SURVEY SAYS: Which team do you hope makes it to Super Bowl XLVI?

Only four teams are left to play for a chance to participate in Super Bowl XLVI.

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, which NFL team do you hope makes it to the Super Bowl this year?  

The New England Patriots were the favorite, with 33% of respondents selecting this team. Twenty-five percent selected the New York Giants, 19% the San Francisco 49ers, and 17% the Baltimore Ravens.  

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Ten percent of respondents indicated they don’t care who makes it to the Super Bowl because none of the four contenders is their team, and 4% said they don’t care because they don’t like or watch NFL football.  

While my favorite team is not in the running, I do have an opinion about who I DON’T want to make it, as do some NewsDash readers. Six percent said they hope any team but the Patriots make it to the Super Bowl, 4% said any team but the Giants, and 3% chose any team but the Ravens. The 49ers was the least hated team; no one selected “any team but the 49ers.”  

Though the Patriots won the most votes for Super Bowl hopeful, the love couldn’t be seen in some respondents’ comments. One respondent said he or she would pull for the devil rather than the Patriots.   

Some respondents indicated they are looking forward to the commercials.  

My favorite comment, though, had nothing to do with the teams contending for the chance to play. One reader said: “Thanks for reminding me – I am still stuck somewhere in the beginning of January.”


Very Good! 


Just glad the Packers lost.....tired of hearing how they are the "golden team" and no one can stop them....guess who's saying that now? 


Eli is consistently underrated and if he makes it to another SB, this time having carried an extremely flawed team on his back, then he must get the recognition he deserves. And I'm not even a Giants fan! 


SF vs NE with the 49ers winning ring #6!!! 


My hometown team's mantra is "wait'll next year, you'll see". 


Well I should vote for New England since I am from New England. However, the Patriots have become something like the Yankees - the team you love to hate. With this in mind, I like to route for the underdog. 


I have been a season ticket holder since the Ravens came to Baltimore and I look forward to them winning the Superbowl. 


I guess one Manning brother is earning their keep. 


I like the Ravens, but it will probably be New England vs. San Francisco (at least the TV networks will like that), with New England winning! 


Giants and the Ravens; Giants win a close game 


I come from San Francisco, but I live in New York now. So I'll have at least have someone to root for in the Super Bowl, but the Giants/49ers game this weekend is definitely more exciting for me. 


Bring on the commercials! 


Looking forward to some great commercials (and some dogs, too). 


Unfortunately, no N O. 


I'll end up rooting for the underdog. 


With the Packers out of the running, who cares! 


I would root for the devil in the Super Bowl if he were playing the Patriots. Oops - wait a minute - that might be a fixed game sinceI think Bill Belicheck may be the devil. 


Just love the Manning family! What a class act they are. 


As a Clevander, I have to chose this one!

Verbatim (cont.)  

Last thing we need is another Superbowl to go to Tom Brady's head. His ego is large enough already. 


Thanks for reminding me - I am still stuck somewhere in the beginning of Janaury.... 


I would like to see San Francisco and Baltimore in as they have not had as much recent success as the others. I will actually be rooting more against the Giants and Patriots, since I don't care for either of them. 


I want to see Pats-Giants again and have it come out the RIGHT way this time! 


It doesn't really matter to me...I don't follow hockey. 


Tough test for the Pats this weekend but the Superbowl will be even tougher. 


Go Pats! That about says in at for me. 


Since our struggle continues with the Lions and their need to grow up a bit, I'd like to see a return to prominence for that team by the Bay. Thanks! 


Looking for a Patriots v. Giants rematch. 


Since my team is already out (Packers),please don't let it be the Patriots.. 


The New York Football Giants are destined for glory on February 5th in Indy. This statement is from a 50 year Giants fan going back to when I was 9 years old and watching their summer camps held at Fairfield University. Lets Go Giants! Defense! Defense! Defense! from Sant P. 


Am a Colts fan from Indiana and if the Giants win Sunday, at least there will be one Manning in the Super Bowl here in Indy! 


Tom Brady is the best! 


After destroying the 15-1 Packers on their home turf, you just gotta cheer for the Giants. 


A 2008 re-match with the same outcome. 


I'm really hoping the 49ers beat the Giants. My Packers team looked awful against the G-men, and we actually beat ourselves. I'll be rooting for the 49ers to get into the SB! 


Please no superb owl puns. 


Like the Academy Awards, I think it runs too long. 


Go Big Blue! 


If they play anywhere near as good the next two games as they did against the Broncos, they will be Super Bowl champs again! 


Go Pats! 


Fun to see an "all Harbaugh" super bowl. 


So long as Tim Tebow got put in his place I'm good. 


Baltimore Ravens vs. SF 49ers for "Har-bowl II" 

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