SURVEY SAYS: How Do You Read the NewsDash?

October 17, 2007 ( - This week marks the eighth anniversary of NewsDash, but as I talk to folks around the country, I have discovered that everyone has their own way of getting to the information they are interested in.

This week I asked readers how they perused the NewsDash.

They say there are “different strokes for different folks,” but when it comes to the NewsDash, the vast majority of respondents (82.6%) read it the “old-fashioned” way – scrolling from top to bottom.   “As hectic as my days are, I need order to those things I can control,” noted one reader.   “Scrolling from top to bottom ensures I don’t miss a thing.   Except on Fridays, then I skip right to the Friday Files and work my way back.”  A mere 6% jump from the headlines (an option, it should be noted, that is only available on our HTML version) to an item of interest, while a comparable 5% say “it depends on the day.”   A mere 3.3% go right for “Small Talk” (Fridays being a notable exception for the “depends on the day” crowd), and just 2% head right for a specific section.  

For more stories like this, sign up for the PLANSPONSOR NEWSDash daily newsletter.

We got a lot of great feedback on the format, content, and generally utility of the information in NewsDash:

Love it! It’s how I start my day; a cup of tea and the Dash. Keep up the great work!

I look forward to it every morning. You provide an overview of many relevant areas and often beat the consultants in providing updates on regulatory and judicial developments. Thanks.

I love how you have just enough info to realize whether or not I should keep reading on a specific topic. So many news providers give you just 1 or 2 sentences and you always have to click all the way into it just to decide whether it is worth reading- thanks for being better than the rest!

I scroll from top to bottom every day – absorbing some articles, and skimming other articles.   The articles are short enough that it is not time consuming but informational enough that you keep me updated on what is going on.  

NewsDash has been a regular part of my job (life) for many years. It allows me to stay ahead of our office news curve and prove that I’m one of the most informed resources my boss has on staff.

Love it – of all the newsletters I receive in any given week, this is the only one that I open up and scan every single day.   It’s extremely well-written, interesting, useful, and quite often downright funny.

Asked to rank the usefulness of the various sections (a number of readers – no doubt diligent scrollers all, hadn’t even noticed that there WERE sections), “Benefit Briefs” nudged out “Rules & Regulators,” with both garnering a solid “5” from more than half this week’s respondents.   However, when we included the subcategories of the various sections, “The Friday Files” was the clear favorite (as one reader noted, “The whole NewsDash is good, but I love the Friday Files”), with “On This Day” a distant second (42% ranked it a “5”).  

“I’ve also been meaning to tell you, I really enjoy the Monday musings, Tuesday Trivias, and Wednesday wisdoms,” noted a respondent.  “I share them every week with my mother and one of my brothers.   In fact, if I forget to share, my mother calls me!” 

The NewsDash has evolved - and continues to evolve - over time.   Since the PLANSPONSOR launch in 1999, I have always appreciated your willingness to share your insights and comments - and many of you have commented over the years at how much you have appreciated our willingness to respond to your inquiries.    

The vast majority of this week's responses were congratulatory in nature - and very much appreciated!   There were a couple of suggestions for improvement; a more blackberry-friendly version, for instance (that's on our "list"), and the ability to adjust the print size (so far as I know, I don't have much ability to do anything in the e-mail, but I'll check).  

As for the puns - ok, admittedly some find them distracting - and there were a smattering of comments this week that expressed a preference for "just the facts."   But, as I have told people over time, I get SO many more favorable comments from folks who enjoy them (even if they don't always "get" them) including among the responses to this week's survey: One reader noted, "Sometimes an egregiously bad pun headline forces a digression.   Keep it up - simple things like today's 'Rohm Charges' force my mind to wake up first thing every morning." Another reader noted, "I also enjoy the 'pithy' titles. It's nice to start every work day with some pith "; another said, "On certain days, the pithy titles are the only thing keeping me going."  The truth is, they are "work" of a sort - and not doing them would be a lot easier on me some nights - but I do appreciate the regular, positive feedback on the puns.   And, frankly, I also appreciate the feedback on the other "side."

