SURVEY SAYS: Will You Make New Year’s Resolutions in 2012?

I asked NewsDash readers, “Will you make New Year’s Resolutions in 2012, and if so, what will they be?”

More than three-quarters of responding readers (76%) indicated they will be making resolutions, and the rest (24%) said they will not.  

As for what they will resolve (more than one answer was allowed), the most selected choice by far was “lose weight” (64%). At 41% each, “spend less” and “start a good habit (exercising, eating healthier, practicing religion, etc.)” tied for number two.  

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Thirty-two percent of respondents said they will resolve to decrease their debt, and at 23% each, “reduce stress” and “save more in general” tied for fourth place.  

Eighteen percent selected “save more for retirement,” and “work less and play more” and “spend more time with family” each were chosen by 14% of responding readers.    

“Stop a bad habit (smoking, drinking, cursing, etc.)” and “improve work performance” were each chosen by 5% of respondents, and no one is resolving to “start a new hobby.”  

“Other” responses included: 

  • Have just given birth to my first child, I plan to try and simplify my life so I can spend more time enjoying him. Oh, I’d also like to lose those last 15 lingering baby pounds… 
  • I wish you had included an “all of the above” option! 
  • Get a new job! 
  • Reading the Bible 
  • Get more sleep – at least 7 hours. 
  • I actually started on my diet at the begiining of October. Down 25 pounds so far! 
  • Find a job 
  • Since I will retire soon, my resolution is to always have a purpose for my day. My first challenge is to build a new house. I’ll not be sitting in the easy chair with a remote in hand! 
  • write a book 
  • to not make new year’s resolutions… 
  • I resolve to stop wasting time responding to survey questions. 
  • I’m going to keep smoking, gain weight, drink more, sleep later and swear alot. If it ain’t broke…am I right? 
  • RETIRE AFTER 66 YEARS. 1942-1945 U.S. NAVY 1946-1952 OFFICE BOY 1953-1985 OIL & GAS LAWYER 1986-1994 RETAIL MANAGER 1995-2011 LEGAL/HR MGR. 


  • I've kept the last "New Years" resolution that I made, which was to not make New Year’s resolutions. If it's worth doing, there is no need to wait until the first of the year, and what percentage of people making "New Years" resolutions fail to meet their goal? 
  • Those are all great suggestions, though! 
  • Its not really a new year’s resolution, since I've already started working on it. Why wait til Jan 1? 
  • Everyone needs a goal - even if you don't entirely reach it. 
  • I have several things I plan to change that are on the list, but I'm starting now and now waiting for the New Year. Picking an artificial date makes it more of an event than an ongoing way of life. 
  • I was looking forward to the best holiday movie survey so I am voting for A Christmas Story anyway. 
  • This year will be different. I will succeed with at least one of my many resolutions! 
  • The gym always gets crowded in January. By mid February, most have given up and its back to the normal crowd. 
  • Basically, I just want to have a better year in 2012. 2011 is a year I will be happily rid of. 
  • Why bother making a New Year's resolution that you don't intend to keep. 
  • ...can't believe you've "missed" the Christmas movie poll... a cherished holiday tradition for newsdash readers! 
  • Thank goodness no one takes it seriously, for long anyway. 
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