Lessons for Hard Times

As I write this, the Dow is coming off a session
when it briefly passed the mark that represented its first
10% decline of the 1990s. Later in the day it rebounded to
finish well above the dread 10% line. Where the Dow will be
when you read this is, however, anybody’s guess.

Table of Contents |May 1997

If You Build It, They Will Come

An innovative pension obligation bond helps cash-strapped Oakland cut pension payments by $40 million and refurbish a stadium for the Raiders.
Table of Contents |May 1997

If You Build It, They Will Come

An innovative pension obligation bond helps cash-strapped Oakland cut pension payments by $40 million and refurbish a stadium for the Raiders.
Table of Contents |May 1997

Career Opportunities

Benefits outsourcing is creating a new breed of "displaced managers." Some are finding better paying positions with outsourcing providers.
Table of Contents |May 1997

Hand in Hand: Phase Two for Alliances

Searching for ways to further differentiate themselves, multi-provider defined contribution alliances are refining their basic services and even delving into total benefits outsourcing.
Table of Contents |May 1997

“Misfit Risk”

Using completeness funds to rebalance styles in an equity portfolio-without firing managers
Table of Contents |May 1997

Euroshareholder Revolt

Corporate governance issues gain prominence, as local investors lead the way
Table of Contents |May 1997

Pension Driven Deal

How merging with a failing company took Keystone off the PBGC's hit list
Table of Contents |May 1997

Look Out, Northern Land

A new push to raise foreign investment limits is on, spurred by a pension crisis
Table of Contents |May 1997

Pointing and Clicking

Intranets and extranets change the way employers deliver benefits information
Table of Contents |May 1997

Involuntary Separation

Military settles with a gay Marine whom it had stripped of retirement benefits
Table of Contents |May 1997

The Ungraying of US Asset Management

In the next five years, plan sponsors will have to get used to much more youthful hands managing their fund assets.