Take It Or Leave It

Plan sponsors are finding that it pays to help
employees plot their post-retirement strategies-including
that pivotal decision: to roll over, or to leave the money in
the plan

UpFront |September 2001

Sharing The Wealth

In June, the Internal Revenue Service issued new final regulations that add another requirement for employers to meet if they are to be entitled to claim tax-qualified status...
UpFront |September 2001

Bill Targets “All Employers”

That is not all. Just a day after the plan sponsor summit with EEOC, Representative Thomas E Petri (R-Wisconsin) introduced House legislation that would override the Third Circuit...
UpFront |September 2001

Bill Targets “All Employers”

That is not all. Just a day after the plan sponsor summit with EEOC, Representative Thomas E Petri (R-Wisconsin) introduced House legislation that would override the Third Circuit...
Feature |September 2001

Plan Sponsor – Friendly?

The "new" PWBA under Ann Combs is putting a new emphasis on guidance in murky areas of ERISA. It is seeking to expand its voluntary fiduciary correction program,...
(k)Plans |September 2001

In Good Conscience

Participant demand and new, low-expense offerings help socially responsible funds to catch on
Asset Mix |September 2001

Too Many Managers?

Why some see whole-stock portfolios as the antidote to teams of specialists and lackluster active returns
Running the Fund |September 2001

Money Pit

Taft-Hartley learns about diversification-the hard way
Total Benefits |September 2001

Making The Grade

Lawsuits allege that forced evaluation systems discriminate against older workers
Rules/Regs |September 2001

Catch As Catch Can

One of the better-known parts of the new tax bill is its provision for plan participants over the age of 50 to set aside additional funds for retirement-above...
Game Plan |September 2001

Loyal Customer

KKR's returns are down. Why OPERF is sticking with the legendary buyout fund, anyway
Voice |September 2001

Hitting The Brakes

How to keep participants' company stock allocations in check
The Buzz |September 2001

(k) Plan Balances Were Stable In 2000, Says EBRI

Newsflash: The average 401(k) plan participant balance slipped just 0.1% last year, though older participants fared worse, according to preliminary research from the Investment Company Institute and the...
The Buzz |September 2001

“Universal Pass-Through”

Would simplifying retirement savings plan administration via a streamlined payroll deduction scheme-which all employers would offer and in which any employee could elect to participate-be an effective means...
Done Deal |September 2001

Big Deal!

Florida hires "newcomer" CitiStreet for its new DC plan
Black Box |September 2001

Hedge Funds

Why no two are alike?
sidebar |September 2001

Sidebar: Leaving Assets In The Plan: The Up Side

While many plan sponsors do not advise employees to keep their assets in their defined contribution plans after retiring, a number of independent experts say they should. Since...