SURVEY SAYS: Did You Watch the All-Star Game?

July 15, 2010 ( - Well, with World Series home field on the line for the first time, the National League beat the American for the first time since – well, let’s just say it’s been a while. 

The bonus question we wanted answered this week was “Did you watch the All-Star Game?”   

But the National League’s 3-1 victory, notwithstanding, the contest earned its lowest-ever television rating – how did NewsDash readers spend their evening? 

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Well, the vast majority weren’t watching – 70.3% were not, in fact – and another 7% said that it might have been on, but they weren’t watching (or listening, as the case may be).   

Yes, just over 22% said they were actually watching the game. 

Not that it was necessarily an “active” choice.  As one reader noted, “No-did not even know it was on!”  “Forgot about it,” explained another, while one reader said “Uh, the all-star game was on last night?”  Yet another noted, “I think the last All-Star game I watched featured Willie Mays.” 

Still another (there were a lot of these) said, “I totally forgot it was on (was Lebron James in the stands?)…” 

But what about the rest? 





Sleep (or the lack thereof) was an issue for some:

I was too tired.

But only until the 5th inning...I'm on the east coast

I watched some of it until I fell asleep. Sometimes I think it would be more fun to have a version of the "Razzies" - have all the guys with the worst ERAs, averages and the most error play.

Fell asleep in the 5th or 6th inning.

Only watch a couple of innings then went to bed.  The game started too late in my opinion.

There were definitely fans:

We love Brian McCann here in Atlanta!!

Nice showing by Rockies pitcher Jimenez. - Rockies Fan


Some, of course, were focused on the home-field implications:

I watched it, but I'm not thrilled that the AL gave up their World Series home-field advantage.  Of course, if the Yankees don't make it to the post-season, I won't much care who has home-field advantage!

I watched until 8th inning then it was after 11:00pm on East Coast and I went to bed. An exhibition game is not worth losing sleep time. However, now my Phillies have home field for the World Series, sorry Yankee fans!

Some had other things to do first:

I followed it on the internet until my wife decided she was no longer interested in the show she was watching. That's when I started to watch it on TV. (That's the viewing pattern for a lot of sports events in my house.)

I watched the passing of Cpt. Phil (R.I.P.) on Deadliest Catch. By the time it was over, the game was in the 7th inning. Just in time to see the NL finally win one!

No mention of the big Deadliest Catch episode last night? I'm guessing that some folks diverted from baseball to watch Captain Phil's last episode.

Caught the bottom of the ninth.  I’m a huge baseball fan but "All-Star" games don't appeal much.  Went to a movie instead - "The Girl Who Played with Fire" - a good choice.


Of course, there were those who were deliberate in their avoidance:

Would prefer to watch paint dry.

No vuvuzela, no entertainment value. Can't wait to hear them at the British Open. Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark.

Made me yearn for the World Cup!

The sky was so very clear - the shooting stars were the best.  Oh, Baseball. Never mind.  Absolutely not!

And some just had other things to do:

Too much to do.  Was out mowing the yard, and then had a day and a half of Young and the Restless to catch up on.  I read about the game in the paper this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see the NL finally won one.

Including this week’s Editor’s Choice, who said, “It was my daughter's birthday, so we played baseball on the Wii instead.”

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!