Having said that, Survey Says wouldn't be Survey Says without a brief recitation of my favorite

My favorite newsletter!

I count on it.

A great service to our industry.   I've seen similar services that cost a lot and aren't as good or easy to use.   Thanks, Nevin

I love the ability to jump to your Web site to get 'MORE at' and get reminiscent reading 'On This Day.'   Thanks for great service over the years!

I look forward to it every day.   It's always there when I log on to e-mail, and it's usually way ahead of the pack with current events in the pension world.

I think this is an excellent service.   I read it every morning.   It's always light and entertaining, but also has current information and links to more if I need it. This is the only one I read daily.

I receive multiple benefits/HR/financial e-mails every week and I would say that I find items worthy of passing along to others at my company most often from NewsDash.

The best service around, and my company subscribes to quite a few.   Kudos to you Nevin.

Someone puts a lot of time to put this together and it's much appreciated.....Thanks for not putting in too much pension gossip like another costly publication does....

It's a great thing.   I often find out things before anyone else, and boy don't I look brilliant.   I once found out that our 401k recordkeeper was being investigated by the SEC and was selling their recordkeeping services before they told us!   Everyone was amazed that I knew this information.   I love starting my day with NewsDash.

Tony the Tiger says it best: "Greeeeat"

I have had many people ask me where I find the Friday Files.   My colleagues have become regulars with NewDash because of this simple advertisement.   It is a wonderful way to end the week.   Thank you for providing great information and entertainment!

Couldn't live without it.

LOVE IT.....I read it EVERY day and I forward articles to others several times a week.

I read it every day.   It's my best source for a quick overview of what is happening.

Thank you so much.   We appreciate your hard work.

I hate to admit it....I like to be entertained.   Where do you find that stuff?

I really enjoy the snapshot of things going on in the retirement world.   Thanks for putting out a great product!

My favorite way to get information.   Look forward to reading every day.

I really like the concise way information is presented.   It brings to light a lot of information that I find interesting and useful.   I use it to keep current with changes/events that could impact my company operations and benefit plans.

As an HR professional, my daily updates on regulations and law are provided by NewsDash.   I am a member of ****, but it is not convenient to log onto the site, enter a password then search for something relevant.   NewsDash provides current, relevant information on a daily basis.   Thanks and keep up the great work!

I love it and read it without fail.   I also teach compensation and benefits classes (in my spare time!) and require my students to subscribe during the quarter to keep up with important info.

NewsDash is well written and informative, and I appreciate receiving it each day!

Great summary for the day. I know this takes a lot of work and you are up way before the rooster crows to complete.

A lot of good information in a reasonable sized newsletter.   Check it every day.

Information-type articles are reviewed at our weekly staff meetings.

The NewsDash rarely takes a day off (no mean feat with my travel schedule) - but I have to say, it's nice to be missed.  

I actually have withdrawal symptoms when I go out of town and can't access my morning e-mail for my "fix"!

You really do a fantastic job.   Periodically, when you take a hurts!   BAD!!

I really miss it on the days you don't publish. Keep up the great work!  

When I am on vacation, I miss it.

"For me, it's the business equivalent of brushing and flossing my teeth."

But this week's Editor's Choice goes to the reader who said, "I hope I retire before you do."

Thanks to EVERYONE who participated in our survey!   (still open through Friday for verbatims/feedback/comments  HERE  - or you can email me anytime at )

I cannot begin to express to each and every one of you who responded to this week's survey just how much your feedback means - not just this week, but throughout the year(s).  

We appreciate your confidence, your trust, your feedback, and your support!

