SURVEY SAYS: Do you plan on relocating in retirement?

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers: Are you planning to relocate in retirement? If so, what is the main reason for doing so?

The majority (52.5%) of NewsDash readers who responded are planning to relocate in retirement. Twenty-eight percent are not sure, and 14% said they will not relocate in retirement. Five percent responded: “What retirement?”  

Most of the “other” responses were from readers who plan to maintain multiple residences in retirement, mostly to take advantage of warmer climates in winter and cooler climates in summer.  

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Among those planning to relocate, 47.7% said the main reason for doing so is to live in a better climate. Fifteen percent each chose “lower taxes” and “to be closer to family.”  Eight percent indicated they plan to relocate for more affordable housing, 7% chose “a smaller community” and 6% said they plan to relocate for more recreational activities.   

Two percent plan to relocate for more affordable health care, and no one chose “a safer community” or “a larger community.”  

The majority of “other” responses indicated the major reason for relocating was a tie between lower costs and a better climate.  

Among the verbatim comments, readers indicated they didn’t plan to relocate because they were close to family members or because they were in a location with a good climate or plenty of recreational activities.  

My favorite responses were: “Just send me somewhere where the wine is good, the weather is warm, and I won’t have to deal with PPACA anymore,” and “I dream of traveling, retiring to a tropical island, enjoying beautiful sights – then I wake up….”


I already live in one of the most beautiful places on climate really isn't an issue for me. That being said, however, moving down below would make it considerably easier to see my children and grandchildren. Unless...God willing...I can conveince them all to move up here within the next 10, or so, years! 


I hope I can stay where I am. Time will tell! 


After "less than an inch" of forcasted snow turned out to be more like 6 inches in Denver today, I think I'd like to try and get bored living on a beach for a while! 


Midwest winters are pretty harsh. I plan to go someplace warm in the winter months and come back to the Midwest in the nicer weather months. 


My four children and 7 grandchildren live in the Chicagoland area, so there is no desire to move away from here. And the four seasons aren't really that extreme, with Lake Michigan nearby. 


It really depends on family; can't imagine being a flight away from my only child. 


Trust me, no one wants to retire to Buffalo, New York!!! 


Funds will definitely be a consideration, with the roller-coaster ride we've been on, who knows?? 


I already relocated to Scottsdale Arizona, I just did it when I was 35! 


Primary reason for relocation would be cost of living and affordable healthcare prior to age 65. I have enough money to retire now - howevver access to healthcare is the show stopper. 


Tired of rainy Pacific NW, costs of living in Seattle area. May come back eventually due to family but everyone wants to visit us in a sunny place! 


Just send me somewhere where the wine is good, the weather is warm, and I won't have to deal with PPACA anymore. 


I live in Connecticut. The better climate is coming to me so why move? 


We are tired of the cold winters in MT and will go to warmer climate in winter and come back to a beautiful summer in MT best of both worlds! 


Ask me again in 30 years... 


be near the water 


Verbatim (cont.) 


I dream of traveling, retiring to a tropical island, enjoying beautiful sights - then I wake up.... 


Inspite of cold Minnesota winters, we will not relocate so that we can be close to our grandson. 


Since I work for the state - it has sucked my life away, in retirement I don't want it to suck my walet away - By(e) California ! 


Second home purchased recently -- the plan is in motion. 


Of course, this dream of retirement all depends on my 401(k) savings, which does not seem to be working for me right now.....may not be able to relocate if I have to work longer than expected because I'll be too old! 


My husband is still working at 69 as am I at 65. We think we have several more years to go since we enjoy good health and our jobs are not physically demanding. This is a topic of almost continuous conversation but we have no resolution. I think we are waitng (or should I say hoping) for one or both of our daughters to marry and their location at that point may be the factor we are missing.. 


I just need to get my family (those committed to "watching" the old folks) to move to a warmer climate. 


Although too early to know for sure. At 33 I would love to live somewhere beautiful with lots to do, just need to have the funds to do it. 


We've decided not to relocate as it is close to all our family and friends and the house was just renovated. I'm going to stay and enjoy! 


If my only child moves away, I may recloate to be near her. But would prefer to stay put. 


I guess I'm in a fortunate position. Even though I'm in the wintery cold northeast (except this year) with relatively high taxes, I have here what many move to have - close to children and grandchildren, social, artistic and outdoor activities, a strong social network and great friends, and strong ties to the community. I have more good reasons to stay where I am than risk with change. I do plan to travel though to see and experience what is not in my own backyard. 


Retirement is another chapter in life, so what better time to make new friends, explore new sites. This will be our 4th major move and I've enjoyed each one and the opportunities discovered along the way. 


college towns look the best to me. 


I live in Illinois so I was going to move anyway to get away from the weather, but now because of the state's precarious financial position, I'm even more motivated to move - and soon! 


It's going to be hard to convince my husband to leave his workshop and all of his "projects" to move to a warmer climate. 


