Survey Says: Employer Changes

August 25, 2014 ( - I recently told someone with whom I used to work that when I was hired by that employer 24 years ago, I believed I would work there until I retired.

Since then, I have been sold, merged, and bought, and moved myself to a new employer. A survey we covered in June found by age 35, 25% of workers have held five jobs or more. For workers ages 55 and older, 20% have held 10 jobs or more.

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, for how many employers have you worked? Do you expect your current employer to be the one from which you retire? Did you start out in a retirement plan-related field?

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Among those responding to the survey, 44.9% are ages 50 to 59, 24.9% are 60 or older, 18.5% are ages 40 to 49, 10.2% are ages 30 to 39, and 1.5% are ages 18 to 29. The vast majority of those who responded have either had two to five employers (43.2%) or six to 10 employers (40.8%) since the age of 18. Nearly four percent have only worked for one employer, 8% have had 11 to 15 employers, nearly 3% have had 16 to 20 employers, and 1% have worked for more than 20 employers since age 18.

Six-in-ten (60.7%) NewsDash readers who responded to the survey expect their current employer to be the one from which they retire, while 18% do not, and 21.4% are unsure. When asked if their first career job (not counting jobs before finishing school or while still supported by parents/guardians) was in a retirement plan-related field, 30.2% of respondents indicated it was, while 69.8% said it was not.

Just for fun, I asked respondents to share what was the first job they ever held, including before they finished high school. The most common responses included cashier, stocker, clerk or cook in grocery stores, fast food restaurants, flower shops or retail stores: bus boy, waiter/waitress at restaurants or pizza parlors; or car hop at Sonic or A&W drive-ins; babysitter; server or cashier at ice cream shops; farmworker; camp counselor; newspaper deliverer; ticket taker or snack bar server at movie theaters; and mowing lawns.

Some jobs were not so typical, and some responses elicit some nostalgia—or even a testament to the evolution of workplace laws. Those responses include:

·         Gymnastics Coach

·         I got a job welding up Fisher Stoves.

·         College Admissions Office and Campus Guide

·         Janitor in the Palos Verdes School district

·         Staff Accountant @ Arthur Young & Company (now Ernst & Young)

·         Management Trainee Personnel Department Mobil Oil Corp.

·         First paid job was babysitting for 50 cents an hour! First real job that pulled taxes from my gross was working in peach orchards for a major food conglomerate.

·         I worked in my high school library. At the time, internet was still relatively new and fun. The kids were still able to figure out how to look at p.orn in our e-media areas. My job then, much like now, is herding the masses.

·         Furniture Stripper

·         Helping out in the office of my parents' heating and air conditioning business - against my will.

·         I worked at a cheese factory making Swiss cheese. Hard work and lasted only 1 week.

·         Porter (clean up boy) at a bowling center.

·         Can't remember, it was either baby-sitting or mowing lawns, or perhaps shoveling sidewalks in winter. First "real" job was in college--salesman in the hardware dept. at Sears.

·         Ride Operator (at a theme park)

·         I worked at a gun club pulling Skeet and Trap rounds.

·         Summer job (2 years) putting together oversized cardboard boxes.

·         Independently owned Ice Cream Shop/Deli. Cut my thumb on the meat slicer the day of my High School graduation. ouch!

·         My first job was as an office clerk for an industrial laundry

·         My first job was cutting grass for an individual who had contracts with some local banks and churches. He would drop me off to cut the grass and then go to a local bar where he would hang out until I was finished.

·         Student Store at University and Life drawing model... the second was way more fun!

·         Assembling battery powered electric heated socks for hunters and such.

·         Detassling corn!

·         I was a paper boy, earning a whopping $2.04 a week, assuming I got paid by all my customers, for getting up at about 5AM and delivering them 6 days a week.

·         My first job was as a cashier in a grocery store, back when you needed 10-key skills to operate the cash register. 🙂

·         I worked for a small nonprofit health museum and education center addressing envelopes by hand for mass mailings to schools. This was probably in 1972. Nice to know this function was probably computerized 25+ years ago.