I used to spend so much time deciphering the titles that I'd get discouraged and decide there was nothing for me in that day's NewsDash. Now I ignore the titles and just scroll through.
I couldn't select more than one, but basically scroll from top to bottom, check out the pithy titles, go back to read the articles I may find interesting and then finish with Small Talk. Whew!
I look at the headlines at top and then scan each paragraph quickly for the gist of the article. If it is big news or pertinent to something I'm working on, I'll read the article and pursue all links. I don't edit my reading based on the categories where the article is placed--e.g., market mirror v. financial sense v. regulatory. If it is important to me, I read it. Candidly, I didn't realize the letter had all of these categories...other than the Friday Files...and that's a category all by itself!
I read every word of it from top to bottom and jump from the headlines as I read headlines I want to know more about.
Most days, but especially Friday I will make a point to read the Small talk and Friday files. They always pick me up.
I skip Market Mirror, Economic Events and The World At Large, but read everything else. Love the Friday Files, of course!
I read it every day by scrolling from the top to botton. I really enjoy Fridays
I also enjoy the "pithy" titles. It's nice to start every work day with some pith.
Usually I go from top to bottom, however on Fridays, I go straight to "Friday Files" first, so I can feel better about myself, and it always works, I love stupid people.
and the pithiness of the titles. My cat is named Puthy Cat by my bird, Tweety.
I scroll down the page and read the first few lines of each story to see what interests me. I also live for the Friday Files!!
which saves the best for last on Fridays.
Although, I DO love the clever titles!!!!!
I like to scroll from left to right.
Somewhere between "Depends on the day" and "Scroll from top to bottom". On Friday, it's straight to the Friday Files.
As hectic as my days are, I need order to those things I can control. Scrolling from top to bottom ensures I don't miss a thing. Except on Fridays, then I skip right to the Friday Files and work my way back.
Both (g) go right for "Small Talk" (as I then share that piece with a fellow worker who also loves the section, especially on Friday with the Friday Files!) and (b) scroll from top to bottom thereafter.
I love the pithy titles and tend to share the best ones with my wife.
I lead a boring cube life and will read anything for the diversion from routine. On Fridays I slow down just to anticipate the Friday Files.
Quick scroll to see what catches my eye. I don't pay any attention to the captions for the particular sections.
I do scroll thru the entire Dash, but I focus on a couple of specific sections: Rules & Regulations and Small Talk (especially on Friday)
However, sometimes an egregiously bad pun headline forces a digression. Keep it up - simple things like today's "Rohm Charges" force my mind to wake up first thing every morninig..
Depends how busy I am. If it's a "regular" workday, then I scroll from top to bottom and tend to ignore the pithy titles. If it's a stressful workday, then I look at just the headlines to figure out if there's anything to read before deleting. If I'm coming back from vacation, I review headlines, and then jump to the "Rules & Regulators" and Small Talk. And I always always read the Friday Files.
I scroll from top to bottom every day - absorbing some articles, and skimming other articles. The articles are short enough that it is not time consuming but informational enough that you keep me updated to what is going on. However, I must say my favorite is Fridays!
I scroll thru all but pay most attention to the first section.
I love Small Talk and the Friday Files as a humorous diversion in the morning.
Usually go from top to bottom but if it's a busy day, I may only skim the headlines.
On certain days, the pithy titles are the only thing keeping me going.
my mood dictates what I look at first, although I have to admit, Small Talk is a personal favorite. I save it for last! Love the pithy titles. I'll go to the pithiest first, the pithier the better. The dry information needs some attention grabbers. Have a nice day!
I go right to "Small Talk." It gets my day off with a smile and I use the info as points of interest when I speak to various brokers on the phone. Then I scan the headlines for topics of immediate interest, then I go back to the top if I have time and start scanning every article. On Friday, it's Friday Files first. I look for potential Darwin Award winners.
and then stop and read items that interest me. Btw, love your site - thanks for keeping me in the loop and up to date on what is going on in the market (even though my job has changed I am still interested in what is going on).
I start from the top. I may skip sections that don't interest me, but I usually read most of NewsDash. I also quote it frequently.
It's a combination - I usually look for the pithiest title (you're a fantastic writer and do a great job with titles!), AND then I go right for Small Talk. Unless it's Friday, then I do all that and also eagerly go to the Friday Files.
Its the easiest way
