2009 NewsDash Archive List

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NewsDash – December 31  

Outback Settles Glass Ceiling Suit, OPERS Names New Investment Director, How Will You Ring in the New Year? 

NewsDash – December 30  

More Than a Third Planning Benefit Cuts, Actuaries Cite Planning Software Gaps, Institutional Investor Confidence Up, But… 

NewsDash – December 29  

Employers Unsure About Healthcare Moves, Participants Don’t ‘Get’ Annuities, Court Says Prenup Nondisclosure Not Fraud 

NewsDash – December 28  

Time to Reform Health Care Reform, Principal Real Estate Fund Hold Draws Lawsuit, Pension Fund Sued by Consultant 

NewsDash – December 24  

Auto Enrollment, Lower Match Linked, GAO Says Most Public Funds Not Prefunding OPEB, Bill Would Change Discrimination Testing 

NewsDash – December 23  

Looking for a Creative Gift for the Boss?, Kraft Revenue-Sharing Suit Moves Forward, What do YOU Want from Santa This Year? 

NewsDash – December 22  

Pay Freezes Thaw for 2010, Mercer Hires a New Outsourcing Chief, Retirement Plan Advisers Have More AUM 

NewsDash – December 21  

Who Are Participants Trying to Fool?, FedEx Brings Back Half its 401(k) Match, Social Networking Poses Reputational Risks 

NewsDash – December 18       

DC Sponsors Warm – Slowly – to Annuities, Wells Fargo Extends Annuity Platform Access, Maryland Dumps Dutch Shell Holdings 

NewsDash – December 17   

Fidelity Fires Four Fantasy Footballers, Senator Targets Target-Date Fiduciaries, What’s Your Favorite Holiday Movie?  

NewsDash – December 16  

Ford Brings Back its 401(k) Match, Two More Faith-Based ETFs Launch, The Most Common 5500 Filing Mistake 

NewsDash – December 15  

Supremes to Weigh in on Work Email Privacy, Retirement Savings? There’s an App for That, Another Revenue-Sharing Case Dismissed 

NewsDash – December 14  

Harrington Departs LPL, More Time to Gear Up for PPA, IRS Offers Some 403(b) Assurance 

NewsDash – December 11  

Hewitt Says DB Sponsors Shifting Risk Focus, Northern Trust Releases Carbon Footprint Tool, DoL Issues Target-Date Advisory Opinion 

NewsDash – December 10   

Stock Option Award Values Clipped, Borzi Talks Timing on Fee Disclosures, The Gifts that Keep on Being Given  

NewsDash – December 9   

Savings Take Back Seat with Gen Y, Retirement Leadership Changes at BofA/Merrill, Ohio Highway Patrol Issues Two RFPs 

NewsDash – December 8  

TDF Misuse Can Create Inferior Portfolio, Pension Liabilities Weighing on M&A, GAO Offers Some 5500 Tips 

NewsDash – December 7  

Markets Take Toll on Participant Confidence, TCW Links With MetWest, Boots Gundlach, Bill Calls for Retirement Income Disclosure 

NewsDash – December 4  

Clark Rolls Out Deferred Comp for Mid-Market Firms, IRS Publishes 2010 Mileage Reimbursement Rates, The Holiday Party Memo From… 

NewsDash – December 3  

401k Balances Creeping Higher, Another Revenue-Sharing Suit Falls Short, Will You Have a Holiday Party at Work? 

NewsDash – December 2  

Most 403(b) Sponsors Kept Match Intact, Fed Workers Better Savers, Transamerica Adds a New Share Class 

NewsDash – Special DB Issue   

Finance Execs Still Worried About Pension Risk Management, Milliman 100 Shows Drop in Pension Funding, IRS Publishes Final 204(h) Participant Notice Requirements 

NewsDash – December 1  

IMHO: The Benefits of the Doubt, Genes Drive investment Behavior, Stress Symptoms Draw Workplace Focus 

NewsDash – November 30  

Results of our Annual DC Survey, Auto Trends on Hold in 2009, 8th Circuit Reopens Revenue-Sharing Suit 

NewsDash – November 27  

Looking for a New Way to Lose Weight, T. Rowe Sticks With Target-Date Allocations, Stock Drop Attys Get $21 Million Payday 

NewsDash – November 26  

Happy Thanksgiving! 

NewsDash – November 25  

Smelly Workplaces Make Meaner Workers?, McDonald’s Liable for Prank Stri.p Search, What are YOU Thankful For? 

NewsDash – November 24  

IMHO: What I’m Thankful For, Endowments Split on Portfolio Risk, IRS Issues Final Rule on Pension Notices 

NewsDash – November 23  

MOSERS May Limit Investment Staff Bonuses, Puget Sounders Postponing Retirement, GAO Report Questions Exec Comp Practices, Pensions 

NewsDash – November 20  

Matches Making Comebacks Among Fidelity Plans, Endowments & Foundations Retooling Approaches, What Are Your Thanksgiving Plans? 

NewsDash – November 19  

Regions Restores Match, Pension Accruals, Few Plan to Cut Back on Stock Plans, Things 403(b)s Need to Know About ACP Testing 

NewsDash – November 18  

Winners & Losers in the Revenue-Sharing Settlement, Maryland Puts Out Two RFIs, Callan Launches Target-Date Analytics 

NewsDash – November 17  

HSAs Most Common CDHP Model, ING Forms Higher Ed Biz Development Unit, EBSA Pushes Back Advice Rule – Again 

NewsDash – November 16  

Black & Decker Brings Back Match, Sunoco Freezes DB Plan, IRS Offers Guidance on NRA WIthholding 

NewsDash – November 13  

NYT Freezes Pension Plan, SunTrust Unwraps FDIC-Insured 401k Fund, Worker Says Fired for Belief in Psychics 

NewsDash – November 12  

Weird Ideas from the Suggestion Box, Van Eck Offers Mining ETF, What is Your Vacation Plan? 

NewsDash – November 11  

The Match is Back at JPMorgan Chase, Guardian Launches Managed Account Service, Obama Ready to Nominate New PBGC Director 

NewsDash – November 10  

Schwab Study Says Stock Plans Alive and Well, Caterpillar Settles Revenue-Sharing Suit, John Hancock Takes Longer View on TDFs

NewsDash – November 9  

How the Financial Crisis Impacts HR, Things to Consider in Building Your Wellness Program, Law Firm’s Acts May Make it ERISA Fiduciary

NewsDash – November 6  

Fidelity Rolls Out Roth Conversion Tool, Record Flows Swell Bond Funds, House GOP Unveils Health Reform Bill

NewsDash – November 5  

Automatic Features Accelerate in Hewitt Survey, Tribune to Drop ESOP?, What’s Your Thanksgiving Break?

NewsDash – November 4  

IMHO: On Changing Providers, Contribution Shifts Underway in CDHPs, Springing Forward a Hazardous Business

NewsDash – November 3  

Three-in-Ten Say Coworker Has Stolen Ideas, Mutual of Omaha Teams Up with Epic Advisors, NEPC Survey Says RK Fees have Fallen

NewsDash – November 2  

Financial Services Trimming Pay, Benefits, IBM Picks Up Primary Health Care Expenses, Casey Quirk Sees Big Shifts Ahead for TDFs