Not sure where we'll end up at retirement. Moved from east coast to midwest for husband's job; in-laws on West Coast, Family on East Coast. Will end up near one of the families, just not sure which coast! Someplace warm for sure! 


If and when we do retire, we'd do it for cost savings and to be closer to family (grandkids???). 


Our theory is to downsize and go where the action is - a major metropolitan area. We hope that will keep us active in retirement.

Verbatim (cont.)  

I live in a perfectly lovely place that has affordable housing, good climate, cultural activities, family, reasonable taxes, and friends. As long as my Social Security is not cut, and we get universal health care by then, I will be set for the rest of my life. I am not telling you were I live, so that you can't move here! 


Verbatim Any move is predicated on whether current home will sell for a fair price and where family is at. Hard to make decision when retirement is still 8+ years off. 


we're anxious to get out of the snow and into a warmer year-round climate. 


I'm actually planning to become a snow bird while still working. With flexible work arrangements, there is no reason I have to be located anywhere in particular, as long as I have access to a computer network, a telephone, and an airport. 


I have endured rainy, humid summers in my husband's hometown for 29 years; so once I retire we are heading for desert Southwest. 


If I do get to retire at some point, I would likely stay where my family is. 


I'm actually moving north, contrary to most New Englanders! I love winter. 


I thought long and hard about it and found out two very important things. First, I thought too long and too hard about it. Second, after careful review and consideration - there's way too much crap to pack. 


mentally, i'm ready now, but realistically i need to save more. the property taxes where i live now are so outrageous. 


Life is short - experience as much as you can. Move. 


I already live in central Florida. Where could I go that is better than here? 


Tired of Northeast winters and paying high taxes. 


If I can afford to relocate at retirement, I'd go to Nevada for a better climate and no state income taxes. 


My wife hates heat. That puts a real damper on relocation. 


It all depends or where my kids live. I'll either want to be closer or farther away! 


My husband and I live in the northeast and we both HATE the cold. We have a nephew (our only one), who's in first grade, and he lives in the the next town over from us. There's no way we can move until he graduates from high school. So, until then we're counting the years and dreaming of a warmer clime. 


I am in the process of a "phased early retirement" right now and just relocated from Pittsburgh back to Phoenix, where I lived for 10 years previously. My company is forward thinking enough to not only allow me to ease into retirement but to allow me to telecommute. I spend one week in Pittsburgh and three in Phoenix. Climate was definitely a factor. Once you have lived in a place with 350 days of sun, it is hard to live anywhere else. 


warm weather awaits 


I will live near my children, since I love knowing that they are close. 


I'd like to be able to stay in my present home and travel for climate, recreation, and stimulation - but that's probably a pipe dream!

Verbatim (cont.)  

looking to get out of beautiful syracuse ny during the winters! 


I live in NJ where we have sky high real estate taxes. I think that it is really a shame that many people are forced out of a home that they've lived in for decades because they can't afford to pay the taxes. 


I've lived in New England all my life and HATE the cold. I have to get out of here! I think the key to th perfect climate is going to be two houses: one for winter (where it's warm in the winter) and one for summer (where it's not scorchingly hot in the summer). That's what I'm shootin' for. 


At this point in my life, I hope that I will be traveling a lot during retirement. That sounds better than relocating. 


I've always seen myself in retirement on a gorgeous white sand beach with cute guys brining me drinks with umbrellas in them. I plan on making at least the first part of that happen. 


House is paid for and could't leave the "Goof Life" in Nebraska 


If property taxes in my area keep increasing as they have the last 3 years I will relocate, I live in southeast PA and we could save a lot moving to Delaware and we would still be in a couple of hours from our family. 


For me, relocating to a warmer climate is the top priority. For my wife, it all depends on where the grand kids are located. I already know who is going to win that discussion. 


We're YEARS away from retirement. My wife and I are both 45, and our younger son is only 8, so we will likely be in this home or a home like it for another 15 years. But we've often said that after the kids are gone and we no longer need a larger home, we'd love to try condo living "in the city." By "in the city," we only mean Marietta...just down the road from us about 8 miles or so. Right now, we live in the 'burbs. I have no desire to live in the political cesspool known as Atlanta, but Marietta has some charm 😉 


We currently live in Northern Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC and we will be leaving this area when we retire to get away from the traffic congestion. 


Living in the Great(?) State of NY where the middle class is being systematically wiped out through extortionist-like property and income taxes, I have no choice but to relocate. 


This is, of course, all dependent on where(and if) I'm living in 30 years. 


I want to move to a warmer climate. My only hesitation would be leaving my only daughter 1500 miles away. 


I think retirees will begin to arbitrage state living costs - income taxes, property taxes and housing costs and we'll see an accelerate exodus from heavily taxed states like to NJ to states like TN (no state income tax) and MS which doesn't tax distributions from 401(k) plans and IRAs. 


Depends on my health and my finances when and if I retire.
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