As an HR professional, my daily updates on regulations and law is provided by Newsdash. I am a member of SHRM, but it is not convenient to log onto the site, enter a password then search for something relevant. Newsdash provides current, relevant information on a daily basis. Thanks and keep up the great work!
I scoll from top to bottom, but I really enjoy the "Wisdom of the day" as well as the "events that happened on this day".
If particularly busy, focus on headline topic and Market Mirror
and then jump from there to other headlines
It's generally the first e-mail I open each morning!
After vacations when I need to catch up quickly, I skip most of it and go to the rules & regs.
Of course, I do skip things I don't care about as I scroll, and jump to the expanded articles for things that interest me. I don't even read the headlines (sorry...)
Scroll quickly thru all if several headlines are of interest, otherwise, jump to one.
However, I really look forward to the Friday Files. I purposely read everything in NewsDash that day ... just to increase the anticipation. I even forward that part to some friends and we call it Idiots of the Week. Makes us wonder how people can do the things they do... I guess it's called the Darwin Theory.
on this day... is the best!
Scroll from the bottom up
On the days that I am too busy to read the entire dash and follow the links, I jump right to the Market Mirror and then to Small Talk & On this Day - Then I'm on my way. It is a great read in the morning in addition to the WSJ.
I scroll from top to bottom looking for information relevant to my job and interests.
On Friday though, the Friday files are always first!!!!
I typically scroll from top to bottom, except on Fridays when I head straight for the Friday files.
And I do love the pithy titles!
Hurriedly scroll from top to bottom; only read specific sections carefully.
I scan through NewsDash daily. It's as part of my morning routine as coffee is.
I think you mean ignore the "pun-ny" titles.
I like to read the first line of a story to see if there is "more" there for me. And, I like to save the "reward" of the Rock and Roll history etc. for myself when I finish. Ah, the Friday Files, who could start the weekend without confirming that people are still "unique".
I go to the article with the fewest big words...once the coffee kicks in I tackle the more demanding texts.
Scroll first, then view subjects of interest in more detail, finally follow links if more information desired.
I'm an accountant -- we read from top to bottom. Jumping around would be silly.
I scan from top to bottom, then look for interesting items in Small Talk. I preferred the early days when NewsDash did not have "pithy titles". It was easier to find topics of interest to me.
Hmmm.. I always read the "This Day in History" section (and copy it for my own departmental you credit of course). Then I generally read the section above TDIH...because it's usually something funny. Beyond that, as I scroll down, if I see a headline that sounds neat, I stop and read. And I must say Nevin that you go overboard coming up with the interesting headlines. It reminds me of the start of Whose Line Is It Anyway where Drew Carey would say something like "That's right...the points don't matter...just like any Democratic presidential candidate outside of Hilary Clinton.." or something like that... then he commented once that he was running out of cute things to say. I keep wondering if eventually you'll run out of headlines :-). But looking at how I browse the Dash, I generally immediately scroll down and skip the first few items. Guess I like the general news more...but that's just me!
What, miss one of your golden words?
I scroll from top to bottom, looking for the most salacious or otherwise entertaining articles.
Happy Birthday, and many happy returns. I appreciate the great work you and your staff turn out for us.
I find it very useful for staying on top of what's happening in this part of the industry.
I live for Friday's "The Friday Files."
I read it every day. It's my best source for a quick overview of what is happening. Sorry to be late.
I truly love it. I don't understand what "jump from the headlines" means as one of the choices in your survey. I decided that "scroll from top to bottom" describes what I do, since I glance through every single item. I don't often have confusion with what's in the NewsDash, but you sure got me on "jump from the headlines."
I hope I retire before you do - I start out my day with NewsDash. When you retire, I will actually have to be like normal people and read the newspaper in the morning instead of during lunch. Keep up the good work!
My favorite way to get information. Look forward to reading every day.
I really like to concise way information is presented. It brings to light a lot of information that I find interesting and useful. I use it to keep current with changes/events that could impact my company operations and benefit plans.
Would like to see larger print, or at least the ability to make the print larger!
I love it and read it without fail. I also teach compensation and benefits classes (in my spare time!) and require my students to subscribe during the quarter to keep up with important info.
I love sharing Friday files with my friends and co-workers. My daughter is learning additional history via your On This Day section. Thanks for all your hard work!
NewsDash is well written and informative, and I appreciate receiving it each day!
