SURVEY SAYS: Who’s Your Fall Classic Favorite?

October 28, 2010 ( - Last night marked the beginning of the 2010 “fall classic”, better known as the World Series.   

Doubtless there are a lot of (still) disappointed Yankees and Phillies fans out there – but this week, I asked readers who YOU were rooting for – the Giants, the Rangers – or something else? 

However the World Series turns out, it wasn’t much of a contest in terms of our reader picks.  A clear plurality – 39.5% – were pulling for the Texas Rangers, and that was more than three times the number backing the San Francisco Giants (11.8%).

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Yes, that means that there were more respondents opting for “the end of baseball season” (31.1%) – and “next year” (17.6%)!

Of course, there were the usual assortment of interesting verbatims: 

Actually, I'm rooting for Cliff Lee.

Since Texas beat the Yankees, they're my favorite team (until next year).

At least there shouldn't be snow in either location. But, baseball still seems like a sport that the winner is determined by attrition, as in who can stay unbored the longest.

Hopefully, Cliff Lee will have a miserable series so that the Yankees can pick him up for less money than they will otherwise have to pay him if he has a stellar World Series performance.  Go Yankees!

The world series is my favorite sporting event. Personally, I'm glad to see some different teams (i.e not the Yankees or Phillies) in the series this year.  I always say I'm just going to watch the first few innings, but often end up staying up too late for a work night watching the games. I'm sure this year will be no different.

I gave up baseball after I went to my first hockey game and was energized!  I now find baseball extremely boring!

Any team that can beat the Yankees deserves to be rooted for!

Giants Rangers is a win-win for me. I was Will Clark fan as a kid and those are his teams. So I've been a fan of both ever since.

As a Red Sox fan, I have to root for a team that crushed both the Yankees and the Rays. This year, don't mess with Texas.

I'm just glad football is here!

Since Cablevision and Fox are still at odds here in New York, I won't be able to watch at home!

The baseball season ends on the day that the Braves are eliminated.

Even though I live in Texas, I would prefer to watch our local small town high school athletes compete for the fun of game (football, soccer, softball, or whatever) who have no interest in how much money it makes them. Determined long age that I wouldn't spend my time and money making players, owners and sponsors of TV coverage who only care about becoming wealthier.

After living in Houston for 30 years, during Nolan Ryan's heyday, how could I even consider support of the Giants?  But now I live in New England so for next year, "go Astros and Red Sox"!


You know the recent study that found that there is only 14 minutes of real action in a baseball game?  Even winnowed down to just those 14 minutes, I still couldn't care less who wins or even is playing.  Now talk to me about pro football.....

I'm a Phillies fan still in mourning; only consolation is that we went home later than the Yankees.

As a Red Sox fan, I guess I'm cheering on the Rangers, but I'm really waiting for next year when all of our guys are healthy again.

I root for whatever teams have no players who have sexted other team employees...

I just think it's great that the Giants made the World Series now that Bonds is no longer with the team.

Just glad the Yankees and Red Sox are watching and not playing this year. Is the East Coast suicidal now that two teams from west of the Mississippi are in the Fall Classic?

Go Cubs!!!!  Wait a minute,  Where are we?  Did we miss it again?  Where am I?  What was the question again?  Who am I?  Die Hard Cubs Fan, missing it again.  Same old story, wait until next year, again!!!!!!!!!!

Go Cubs!!!!  Wait a minute,  Where are we?  Did we miss it again?  Where am I?  What was the question again?  Who am I?  Die Hard Cubs Fan, missing it again.  Same old story, wait until next year, again!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't even know who was playing until I heard it on the radio this morning.  Who cares?  This is no longer the game of summer.  The series should start after labor day. 

As disappointed as I am to see my Yankees out of the running, I'm a diehard baseball fan and will be watching every game of the World Series - there's no other sport like this most American of sports,a nd I'll be loving every moment.  As James Earl Jones' character in "Field of Dreams" says, "The one constant through all the years has been baseball."

Hoping the Rangers will do well since they are new to this experience.  Looking forward to more good renditions of God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch.

I'm mostly glad that the Yankees couldnt buy another championship this year! Normally, I'm a National League guy but since the Cubs are not in the World Seriers, again...., I will be rooting for the Rangers. I have no ill feelings towards the Giants. It's just that America loves an underdog. Here is a team struggling to make payroll and had never won a playoff series making to the top of the mountain. I hope they can follow my New Orleans Saints lead and become World Champions in their first try!

I'm bitter my team just missed the playoffs so I'm not watching any postseason baseball.

With a wide-open NFL season, my favorite sport basketball starting up this week and a World Series without the Yankees, I'm loving sports this fall! And the Dallas Cowboys stink too? Perfect!

"I am tired of seeing Nolan Ryan highlighted.  Of course, if the series is on Fox Network, he'll be replaced by a series of no-name ""stars"" of Fox TV series.  [Maybe Homer Simpson will wil lbe there this year - mmmm, hot dogs!]

The NBA evidently started last night - further reducing the reruns we have to choose form."

I was hoping for the northern teams for the possibility of snow to show how stupid it is to be playing baseball in late October/early November.

I have to root for the Rangers, since they are the reason the Yankees are out of it this year. Yay!


"Giants BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sorry I have tickets for the game today and cannot hide my excitement!

First I'm a devastated Phillies fan, but I will root for Josh Hamilton to get another Ginger Ale celebration, great story and classy players for doing that.

As a lifelong Red Sox fan I found myself rooting for the sox, or against the yankees for most of the decade. This year it will be to watch for the quality of the baseball from players I mostly know little about.

I root for the underdog!

Everything is good as long as the Yankees lose.  Since that's in the rearview mirror, us Boston fans can wait until next year.  Go Pats!

I'm in SF, and there are more Orange People than you can imagine walking the streets today.

But this week’s Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who noted, “They're still playing baseball?”

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!