·         Admissions counselor, then Finance, then HR

·         The very first job was in North San Diego County, at a plant nursery trimming azaleas and other plants. I was very young and the job was very short lived. It gave me an appreciation and desire to complete my education.

·         Other than babysitting, 15 years old, worked for the office supply store my Dad worked for - filing invoices.

·         Worked for Houston Distilled Water Company in the office. It was the 1st bottle water company in Houston. The company started in 1929, was family owned & sold to Sierra Springs Water Co in 1983.

·         File clerk

·         When I was a teenager, my father ran a landscaping company. He would wake me up at 5:30 almost every morning during the summer so I could help him. But he paid me $25 an hour, so I was happy to help! Unfortunately, he did not offer a 401(k) plan! Some days I would rather still be getting my hands dirty by digging holes instead of building budgets!

·         I worked for Manufacturer's Hanover Trust in the stock transfer department working on old addressograph machines. I ended every day with a splitting headache - those machines were loud and ran all day long.

·         I was a dog walker at the age of 9, and I earned 25 cents per dog, per walk. I walked three different dogs, earning myself almost a dollar a week, with tips. My weekly allowance was only 50 cents, and half of that went into my Christmas Club account. The extra income paid for fan magazines, popsicles and candy.

·         Lifeguard at a Marriott Hotel outside of Chicago - it also had a "health club" (this was the early 80s) and one of the members worked at a local Mars factory and used to show up with bags of candy bars for all the lifeguards!

·         Worked for an Ice Company. Bagged the ice, loaded for delivery on trucks, and even made deliveries.

·         Hotel Receptionist

·         architectural intern

·         I managed a vault full of cash for a now failed S&L in Houston.

·         I was a surgical assistant, working for an oral surgeon. This job came about because of my high school choice of doing Cooperative Health Education which allowed me to complete high school and work the same year.

·         Helping with the monthly billing for my uncle's medical practice. I folded the statements and put them in the envelopes and then licked the stamps and put them on the envelopes. I was 8 years old. got paid 25 cents an hour. It was great!

·         First paid position, dishwasher at my Aunt's diner when I was 12....1971, apparently before child labor laws!

·         Cleaned houses in summer, but first real job was hostess/cashier at Lum's Restaurant, horrible orange and blue uniforms

·         Parking Lot and Ticket Booth Attendant for the Metropolitan Water Commission overflow reservoir recreation area

·         my first W-2 was from a vegetable farm

·         Running the blue light specials at K-Mart

·         Janitor's assistant at medical clinic

·         As a young widow, I worked for the General Services Administration and the Corp of Engineers. I worked a little in retail during high school but did not find it fun or interesting.

·         First job was working for a professor at USC, in polychaete biology. Had a tremendous crush on himk, which of course came to naught. He's now a head curator for the Smithsonian... I also got mention in a book he wrote about polychaetes, I did some of the illustrations. My one claim to fame, I guess....

·         The first job I has was stuffing the Wednesday sale ads in our local newspaper. Got paid cash and rode my bike to the newspaper office. I was about 11yrs old. Not sure but I think there were child labor laws then? LOL

·         Lifeguard and swim instructor

·         Arts & Crafts person at the local rec department.

·         Before it was popular everywhere, I sold fruit and nut mix in a mall.

·         Receptionist for insurance agency

·         care of lawn and cleaning of rooms at a small dorm complex I was 14 years old work for a job career center

·         My first job was at an A&W Drive in restaurant at age 14. At age 16 I moved inside to work the fountain, eventually becoming the assistant manager. I worked there until I was 21, at which time I joined the Navy.

·         It wasn't a paying job but growing up on a farm, we had chores from the time we were 5 years old - and as we got older, the time commitment and physical requirements increased exponentially. I'd love to see today's kids put through the same paces. It certainly built a work ethic and character that are still evident in my current job.

·         A wrangler at a pony ride barn.

·         Summer job at The Preview House--market research on commercials, TV shows and movies

·         dishwashing at an Italian restaurant - the chef used to chase the girls around the kitchen!