Just that the On This Day should be listed in chronoloical order :o)
I really enjoy it & I think you're doing a great job. It helps me & my team stay in touch with what's happening with many of our clients (in a general way of course). Thanks.
Great summary for the day. I know this takes a lot of work and you are up way before the rooster crows to complete.
I count on it. And I really like the humor thrown in here and there - pithy titles make me smile.
Love the NewsDash! - It's my go-to source for current information. Just wish I could find more time to read the full articles...
It it one of my best sources for quick hits of news when I don't have time to read publications.
Keep it coming! Thanks, Nevin.
I am QA manager for financial services software products so NewsDash is not critical to my job. I use it to educate myself about evolving benefits and investment issues and occasionally for a good laugh.
Love the Benefits Briefs and Friday files. I enjoy your titles, they are eye catching and draw my eye to a topic I might not otherwise read
I love NewsDash -- thanks for publishing it!
I read it almost every day. Thank you!!
Unfortunately, I don't generally have enough time to enjoy the "fun stuff" towards the bottom, I have to scan (sometimes a week's worth at a time) for the relevant articles and move on. AdviserDash has been a big help because it carves out the articles that are generally geared towards my interests. Great info though, it helps me to keep on top of the news, and sometimes even look like I know what I'm talking about!
I really completely disregard your categorization and just skim the headlines and read what is interesting... so I can't even answer the usefulness of each section.
A lot of good information in a reasonable sized newsletter. Check it every day.
Great way to get up to date information.
Enjoy it everyday! Thank you!
Couldn't live without it.
Love it - you help me stay up to date! Roberta Kessler
Information-type articles are reviewed at our weekly staff meetings. Trends are very important so we can see where the 'markets' might be headed. Keep up the good work!!
Very enjoyable read!
I love how you have just enough info to realize whether or not i should keep reading on a specific topic. so many news providers give you just 1 or 2 sentences and you always have to click all the way into it just to decide wheter it is worth reading- thanks for being better than the rest!
I really enjoy the snap shot of things going on in the retirement world. Thanks for putting out a great product!
LOVE IT.....I read it EVERY day and I forward articles to others several times a week.
I really like it! It's part of my daily routine and feel out of sorts if I miss it. And I particularly like the "fun" stuff at the end... although our company's firewall won't let me click on the "fun" links in the Small Talk area. Bummer.
Keep up the great work!!!
Health,Safety,Ergonomic consultant.
The best service around, and my company subscribes to quite a few. Kudos to you Nevin.
I like the style - not too serious. The links are wonderful - I use them often to find out more.
I absolutely love the NewsDash. Thank you so much for all your hard work!
I love it. It contributes so much to my understanding of the Financial World. I'm a trainer and the down to earth explanations and presentation of material sets an example that I try to follow.
I love it and look forward to reading it!
Your pithy titles are clever (fun to write!) but not that useful to me as a reader. I'd rather have a head or subhead that I can scan to see if the article is pertinent to me.
NewsDash provides me with good up-to-date information that either informs me and/or makes me think. I do like the less serious stuff. If we took our jobs too seriously we would never have any fun, and as we know the pension/benefits world is not always fun!
My job focus in international benefits--trying to stay on top of regulations, trends. My main comment is that your "cutesy" headlines get a little old.
I like the eclectic nature of the 'Dash. Because my clients' interests range so widely, I really don't pay much attention to the headers and read it all. I can't tell you the number of nuggets I've found.
New to the industry - gives a good breadth of coverage. Keep up the good work
A great service to our industry. I've seen similary services that cost a lot and aren't as good or easy to use. Thanks, Nevin
I send Friday Files out to my entire staff- they love it and look forward to it every week! I catch flack if I miss a week due to being out of the office!
Love it each morning! Generally keeps me up to date on news events, EB court proceedings, and regulations. My use of top to bottom reading approach is fine tuned by the company name in the article as I tend to read details if item is about financial companies. I love the ability to jump to your website to get 'MORE at' and get reminiscent reading 'On This Day' Thanks for great service over the years!
 Comment Text
I can still remember your first email after 9/11. It made your signoff "Don't go it alone," mean so much. It is nice to be reminded that others are facing the same issues - trying to do the best we can. I always look forward to the daily news and interesting facts each morning. Thanks for your hard work!!!
I am an attorney and a recordkeeper. Your job focus doesn't provide for that. It's the first thing I read every day, except for the Friday files, which I print and take to lunch.
