DB in Flux: The Dodo Takes Flight
In the lobby of Alcatel Lucent headquarters in
Murray Hill, New Jersey, busts of storied inventors from the
Bell Laboratories’ era gaze down at visitors.
“Extinct” Shuns
Truth be told, I initially found the cover image of a dodo...
Heightened Sensibilities
I was at a conference a couple of months ago, when the...
December 2007 news articles that also appeared in the Upfront section of the...
War Stories |December 2007
December 2007
We all have them: those front-line experiences that are -inevitable when one deals with the varietyand sensitivityof issues associated with human beings and critical life events. Sometimes those...
Survey Says |December 2007
What Do You Think of QDIA Regs?
The ink was barely dry on the final qualified default investment alternative (QDIA) regulations when we asked readers in late October for their take on the final result.
Bells & Whistles |December 2007
December 2007
Each month, Bells & Whistles highlights recent product introductions that plan sponsors may find of interest.
Head of the Class |December 2007
High Yield
"High yield is a neglected asset class in the institutional world," says Andrew Feltus. "Most institutions see it only tactically, as part of a core-plus fixed-income mandate." One...
The Bottom Line |December 2007
The Silver Tsunami
On October 15, schoolteacher Kathleen Casey-Kirschling became the country's first Baby Boomer to file for Social Security retirement benefits, and the Social Security Administration touted it as the...
Case Sensitive |December 2007
Reasonable Expectations
Louis Akouri and Nadia Akouri v. Ford Motor Company and Ford Motor CompanyUAW Retirement Board of Directors
Barry's Pickings |December 2007
‘Nothing’ Doings
In just a few weeks, the Pension Protection Act (PPA) will be upon us. Given recent interest-rate and asset-value trends, some defined benefit (DB) plan sponsors actually may...
Saxon Angle |December 2007
Waiting Gains
On October 24, 2007, the Department of Labor (DoL) at last issued a final regulation addressing the selection of default investment options for defined contribution plans.
Just out of Reish |December 2007
Process Serving
I recently served as an expert witness on prudent process. My testimony focused on what a "prudent process" is and what fiduciaries do to satisfy that requirement. To...
Special Report |December 2007
DB in Flux: And Then Some
The new product teams at investment management firms have had a new darling for the past year or so in 130/30 long-short equity funds.
Special Report |December 2007
DB in Flux: Blue Jay
Jay Vivian joined IBM in 1978 from business school. His contribution to that companyand to the pension industryhas been immense.
Special Report |December 2007
Coming up Fast
That might suggest that 2007 was a year about getting ready for changebut nothing could be further from the reality.
Special Report |December 2007
The Most Successful Retirement Plan Advisers
There is nothing like tumultuous times to highlight the value of, and reinforce the need for, expert help for plan fiduciaries and, yes, it surely plays to the...