·         My first job was typing for a local newspaper - that business is still operating. Since then, I've held positions in 8 companies - all have been sole or merged or closed - i had the privilege of being the last one out the door for my past 4 employers

·         My first job was packing books for shipping at a book printing and binding company. My Dad worked there, and most of the people my age that had summer jobs there had parents who worked there, too.

·         The first job I had was tutoring math to a young deaf boy - and I didn't know sign language. He taught me sign language and I taught him math. He's a grown man now with a good job and a family. I'm so grateful that I was blessed to be part of his success.

·         When I was 14, my dad mentioned that the local boat builder (I was raised in the Pacific Northwest) was looking for a grunt to help with various jobs. I took the job, and ended up doing jobs that later on helped me understand why child labor laws are in place, even if they were ignored locally. Fortunately nothing scarred me for life, but I do (vaguely) remember stumbling out of anchor chain holds completely high from the paint used to coat the steel hold. And the work was hard enough to put some muscles on a scrawny little kid too.....along with a decision to work with my mind, instead of my hands.

·         Potato Farm Worker. I made $2.18 per hour!!

·         First official job was while I was in high school. I worked as an aide at a day care center. I did babysitting and had mowed lawns to earn spending money while in junior high school.

·         Maintaining little league fields in Bedford, NH

·         I was a bellhop at a hotel in the Catskills; it was the summer of 1969 and there was talk of a music festival a few miles away. We were planning to go-but the weather looked bad and then we heard that all the roads were clogged and we might not get to work the next day. So, we missed attending Woodstock, which I regret to this day.

·         Dishwasher at a deli. Fun after-hours hose fights!

·         Refilled sodas (from a pitcher) in a Burger King dining area during lunch. Now they just put the machines out there for self-service.

·         Summer job working in a warehouse at an electronics company.

·         Clerk at a local video store. Best...Job...Ever...Name me another job where one of the most difficult decisions you will make every day is which movie you want to watch while leaning against the counter. Sadly though it will inevitably prove to be a job that dates me as it is already mostly a thing of the past.

·         Making deli sandwiches for a catering company

·         Working in a grocery store for my Father filling in for whoever was on vacation.

·         I was a car hop for A & W root beer. I had to lie about my age to get the job. I was only 15.

·         13 years old- teaching younger kids gymnastics.

·         first job was waitressing at a pizza place. It was also the place where I met my husband later while working there through college.

·         Shoe salesperson

·         Food prep and washing dishes at a pizza/sub shop making $3/hour (under the table, shhhhhh).

·         I had an office job processing loan paperwork.

·         shoe sales

·         Cashier at a 5 N Dime

·         Dental Assisting while in high school

·         Working as a cashier at the corner store. I had fun riding around the store on a two-wheeled dolly that a co-worker would push!

·         copy aide at a daily newspaper

·         Howard Johnson's waitress - are they still in business??

·         Worked on a grounds crew at a golf course - still remember the first day meeting my boss who looked at my hands and asked if I thought I could really do the job. Later in the day, I sat on and destroyed his pack of cigarettes. It was a great job to have through high school and college and taught me a few things including waking up early, working hard and negotiating salary increases.

·         I worked at a bakery for $2.50/hr stuffing and icing doughnuts

·         I started working for the "Dollar Shoe Store" on the day I turned 16 years old. All pairs of shoes sold for $7.99 or less!

·         Working in a steel mill.

·         I worked for an artist that reconditioned stained glass windows.

·         Fotomat Booth - one of those blue booths in parking lots were film was developed

·         Selling the weekly Grit newspaper - door to door.

·         Worked in a bakery owned by my parents

·         Receptionist at a church.

·         First job ever was after school, filing blueprints for a group of drafters making blueprints for machinery. I was 16 and I don't remember knowing what type of machinery the blueprints were for.

·         Research assistant in a pharmacology lab (and, no, this was a legitimate lab at a school of pharmacology; not at all what you are thinking!)

