SURVEY SAYS: Super Bowl Contenders

January 21, 2014 ( – The playoff games to see which teams will compete in Super Bowl XLVIII were this weekend.

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers which teams they would like to see compete in the Super Bowl and which team they would like to win this year.

Nearly two-thirds (63.4%) of responding readers got their wishes, as they were pulling for the Denver Broncos to win the American Football Conference (AFC) championship game. Twenty percent were pulling for the New England Patriots. Slightly more than 16% indicated they had no opinion or didn’t care who won.

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Nearly half (49.2%) of responding readers are celebrating, as they selected the Seattle Seahawks as the team they wanted to win the National Football Conference (NFC) championship game. Nearly one-third (32%) voted for the San Francisco 49ers, and nearly 19% had no opinion or didn’t care.

As for the Super Bowl win, again it is the Broncos that pulled in the most votes (31.1%), with the New England Patriots (18.9%) following. Seventeen percent of respondents would like to see the Seattle Seahawks get Super Bowl rings, and 14% are hoping the San Francisco 49ers will win.

While 8% had no opinion or don’t care which team wins the super Bowl, another 8% said they hope any team but the Patriots take it. Less than one percent of respondents each felt the same way about the Broncos, 49ers or Seahawks.

The verbatim responses also showed a huge following for Peyton Manning and/or the Denver Broncos. As expected some readers are really looking forward to the parties, commercials and half-time show, while others seem thoroughly disgusted with the latter two. Of course, some of those who chose to make comments made a plug for their favorite teams—though they were not contenders for the Super Bowl. Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “The venue in New York [New Jersey] will be the best entertainment, if it is a blizzard.”


As long as a Western team wins--and a Pacific Coast team would be even better!


I look forward to some of the commercials but not the halftime show. It has gotten a little out of control. That's when I take my half hour "power" nap.


Good luck playing in NJ in February. Hoping Peyton gets another ring - but ANYONE other than New England!!


People can't remember the pain of being a Patriots fan back in the 80s and early 90s.


Da Chicago Bears should be dere. Dey waz robbed.


Since my team didn't make it past the first round of playoffs, I'll be paying more attention to the commercials than the game.


halftime, uh, Bruno Mars, really? maybe he still appeals to pre-teens ...


Russell Wilson may or may not become the QB of a Super Bowl championship team - but he is more than a champion to the kids he serves at Seattle's Children's Hospital. It's nice to see a player use his fame/fortune to benefit others.


Love to see Peyton win it this time!


Do you think the NFL will ever stop calling the winners "world champions"? Will they ever figure out that the world is MUCH larger than just the US?

Verbatim (cont.)

I would typically pick Seattle over S.F. but my disdain for Pete Carroll trumps my dislike of S.F. The bottom line is I would like to see Peyton Manning with a 2nd Super Bowl ring with a great performance that will get the naysayers off his back.


Either way, should be fun to watch the games this weekend with 2 highly decorated veteran QBs battle each other in the AFC, while 2 young up & coming QBs battle it out in the NFC. Then the Super Bowl will be youth vs experience at the QB postion.


What a waste of bandwidth.... Regardless of whoever wins, nothing will change in my life - either for the good or bad, and I will still be faced with the same issues and problems as before. Gee, how many issues we collectively have to deal with could be solved with the Gazillions spent on such a ridiculous, no value endeavor - including the paychecks of those steroidal machines involved in the contest.


Will just have to play Civ 5, Mass Effect or read a book. Actually, do all three and catch up on e-mails. Better yet, call my mom. That has to be better than football. Take a walk outside to enjoy Mother Nature. She deserves it.


Go 'Niners! This is the only time I ever watch football.


I hope they all lose!


I look forward to some good games. Both AFC/NFC games appear to be solid match-ups, which should play out well in the Super Bowl.






Ideally the Packers would be playing however since they aren't I've become a Peyton Manning fan!

Verbatim (cont.)

Not a weekly football fan, but will watch the entire Super Bowl for the commercials and half time! And it's fun to sit on the couch surrounded by plates of appetizers all day, too!


Put the Super Bowl at Lambeau Field!


I would love to see New England versus San Francisco. That would pit two ex-Michigan quarterbacks against each other. Tom Brady, quarterback for the Patriots versus Jim Harbaugh, head coach of the 49ers. I grew up in an era when the conventional wisdom was that Michigan quarterbacks could never make it in the NFL. Not anymore...


I bet on the Niners so they have my rooting interest. But I'm a Chiefs fan so I will be hanging my head in shame from the historical collapse they suffered to the Colts.


In 1979 the Super Bowl was on January 21st. By February 2nd, I tired of football.


Why are people so interested in watching a bunch of millionaires play games?


Giants fan so would like to keep it in the Manning family but honestly any team other than New England can win and I'll be happy. Just don't tell my wife, she's a huge Patriots fan.


I can't wait to walk into the break room and NOT hear about fantasy football. Hopefully fantasy Olympics never catches on!


I don't want Tom Cantstandja Brady to win. Can somebody give Belichick some sleeves? Evidently the franchise is pinching pennies so tight they can't afford complete shirts for him! Maybe someone needs to contact them with some 401k options for retirement.

Verbatim (cont.)

Which team would I like to see in the Super Bowl - Detroit Lions. It's on my bucket list. So, I think I'm safe for a while yet.


I'm from Indianapolis and would love for Peyton to win another Super Bowl. He and the Broncos are looking awesome, so this is their year.


The venue in New York will be the best entertainment, if it is a blizzard.


Would rather see the Cincinnati Bengals in the Super Bowl. There is always next year!


Go Peyton!


Not digging either NFC team, but I had to choose one. Want to see Peyton ride out the sunset of his career with one more ring.


Patriots all the way, Baby!


I watch for the commercials.


Hats off to the NFL for managing to wind up with the best complete set of playoff matchups in my memory, including this weekend. That said, whatever idiot thought it would be a good idea to play the Super Bowl outdoors in New Jersey in February... Well, let's just say I hope they have seats exposed to the elements. First year I have NOT wanted to be AT the Super Bowl!



NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not the stance of Asset International or its affiliates.
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