1996

Round Two

Congressional supporters have not given up on the pension reversions proposal
Table of Contents |May 1996

CALPERS Maps Its Future

A new strategic plan sets out a laundry list of projects for this year, from performance benchmarks to providing members with financial planning software.
Table of Contents |May 1996

Raw Deal, or Sour Grapes?

Groups of United flight attendants and Ohio public school teachers are taking action to reverse reduced pension benefits.
Table of Contents |May 1996

Retirement Plan Myths

Workers today have more options to plan and save for retirement than ever before. But they are not using them to their full potential
Table of Contents |May 1996

Encouraging Workers to Save More

Personal saving is becoming more important as preparation for retirement. Aggressive employee education can be as effective as a high employer match at improving saving rates.
Table of Contents |May 1996

The Psychology of Saving

Irrational factors often guide individuals' money decisions. Successful retirement savings programs must foster self-control.
Table of Contents |May 1996

Schuller International Thrift Plan

In planning an employee communication and education campaign, be sure to set definite goals. And remember to first train the trainers.
Table of Contents |May 1996

Alliances Sharpen Their Attack

Large and mid-sized defined contribution plans want multi-family investment options. They also want administration and recordkeeping tailored to their specialized needs. Increasingly, they are getting these from alliances.
Table of Contents |May 1996

University Endowments Invest in Hedge Funds

"We're not allowed to say the `H' word," confirms Jay Yoder, an investment analyst at the $380 million Vassar College endowment. In the ivory tower world of endowment...
Table of Contents |May 1996

Early Warnings

PBGC initiates stricter policy on spin-offs that create pension underfundings
Table of Contents |May 1996

Alpha GICs

Why swapping market returns for managers' alpha is not catching on