·         Grunt, gopher and "hey you - com'ere" for a local small business owner.

·         Graveyard shift at convenience store.

·         The first job I ever held was in high school. During my junior and senior years after school I worked at a bank in the proof encoding department. It was a great experience and a lot of fun at the same time. I had good supervisors and many of the other employees were around my age as well.

·         Working in a small factory that made filter pads out of a combination of paper and asbestos - it was an OSHA nightmare

·         Other than babysitting, I taught swimming and tutored in French while still in high school.

·         At age 11 (but I was supposed to say I was 14) I twirled baton at a boat dock to attract customers.

·         Worked for a swim and tennis club behind the registration desk.

·         Cashier at a swimming pool

·         Spent a summer working in the local public library. But what got me through college was working in a car wash...

Verbatim responses showed it is still possible to have a long career with one employer. Quite a few readers who left comments recounted similar situations to mine, in which they worked at the same desk but had several different employers. And, readers shared some good reasons to change employers. Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “When I was younger I moved for salary and title, then it was for breadth and depth of experience until now where I just want to be ‘that person who has been here forever’ and knows all the answers.”

A big thank you to all who responded to the survey! It was fun getting to know our readers better!


I came into the industry with the mind-set that I would work for one employer until retirement (if possible). Various circumstances have caused me to make a few changes (I am with my 4th employer) - but I am finding that working for multiple employers is extremely helpful for me. I am able to bring an outside perspective into each of my new jobs that I wouldn't have if I had stayed with only one employer. With each new company, I try to bring what worked well from past employers and retain what works well with the new employer.


Since graduating from college I have only had two full time jobs. Lucked out by getting a job with a small family owned business. Love my job.


I have only had two employers over the last 24 years and should retire with my current firm.


I've been lucky


I have been fortunate to learn new skills and grow new talents in each organization. I have worked for some great bosses who always challenged me to do better and hope that my current staff would feel the same way about me.


1st Job above was moved from NYC to Texas. I did not go. 2nd job. Company failed. 3rd job Terminated in Recession ("Personnel does not bring in dollars, they only spend them") 4th job Hired to start a Personnel Department in a growing Corporation. Left to take a job in Govt. job #5. Left that to take a higher paying position in Govt. Left that to take current position as Director of Human Resources and Chair of DC Board (457) of largest County in NYC. In this position for 31 years and will retire from it eventually. thank you.


I think looking at every opportunity, as well as taking the good ones, is what you owe yourself. Likewise, leaving a bad opportunity, such as one that is no longer a good fit, is what you owe yourself and your employer.


While not while I was employed most are now no longer in business


Only two "adult career" employers in my 35 years of full time employment; 19 with the 1st, 16 with the 2nd. Although the 1st was an insurance company, where I held several roles before landing in retirement benefits. In hind sight I wish I would have moved more often at a younger age, but family constraints made it easier to stay put. Grammar check; in Newsdash it should say "someone with whom I used to work" not "with which".


I'm surprised to find I worked for as many companies as I did. I do know for certain that, barring death or disability I will retire from my present employer since I've already given notice for December!!


I've had only three employers since college graduation: 5 yrs, 21 yrs and now 11 years and counting. All at Investment Management firms - great places to work for the most part.


Sometimes moves are voluntary, sometimes not. Sometimes moves work out for the better, sometimes not. All the while I keep buying lottery tickets.


I've had only two employers during the past 38 years, so I do not move around too much.


Every single day you are interviewing for your next job.


I've never been fired from a job, and laid off only once, but have had many temporary jobs, especially during college and grad school, often working multiple jobs at a time to make ends meet and pay for school.


Most employer moves were by choice, while one was by acquisition ... which then created the needed to move again by choice.


I have been fortunate enough to work for a great company for 24 years (no mergers) that continues to grow and get better each year.


I've longed for stability my entire career. I would love to find a company to retire from but have given up. All companies are basically dysfunctional and unstable. I've almost lost my job once because they forgot to put me on the org chart. Now, I just try to do the best work I can, be a good colleague and be prepared to move again because I will, either voluntarily or involuntarily - better to own the outcome.