I think this is an excellent service. I read it every morning. It's always light and entertaining, but also has current information and links to more if I need it. This is the only one I read daily.
Although the last seven sections (On This Day - Friday Files) is the least useful to my job, it is the most enjoyable part of NewsDash.
keep up the good work
Happy Birthday. I've been on board since the early days and still start my day with a little Dash.
It's the one ezine I always make sure I review or read each day.
hilighting company names in your articles would be helpful - quickly scan and see companies of specific interest overall - nice job
Keep up the good work. I also like the writing. This business can be dull some days and a smile or a bit of humor is good!
It is very long but I scan & can pick out the stories that interest me.
Thanks for a great source.
Like above, it depends on the day how I would rate each particular section of NewsDash. So, I had to give it all high marks.
I think it's great! A quick way to stay informed.
You and your staff do a wonderful job, Nevin. Please, keep up the good work.
Many thanks for it - it's terrific!!
I look forward to it every day. It's always there when I log on to e-mail and it's usually way ahead of the pack with current events in the pension world.
I do read it every day. It maybe only a skim, but I do check it out and pass along relevant articles to co-workers.
The best way to start the day. Have been following you for almost the entire 8 years.
The whole Newsdash is good, but I love the Friday Files.
Hi Nevin--I left the ratings section for the various sections blank, because--except for Monday Musing, Tuesday Trivia, etc.--I never even noticed them or realized that the news was organized under various subheads. Sorry!
Look forward to it every day.
marketing and sales
It is great. More substance than some of the competitors and consistently good source of information. I am a bit partial, however which is fine with me!
I read the entire News Dash top to bottom. I never paid attention to any section headings. Great resource! Please keep it coming. Thanks! Al Harrington
Excellent source of benefits related information.
I really value Newsdash. There are often news items I don't find elsewhere. Often these are product announcements. I look at the headlines to identify any must read items and then I scroll top to bottom through newsdash - paying particular attention to the items I previously identified. I LIKE THE PITHY TITLES AND GET A CHUCKLE FROM THEM.
I enjoy and use the NewsDash and have turned others on to it
When I am on vacation, I miss it.
I'm in 401(k) sales and your NewsDash always keeps me informed on trends & competitive info on what's out there in the retirement industry... Great info!! Would like to see a more BlackBerry friendly format, with hot links to website to read full stories vs. just the snapshot... Thx!
Love it - of all the newsletters I receive in any given week, this is the only one that I open up and scan every single day. It's extremely well-written, interesting, useful, and quite often downright funny.
I generally enjoy NewsDash. It is concise and to the point. Thanks for publishing it!
Someone puts a lot of time to put this together and its much appreciated........Thanks for not putting in too much pension gossip like another costly publication does....
I have had many people ask me where I find the Friday Files. My collegues have become regulars with Newdash because of this simple advertisement. It is a wonderful way to end the week. Thank you for providing great information and entertainment!
I've been a subscriber to Newsdash since the late 90's so that makes me close to being a life member. In this era of everyone and anyone distributing their enews message, I find value across the board with Newsdash. You're a keeper!
NewsDash has been a regular part of my job (life) for many years. It allows me to stay ahead of our office news curve and prove that I'm one of the most informed resources my boss has on staff.
Thanks for the continued informative newsletter. Its a great way to keep up on what's going on quickly.
Happy Anniversary - Keep up the good work. I look forward to my morning messages from you. It has made me wiser.
Great. It is the first e-mail I read every morning.
For me, its the business equivalent of brushing and flossing my teeth.
The Feeling's Mutual and Buyer's Market come off more like advertisements rather than real news. Otherwise, I like everything else.
My 20-something sons enjoy the Friday Files as much as I do.
Great source of info from a variety of topics within the financial services arena. I especially enjoy the legislative topics/updates.
I really miss it on the days you don't publish. Keep up the great work! Sorry I couldn't indicate my job focus, you left off Other as a choice. I'm on the investment committee and helped usher the changeover to our current provider, but other than annual review of investments, don't have an official role anymore, I've gone back to my real job. You have to wear a lot of hats in small companies...
Job focus is none of the above. I'm in a marketing dept for a company that offers 403b and 457 plans to nonprofits.
NewsDash starts my day each day of the week. Thank you for taking the time to put it together.
