SURVEY SAYS: Super Bowl Contenders 2015

The AFC and NFC championship games this past weekend revealed who will compete in Super Bowl XLIX.

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers which of the four teams they would most like to see compete in the Super Bowl. More than one-third of responding readers were pleased with the results of this week’s game as 16.8% selected the New England Patriots, 13.6% chose the Seattle Seahawks, nearly 1% said they wanted any team but the Indianapolis Colts to win, and 4% indicated they wanted any team but the Green Bay Packers to win.

The games were a disappointment for the 11.2% of responding readers who wanted the Indianapolis Colts to win and the 30.4% that wanted the Green Bay Packers to win. More than 11% reported they wanted any team but the Patriots to win and 4% wanted any team but the Seahawks to win. Eight percent of readers indicated they didn’t care.

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Asked about plans to watch the Super Bowl, nearly 80% revealed they will be watching the game with friends and/or family. Nearly 10% said they will not watch the game, and 9.7% plan to watch the game by themselves. Only 1% plan to watch the game at a sports club/bar.

In verbatim comments, many readers noted they care more about the commercials than the actual game. However, others expressed disappointment in the extravagance that accompanies the game, such as the expensive commercials and half-time show. “Kind of reminds me of the Christmas hype…” one reader said. Others who commented look forward the most to the get-together for watching the game. Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “Football — is that the one with the pointy ball?”

Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey!


I just like to watch the commercials, which I can see online without having to watch the game!

Patriot haters will be out in force.

While I would like to see the Green Bay Packers in the Super Bowl, I think the Seattle Seahawks will win it all.

Football -- is that the one with the pointy ball?

I hate, hate, hate the Patriots! I'm really ok with anyone else winning but them.

This year's game should be a non-event. My team isn't in it.

Love the football...dislike the bull---- that accompanies it. When it's more about the commercials and the half-time show (an oxymoron if there ever was one!~)...the game just gets lost sometimes.

Don't care. Just thrilled the Buckeyes won the NCAAF national title.

There is such excitement for the Packers in this frozen state of WI!!!!!

The Super Bowl is a family tradition going back to my father who actually played for Wisconsin as a walk on and then played Semi-Pro Football. This year will be special because I will be with my new grandson.

I always enjoy the traffic free streets while the Super Bowl is playing.

Sick of Patriots, Packers and Seahawks. Colts are likable.

Verbatim (cont.)

I enjoy watching the championship game - but can't stand the outrageous cost of commercials, the ridiculous half-time show. Let's just have a good game!!!

Along with the Super Bowl, there are the commercials that are not included in the survey. Some years they are better than the 'big game'.

What we really want is a great game. If you get a good game, fun commercials, salty foods and plenty of beverages- where's the time for bio breaks??

Wouldn't miss those commercials for anything!

Don't care which teams - just need to see the Clydesdales competing against whom ever is this year's cute kid or dog

I think the teams in the Super Bowl will be Patriots versus Seahawks, and if this is the case I will be cheering for the Patriots. I enjoy watching the Super Bowl if for no other reason than the expensive cool commercials that I never can remember what they are advertising.

Being a diehard and somewhat disgruntled Broncos fan, I hope anyone but the Seahawks, Colts, or Patriots win. I guess I'm rooting for Green Bay!

Go Pats!

Wish it was the Lions and Dolphins playing!

I live in Seattle, but am originally from Phoenix. It is heart breaking to know that the Steelers have beaten both of the teams I would root for in the Super Bowl, and pretty much both with controversial calls. Go Seahawks!

Since the Colts are undoubtedly the weakest team in the final four, they need to get very LUCKy

Packer party at my house!!

Verbatim (cont.)

Go Pats!

It's just a game but America has glorified sports to excess - what really is the point?

It's about time for another repeat winner after a decade without one. Go Seahawks.

Love the camaraderie, the game, the commercials, and the food & drink. Just wish it wasn't a Sunday... or better yet, make Monday a holiday!

As an owner of the Green Bay Packers, I can't root for anyone else!

I gave up football about 20 years ago and it has really made a difference. No, I can't talk about fantasy football or stats, but I also have my Sunday mornings and afternoons free to do what I want. I can't see ever going back. Yes I'm a guy. And yes, I live in Seattle.

The Super Bowl is all about the commercials, hanging out with family and friends...not who is playing.

The most widely watched sporting event won't be missed in my home and we will celebrate a New England Patriots' win!! Go Pats!

Looking forward to the super bowl commercials.

I'm from St. Louis, we still hate the Patriots over spying on our team when they beat us in the Super Bowl.

We live in New England, but my husband is from WI, so if it's a Patriots/Packers Super Bowl, I don't care WHO wins!

Verbatim (cont.)

Watching will not mean I'll be glued to the TV but rather keeping track of it in the background.

Tom Brady of the Pats is a great guy and deserves to win.

Colts/Seahawks would be a great matchup! I hope Peyton Manning gets to cap off his career with one more Bowl...

I don't really follow football, but we have a large group of friends that do. We enjoy the potluck football gatherings and the WINE!

How could anyone want any other team in the Super Bowl other than the Packers! GO PACK GO!

Go Colts!!

We're getting ahead of ourselves - first - we need to beat the Colts!

Kind of reminds me of the Christmas hype - from the monumental build up to the less than expected (marketed) results.

Work in the shadow of Lambeau Field .. who else but the Packers? Go Pack Go!

A matchup between Indianapolis and Green Bay would make for a great Super Bowl.

Colts because I love my Indiana clients & will move there when I can no longer pay the exorbitant Illinois taxes.

Go Pack Go!

This should be broadcasted on a Saturday night so that you don't have to usually leave watching the game early to get to bed for work on Monday.


NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not necessarily the stance of Asset International or its affiliates.