Loyalty, and institutional knowledge especially, is not rewarded as it should be. You shouldn't always have to switch companies to get a decent raise.


I've been self-employed twice, in between 3 different employers. I've been at the current employer for 17 years and plan to retire from here.

Verbatim (cont.)

I was blessed to be able to take the training and knowledge I received from a large employer and turn it into a career and ministry that I am passionate about. So I don't just go to work each day, I have an opportunity each day to serve professionals that help make my community a better place to live and work.


I have only changed jobs once, but my second job was with a company that has been acquired two different times.


I'm very proud to have been with my employer for 35 years and expect to retire with 41 years of service.


I hate change! But between life, the economy, and employer maneuvers, I have, to date, only managed one 10-year stint with a single employer. Hopefully, this one will get me through to the end!


Only had one merger and that was when I merged my business in with another.


Some of my job changes were by my choice and some not; I've been hired by two companies that went bankrupt in about a year and my last company prior to the one I work for now was sold to a multi-national and I was redundant.


In the last 20 years my companies have been sold, gone public, downsized, eliminated positions, the owner died and new management turned things upside down....this kind of change has not been fun, although it's all been a learning experience.


My first and last jobs were with a health related nonprofit with a several for-profits in between. All but one of the for-profits no longer exist in any form and the other has gone through various mergers and is quite different today. The first nonprofit is still around and operates very similarly today, while I have been with the last nonprofit over 22 years and have been blessed with a very stable work environment.


Quit with the first to change careers, then Head Hunted for two. In this HR job I was recruited by the CFO who I had worked with in Finance!


The detail work in benefits is similar from employer to employer. What's different is the type of business and internal politics. I'm looking forward to semi-retiring next year and only doing contract/temp work!


NO MORE MERGERS, thankyouvermuch.


Lost 1st job because I moved to Austin. Lost the 2nd job of 15 years in a layoff. I now work for a gaming company in Austin, TX that continues to grow. Great company & I plan to retire from here.


I hate changing, but sometimes it's essential.


Stayed at my first full-time job for 10 years. Thought I would last 2 years at current (4th FT) job, and will mark 15 years next month. It is close to home, offers lots of flexibility and a pension. Can be frustrating at times, but unless I change careers, there is no reason to change employer.


I took advantage of many educational and training opportunities at my first "real" job until I found an area I liked and then specialized in it. Used that as a stepping stone for an incredible opportunity at a new employer because the first one wasn't going to promote me into management. After 20 years here, I still take advantage of the training opportunities and always have my resume up to date for when the next big thing comes along!


I began my career in the Pension Dept. at Marsh & McLennan which later became Mercer as an actuarial trainee. Move to Woolworth after about 3 1/2 years and settled in for 25 years ending as Manager of Benefits Planning & Design. Next move was to ALM Media (publisher of the NY Law Journal among others) and am currently Director of Benefits.


If you make the decision to move, based on a complementary corporate culture, you can't go wrong. It's all about fitting in.


I learned early on the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Job changes are a very drawn-out, well-considered process at my age. Hope to never do it again!


Luckily I have never been out of work unless I wanted too. I have always been employed when I found a new job. I am actually surprised that since Graduating College I have only had 2 employers.


ALL of my prior employers have been acquired -- all of them banks and consulting companies. UGH.

Verbatim (cont.)

Prior to this job I was 18 years with my employer and thought I would retire from there but that got sold.


At my first corporate employer, the company was sold, reacquired by management, went public, sold and sold again before I finally lost my job! I felt very lucky.


I work for a family owned bank. It's great to work somewhere that isn't fixated on the next quarterly earnings report.


I've been sold once, merged once and lost a job due to company bankruptcy. Keeps you on your toes!


Have all been for career advancement purposes.


Most of my moves were in my 20's trying to find a job that I liked and paid well. I was fortunate to land a job as an accountant with a small consulting firm with excellent pay and benefits. I've been here for 20 years and the controller for 15.