It's a great thing. I often find out things before anyone else, and boy don't I look brilliant. I once found out that our 401k recordkeeper was being investigated by the SEC and was selling their recordkeeping services before they told us! Everyone was amazed that I knew this information. I love starting my day with NewsDash.
My prior job was for an employment benefits firm and I started my subscription at that time. Currently, I work in the legal department of an aircraft manufacturer and find that the newsletter still has much useful information as well as, of course, the Friday Files!
Love it! It's how I start my day; a cup of tea and the Dash. Keep up the great work!
It's great -- very useful...keep it as is...Thanks!
I love it, it's great.....maybe a bit long, but it's great.
i love it. keep up the great work
I look forward to it every morning. You provide an overview of many relevant areas and often beat the consultants in providing updates on regulatory and judicial developments. Thanks.
Love it. Very organized and just enough information.
I'm a marketing writer at a provider, which doesn't fit the job focus categories you've listed. NewsDash is essential to my work, and always a great read.
I tend to focus "cutting edge" items and the market reports but I really enjoy "small talk" as I learn something new everyday. Keep up the good work, NewsDash is very informative.
Love Friday Files!
I read it every day, I work in an actuarial consulting firm and this helps me see the bigger pension picture. Friday files are a big favorite which I share with my team, gives us all a lift for our busiest day of the week.
My job focus is regulatory and legal compliance. Most days I may find plus or minus 10% of the information to be useful-- I scan the rest and chalk it up to information overload. The pithy headlines for items show your creativity and sense of humor and probably make the task more enjoyable but generally are a bit labored and not descriptive of the topics,in my opinion. The use of quotation marks in the titles is unnecessary -- we get it, these are puns. I do find your commentaries to be apt and worthwhile, however. Thanks for your efforts-- obviously it is a time-consuming endeavor.
Love it and keep it coming.
Love it -- keep up the good work
You really do a fantastic job. Periodically, when you take a hurts! BAD!!
Thank you so much. We appreciate your hard work.
News Dash is great! It is the one info e-mail I really try to read each day, if at all possible. You're doing a great job - THANKS!
I receive multiple benefits/HR/financial e-mails every week and I would say that I find items worthy of passing along to others at my company most often from NewsDash.
Love it!
Keep up the good work. P.S. One suggestion - create a version formated for mobile device (Blackberry) users.
A great start to the day -- from the business news to the Monday Musings, etc. Interesting -- frequently fun and sometimes an out loud laugh.
The bright spot of my otherwise dreary mornings!
My favorite newsletter!
My days start early and are normally rather hectic, however, I do my best to make time to read NewsDash first thing every morning!!
Previous question: I'm a communications consultant for a plan provider.
Love it. I start my day with NewsDash and my caffeine.
I hate to admit it....I like to be entertained. Where do you find that stuff?
I consider this one of few daily reads.
I love it. It's a quick way to make sure that I'm not missing anything hot that's going on in the employee benefits arena.
As someone who works for an education & training not-for-profit in the investment profession (consultant was the closest category I could come up with), I find NewsDash keeps me abreast of all the things I need to know. I also like the way I can dig deeper through links to the Plan Sponsor website
I actually have withdrawal symptoms when I go out of town and can't access my morning email for my "fix"!
It's always a pleasure to read. Happy Anniversary!
I find it very useful and informative and it has helped me find resources and information that I can apply to my work
I preferred the old days when NewsDash did not have "pithy titles". It was easier to find topics of interest to me. Although I used to like Friday Files a lot, over time it seems like the same old story...bumbling drunk tries to rob store and leaves obvious trail for police to find him. That said, please keep it going. NewsDash is the only newsletter that I look at every day. It almost always has something of interest.
Love it...been there from the start Wachovia. Glad to see how you took this vehicle and turned it into a new career for yourself! --Bronson
The Friday Files are a highlight of my week--great way to distract me from the nine hours before I can leave at 5:30. Also, your personality (at least, I assume it's your personality) gives the News Dash a unique tone. Keep up the good work! --Karl S.
I receive many e-newsletters -- there are three that I look at each day without exception -- News Dash is one of them. PS -- the other two are and P&I Daily.
Toney the Tiger says it best "Greeeeat"
very useful keep it coming
I love it - read religiously during the first 15-30 minutes of my workday...every day! Thank you!
I have been reading NewsDash for almost 4 years and have found it informative, insightful and frequently entertaining; I will continue with you as long as the former stays the norm.

