The IN Five

Plan Sponsor Magazine recognizes the five most
innovative influential interesting inventive intriguing
organizations in retirement services in 1999

Table of Contents |October 1999

The IN Five

High-tech and temp workers, unite!
Table of Contents |October 1999

A Taste on the Un-COLA

Why former Ohio teachers are still fighting for benefits the state legislature awarded almost 30 years ago
Table of Contents |October 1999

Rating Retirement Calculators

Participants wondering how to shore up their retirement kitties might appreciate a bit of hands-on help. Here are some ideas
Table of Contents |October 1999

Pep Rally

Answering the call for a portable defined benefit and an enhanced 401(k) plan meant tapping into Motorola's specialty: communications
Table of Contents |October 1999

An Ounce of Prevention

Greenwich Associates finds plan sponsors embracing passive investing and seeking greater diversification as they grapple with market uncertainty
Table of Contents |October 1999

Quick-Change Artists

Bad experiences with its DC recordkeeper and pension consultant prompted Cosmair to switch to a single provider that lowered fees--and more
Table of Contents |October 1999

The Armchair Travelers

Frequently the investment of choice for sponsors restricted from purchasing non-US shares, ADRs have caught on with other funds as well
Table of Contents |October 1999

Total Investment Outsourcing

Why more and more mid-size funds are angling to avoid the manager "beauty contest" and other investment-related chores
Table of Contents |October 1999

The IN Five

Analyzing SEC's ethics edict
Table of Contents |October 1999

A Dip in the DC Pool

Why several public retirement systems now offer a one-time defined contribution election for shorter-term employees
Table of Contents |October 1999

AIMR Rules: Fund-Friendly?

While many sponsors wish to be AIMR-PPS compliant, the author submits that existing standards do not adequately address the plan sponsor universe