My husband has worked for the same employer for over thirty-five years. Unheard of these days!


Since I own the business I currently work for, I will retire from it.


I have worked at the same company, but had different jobs. That's how I survived this long. When I got bored or wanted a new challenge, I was able to change jobs, eventually going into the retirement plans field, where I have been for over 25 years.


Companies do not pay for skills you acquire during your employment. It appears that one has to change employers to reach a market price for their skills.


I've reached an age (and level of retirement assets) that it is not worthwhile to consider changing jobs and starting over on vesting and accruing vacation time.


I think the point of this survey is being missed. The survey mentions the number of jobs, not the number of companies. I have had numerous jobs at one company. For example, my career path could be the following associate, analyst, senior analyst, manager, assistant direct, director then vice president. All different jobs but all with the same company. This misinterpretation leads one to believe that some people are job hoppers and aren't loyal to a company when in actuality it could be career path within a company.


I have retired twice and returned back to the same employer and have accumulated 34 years of service.


Have been merged, terminated after purchase of company and helped start current company as an investor/shareholder.


The TPA field in my state is pretty limited. I think I have now worked for every firm, so I hope this is the place from where I retire!!.


With all of my moves i have improved my salary and knowledge.


If the changes were for better opportunity (career, money, benefits), then good for you. You were able to move on, finding something that will make things better for you, instead of complaining and being complacent which is not good for you nor your employer.


Just glad I was able to work in an environment years ago when employers were loyal to employees and vice-versa. I feel sorry for our children who will only know feeling as everyone is an independent contractor.


I guess I'm the exception. I've worked at this same job for 40 years! Had a couple of part time jobs while in school but that's about it.


I had my own business for 22 years so gained a lot of HR and payroll experience from that. I have been involved in HR, payroll and benefits during the majority of my employment.

Verbatim (cont.)

Always wanted to work for one company, and then retire from it. Not. In So. Calif., everyone job-hopped, working 2 years for a company was considered long-term. Now finally I've found a company where I've managed to hold on for 13 years, hoping I can make it 3 more years, or at least until I qualify for Medicare. They let one woman go who was 61, so I'm sweating bullets right now... Cross your fingers I make it....


I plan to be at my current employer until I retire from this job. I will probably be working after this job so that I can supplement my retirement. (I'm in the group that has seen lots of ups and downs in the market!) But I definitely will be doing something less taxing-more fun than Employee benefits! (Employee benefits are not that much fun anymore) Can't wait to start my third career! 🙂


Always tried to find the best job and now I have been here for 15 years.


I went from a consulting firm to a client, then back to the consulting firm and then back to the client. I'd hate to work with my data.


Since many employers use the Kleenex method of personnel (use ‘em and dispose of ‘em), my M.O. for my career is one that I heard from William J. Bryon, S.J. on the Charlie Rose show in the mid-1990s, which is, be loyal to yourself and your career (paraphrased).


I have had 8 jobs that were just jobs since age 18. My spouse was a military man so we moved frequently. 18 years ago I was hired to be a member service representative in a credit union and I specialized in IRA's. I moved to a back office position where my responsibilities included maintaining compliance for IRA's. I realized I loved retirement plans. 16 years ago I began working with employer sponsored retirement plans and 2 years ago, I started specializing in nonqualified employer plans. The last 18 years are indeed a career. But I must admit the time I spent working in banks and credit unions early on likely helped me find my perfect career.


I only changed jobs due to a move to a different city or to be closer to my home


been working here 33 years not looking for anywhere else great company to work for.


I have changed jobs infrequently. A&W - 7 yrs, Navy - 10 yrs, tennis club - 4 yrs, current job 23 yrs. The tennis club job was more of a transitional job after the Navy. I had no interest in staying but was pursuing other interests at the time and needed an income.


Early in my career I chose when to change jobs. the last few changes have been because the company sold. I've been lucky or unlucky enough not to be laid off and unemployed. But I've been transferred and traded through 3 companies.


I've been at one employer but have had four very different careers within that company - which has been great because the company still has a defined benefit plan. Lucky me!


