SURVEY SAYS: Funniest Super Bowl Commercial

Some people who watch the Super Bowl look forward mostly to the commercials.

The funniest Super Bowl commercials of 2016 have been listed on Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, “Which of these commercials did you think was the funniest?”

Let’s start with the ones that received no votes: Mountain Dew PuppyMonkeyBaby, Bud Light – The Bud Light Party with Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen, Avocados from Mexico – AvosInSpace, Shock Top – Unfiltered Talk, Snickers – Marilyn with Willem Dafoe, and Marmot.

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The following were each chosen by 2.56% of responding readers: Kung Fu Panda, Skittles – The Portrait with Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler, Toyota – The Longest Chase, and Doritos – Dogs Crash the Super Bowl.

Heinz – Weiner Stampede came in fourth place with 5.13% of votes. Honda – A New Truck to Love, featuring Queen songs came in third place, with 7.69% of votes. Hyundai first date commercial with Kevin Hart took second place, with 20.51% of readers selecting it.

And, the funniest Super Bowl commercial, according to 56.41% of responding readers, was Doritos Ultrasound.

Few responding readers left comments, but of those that did, they expressed disappointment with the caliber of commercials this year. One reader said PuppyMonkeyBaby gave him or her the creeps. I agree. No Editor’s Choice this week.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!


The PuppyMonkeyBaby gave me the creeps. The baby ultrasound was so bad but we laughed and laughed.

Skittles was a close second

I really didn't think this year's commercials were all that good. I was very disappointed and for the first time in a long time actually enjoyed watching the game more than the commercials.

Mostly, they were all terrible and tasteless. Did enjoy the beer commercial with Helen Mirren, though.

Overall not so funny this year.

I missed the Clydesdales and Dalmatian.

Maybe it's because I've been around for all 50 Super Bowls, but this batch of commercials was targeted to a different audience than me.

I love Steve Harvey coming out and acknowledging his mistake but making a joke about it. I think he handled that situation wonderfully and made an awesome recovery. And I love Paul Rudd!!!

overall, I'd say the commercials this year were on par with Cam Newton's performance - painful!

Didn't see them.


NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not necessarily the stance of Asset International or its affiliates.