I read top to bottom, pausing as I go to read full text of items I'm interested in.   I love the NewsDash!

B - I might miss something if I jump around

I (b) read from top to bottom, unless (h), depending on the day, I skip to the bottom to read, my personal favorite, "On this Day" to see what interesting things have happened and see what the survey is.   I wouldn't want to miss the dead line!

top to bottom with sides trips to see   more   detail at the HEREs when appropriate to my   interests

  keep up   the great work

  I get   other e-letters   each day too   but i'm sure to read this one daily .  

How do you read the NewsDash (most days)? My answer: (b) scroll from top to bottom.   I may not read every news piece, but I'll scroll from top to bottom for headlines or companies that interest me.

I've also been meaning to tell you, I really enjoy the Monday musings, Tuesday trivias, and Wednesday wisdoms.   I share them every week with my mother and one of my brothers.   In fact, if I forget to share, my mother calls me!   And my Fridays would never be the same if I didn't have the Friday Files to read each morning!   

Thanks for making an enjoyable start to my mornings!

(b) scroll from top to bottom - reading whatever interests me on the way.

(i) I read through from top to bottom although lately, I've had to save them all - just haven't had time to read them.

While I am usually one to skip to the highlights which catch my eye, I have to admit that I read Plansponsor daily, from top to bottom, for fear I will miss something and not have the latest benefits news at the water cooler!

P.S. Again, while I refrain from jumping to the pithiest title, I do enjoy the lead ins...

Answer B - work my way from top to bottom.   The small talk and Friday Files of course are my favorite.   🙂   The verbatims aren't bad either.

My son's hockey number in high school and college was 8 -- in our house, it's the best number goin'!   Sincere congratulations.

b) scroll from top to bottom, pausing when something pertinent catches my eye ... either in a pithy title or the paragraph of text that follows

Happy 8th anniversary!

(b).   Scroll from top to bottom, because there is always something interesting in each section!

I definitely scroll from top to bottom.   I don't want to miss a thing.