I've been with my current employer 30 years and am leaving for an exciting new opportunity elsewhere. Never thought I'd do it, but sometimes change is necessary to keep passionate about your job.


I found moving up the ladder with the same company much easier than changing jobs every few years, having to learn/accept new cultures, start over proving yourself...


It's easier to quit and start a new job, than to be bought, sold or merged in a company.


All positive moves.


I'm so use to taking a new position, living through mergers, layoffs and shutdowns that it's become a bad hobby for me... oh, the wonderful world of HR


I hate changing jobs! Some of my moves were due to bank mergers. One big move was due to the location of my employer closing, and I started commuting to the new location. I couldn't deal with the commute, however, which landed me at my present job. I am about to change jobs once again, but this time due to my husband's job transfer to another state. If not for that, I had thought to work at this job until I retired.


In my current job, I enjoy a comfortable salary. I love my co-workers. I love what I do. I can't stand my supervisor. Sadly, as soon as I can find a new job, I'm leaving. I'm joining the ranks of those who left a good job because of a bad supervisor.


When I moved from consulting to the corporate side, I realized very quickly that my salary would only increase if I moved. I didn't move a lot but after 3 large MNCs, I'm now at a salary that feels right and any moves will only be for professional reasons, not for salary. I also learned a hard lesson that taking a job purely for salary is generally not a good decision....


I never expected to stay with one employer for many years. Fortunately, my current work changes enough to keep things interesting so boredom doesn't set in.

Verbatim (cont.)

As much as I wanted to stay with my previous employer, the only way to make more money and advance was to move on.


Learned much at each job and then stuck with the last one for now 30 years. Right move-grass is not always greener.


I switched jobs and fields after 2.5 years out of college. There are some things I like more and some I like less about my new position, but I'm glad I found out what the grass was like on the other side of the fence.


Planning a "second act"


20+ years ... 4 employers from which I accepted offers .... 8 employers after mergers, acquisitions and just pure name changes


I have really only changed jobs twice. The other changes in the name of my employer were due to mergers, acquisitions or company name changes.


I've never regretted making the changes and two of them were for jobs eliminated.


My first employer as an adult was merged, bought, and then closed. I left the second due to a change in job responsibilities for which I had no training, and am at my third employer from which I will most likely stay until retirement. Of course, it helps that they have a pension!


Most of my job changes were as a "trailing spouse" as my husband changed jobs - sometimes with the same company, sometimes to different employers.


I have been with the same employer for over 40 years. Although I love my job, looking back, I should have changed employers years ago. Now I just feel stuck.


My story is the opposite of yours. . . when I started with my current employer, I intended to stay for less than 5 years, get some experience and relocate back West, where I had family. One marriage, two kids and 19 years later, I am still with that company and still in North Carolina. Go figure!


In many ways, I've only had two employers, the first was the supermarket where I worked at two different stores, the second employer was Uncle Sam, as I was a Park Ranger for 9 months then I went to work for IRS. So depending on how you count, that would be 4, 3 or 2. I have always felt it was just 2 employers, just different managers and sites.


Last two moves occurred due to either company sale or acquisition.


I am from coastal Mississippi, and was affected job-wise by Hurricane Katrina. Since finishing college, I have held two career jobs, both in the retirement industry, and only changed to relocate.


First five job moves were due to relocation and trying to find the right job fit. Since I landed in the employee benefits field I have had three employers - two of which I was forced out due to mergers.


I actually moved to my current employer because they offered retirement benefits, which my former employer, a law firm, did not offer.


Although stressful at times, I really like my job now. Having a great boss makes all the difference. Working conditions has caused me to leave only one prior job. I've been here 19 years and hope to finish my career here.


I've only had three jobs since graduating college.


2 Employers - last 25 years in retirement plans - retiring next year!!!


Five employers and two careers in 40 years...first career three jobs of 6, 1 and 10 years...second career jobs of 9 and 14.

Verbatim (cont.)

I was laid off from my first job out of college as an internal auditor for major home improvement store when another more popular home improvement store put my employer out of the business. I started my current job as a temp and really thought I'd only work here just until I found what I really wanted to do...that was 28 years ago and now I'm counting down til retirement. Been in the benefits area for 26 years and know I have to hang on to get a very good retirement benefit!!!!


My last job change was out of boredom. Got tired of the same ol' stuff and needed a new challenge. Got that and more with the new employer. Will be retiring in 281 days and am looking forward to the next new challenge - which will be on my terms this time!


Retailing major, so started working in department stores; moved on to a bank where I was exposed to my first pension calculation; became a CPA and then moved into employee benefits, acquired my CEBS; ran a small TPA and now work for a Fortune 500.


I've been working for the same company since shortly after college (mid 1980s), although the company has been sold once.


My first job out of college was at Meidinger, which later became William M Mercer-Meidinger, which later became Mercer-Meidinger-Hansen, which later became William M Mercer, and now I believe they are just Mercer. Ironically, I now work for a steel company in which Mercer is one of our vendors.


I never changed jobs, though because of numerous acquisitions, the name of the company I worked for changed several times,


Sometimes a fresh start will give you energy.


I changed states and change companies about every 3 years. My current job - I have been here for 7 years. I'm hoping to do early retirement at the end of 2018 - however, I really want to move to a cooler state so I may not last 4 1/2 more years.


39 years of service to current employer (this year).


I left a large insurance company after 15 years to find my "niche" in another insurance company. After 15 years there, the first co. bought the retirement business of the 2nd co. and now I'm back! Funny how many people I know are still at company #1 after I came back 15 years later, even though they all said they were leaving when I left 15 years ago. The more things change, the more things remain the same.


I've worked at the same company for nearly 40 years. Any time I started to get bored in an assignment I had the opportunity to move to another job. Long ago I heard a senior manager say "You take care of the company, and the company will take care of you." After seeing many strategy and regime changes through the years, I've found that to be true in the vast majority of cases.


I worked for 29+ years for the NYS Insurance Department as an attorney / product regulator. I took the early retirement incentive in 2010 at age 55 and now work for a law firm in Albany, NY.




I'm so old...I started out when HMOs were a fledgingly fresh idea and then saw most gobbled up like Pac-Man pellets. I'm so old...I remember my first boss saying "Benefits, kid it's a benefit just to work here." I'm so old...I remember when SPDs were…


Moves generally included more money and a promotion. My first move was also for location to an area that provided a lifestyle I loved.


I have been fortunate to work for 3 decent employers that provided me the opportunity to grow within the field. I was also fortunate that I left my first two jobs within a year or two of them locating to another part of the country, which would have meant I would be looking for a new job


When I was younger I moved for salary and title, then it was for breadth and depth of experience until now where I just want to be "that person who has been here forever" and knows all the answers.


I was with my employer 30 years and my area was bought out as of 01/2015.


Best job was when I was self-employed. I had a great boss and was always employee of the month!


I started my third job 27 years ago, but have been sold twice which makes the number of companies I've worked for a total of 5.

Verbatim (cont.)

Always had another job before jumping.


It really hasn't hurt me or labelled me a "job hopper" - it seems very natural these days to follow a boss or leave for a new opportunity.


Have spent majority of career at 2 employers (16 yrs and currently up to 9 yrs) - - hoping to retire from this employer!


People carry on as though the newest generations have invented high job turnover, but the historical trends suggest an amazing consistency going all the way back to WWII. While I really haven't been a big job hopper, thank goodness I don't have to rely on a long-service dependent DB plan to fund my retirement.


The first company I worked for was purchased and then closed by a liquidator. The second demutualized, merged with another and reorganized. The third was a spin-off that ultimately merged back with the parent. The fourth was a small boutique that changed according to each new partnership interest, and ultimately closed. My current employer is stable and growing, partially as the result of making acquisitions.


I changed careers from teaching after 2 years to public accounting. My plan was to stay in public accounting 2 years. I'm now on my 32nd year with the same firm.



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