SURVEY SAYS – How Many Times Do You Hit the Snooze Button?

August 23, 2007 ( - Yesterday's Tuesday Trivia offered a sense for the average number of times people hit their snooze alarm before rising.

However, based on the settings on MY alarm clock, if I did that, I’d be late.   So, this week, I asked readers how many times they hit the snooze button before rising – (on a regular working day)?

Well, there may or may not be anything like a “regular” working day – but a plurality of the respondents to this week’s survey are ready to spring out of bed and take it on.   Nearly 40% said they never hit the snooze alarm, because they were always “up and at ’em.”   And if, as this week’s Tuesday Trivia suggests, three times is the “average,” it clearly wasn’t based on the habits of NewsDash readers.   Roughly 17% hit the snooze only once, 15% hit it twice, and just 14% hit it three times on a regular working day.

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One in twenty hit it four times, 3.8% did so 5 times, and roughly 3% hit it either 6 or more times.   About 4% said they either didn’t have a snooze button – or didn’t know how to use it, while the remaining 2% said that “someone else” hits the button in their house.

Getting Going


We had a LOT of VERBATIMS this week….including a number of helpful hints:  

I don’t hit the snooze button and I don’t get up when the alarm goes off either. I just lay there and tell myself that I’m going to get up. Eventually I do get up.

The alarm clock is set 15 minutes ahead of all other clocks in the house. By the time my brain is able to realize it, I have already gotten out of bed.

I purposely place the alarm clock on the other side of the room, so I have to get up to turn it off…. Then, I’m “up”, but can’t really say I’m at “em.”

Never, I have a $3 little alarm clock and know that if I turn the alarm off and roll over, I am toast.

At age 50, I no longer use an alarm clock. We wake up at 5:30, 5:45 on our own….at age 25 I would hit it 2 or 3 times.

I actually have two small alarm clocks one set to go off 5 minutes after the other. I know you can say that’s a form of snooze alarm, but technically neither one has snooze alarm, so I don’t hit one.

A trick I learned about waking up when you have a stressful day ahead: get an alarm clock that lets you play music you choose as the alarm, such as one with a CD player or iPod hookup. Put on a song that energizes you upon waking up and your day will start great! For example, I play Tom Petty’s “I won’t back down” when I have a tough issue to address that day, or Vince Girauldi’s “Linus loves Lucy” (you know, the Peanuts music!) when things are just too stressful and I need to lighten up.

Most times I wake up before the alarm goes off. It’s a curse of heredity…I’m grew up in a farming family. However, there is hope for the future. None of my kids show the effects of this genetic disorder.

“Kid” Stuff

Speaking of heredity, kids – of all types – were definitely a factor:

Before I had children, I’d hit the snooze button at least 4 times before getting out of bed. Unfortunately, my 3 year old and 17 month old daughters did not come with such a feature. Consequently, I’m usually “up and at ’em” by 6:15 every day of the week without the need of an alarm clock.

One time is a privilege. Most days my toddler son is up an hour before the alarm. Some days, I think he’s part rooster.

I can’t hit the snooze button. my alarm clock is my 10 month old son

My “alarm clock” is my one-year-old, who unhelpfully came without a snooze button.

My real alarm clock is turning 2 today and he doesn’t let me hit the snooze button.

I rarely set the alarm. I usually wake up without it. And my 2 hungry cats make sure that I’m not late for work!

I have a cat who is better than any alarm clock. He knows exactly what time I get up and is right there on the bed meowing loudly until I get up and feed him. Needless to say, this doesn’t make me very happy on weekends.

After the second time I hit the snooze alarm, the cat alarm goes off. We call this phenomena “demando cat.” When we sleep in late on Saturday and Sunday, the cat alarm gives us an additional 30 minutes of sleep–woo hoo!!

But then, my real favorites were:

Nobody should be made to get up if it’s still dark outside.

Can you ask this question again, about 10 am? I’m not awake yet.

I’m so excited that I now have an extra 7 minutes in order to become average — wait a minute (that’s one-seventh of a snooze cycle), do I really want to be average? Is a “two hit” above average or below average? Maybe I should sleep on it.

But this week’s Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who noted, “As my alarm is actually a radio, lately I’ve been hitting it three or more times in the hopes that when it comes back on again, there will be some good news with the financial markets…”

Thanks to everyone for participating in our survey!

Never...which may mean I ricochet off the walls on my way to the shower because my eyes won't yet open, but by golly I'm up within 30 seconds of the alarm going!!
At age 50, I no longer use an alarm clock. We wake up at 5:30, 5:45 on our age 25 I would hit it 2 or 3 times.
As my alarm is actually a radio, lately I've been hitting it three or more times in the hopes that when it comes back on again, there will be some good news with the financial markets...
I always build in "hit the snooze button" time, dependent upon how far I am from where I need to be. The closer I am, the more I hit it, go figure.
I don't hit the snooze button and I don't get up when the alarm goes off either. I just lay there and tell myself that I'm going to get up. Eventually I do get up.
One time is a privilege. Most days my toddler son is up an hour before the alarm. Some days, I think he's part rooster.
alram clocks are for sissies. I don't use one. I don't need one.
Before I had children, I'd hit the snooze button at least 4 times before getting out of bed. Unfortunately, my 3 year old and 17 month old daughters did not come with such a feature. Consequently, I'm usually "up and at 'em" by 6:15 every day of the week without the need of an alarm clock.
My alarm is set for 5:45am and I usually wake up 1/2 hour before it goes off then fall back to sleep, so when it does go off is that really my snooze?
I don't think there should be any times with numbers lower than 8 that have an "a.m" after them - obscene!
What's an alarm?! My husband and I have always relied on our internal clocks; even on the days I need to get up before 5:00 for a run. It's good and bad, as I am up at 6:00 a.m. on weekends too and don't know how to sleep in! But then again, we're in bed by 9:00 almost every night!
If I had to rely on the snooze button, I would never make it to work on time. When the alarm goes off, so does the dog, and she cannot be turned off until we arise.
I hit the snooze buttom as many times as I can before my wife hits me in the head and yells that we are going to be late for work.
I purposely place the alarm clock on the other side of the room, so I have to get up to turn it off.... Then, I'm "up", but can't really say I'm at "em."
My clock radio does not have a snooze button, just an annoying constant loud car alarm sound that doesn't stop until you turn it off. There's no way to sleep through that!
Snooze alarm? What snooze alarm? I hit the "Off" button then go back to sleep. Good thing I have a flexible schedule and the bosses work in another city!
Ordinarily I don't even set the alarm.
I rarely set the alarm. I usually wake up without it. And my 2 hungry cats make sure that I'm not late for work!
I don't use an alarm clock, haven't slept more than 3 hours a night in 20 years.
0; But that's not to say "up and at em". I have it set to NPR so I can lay there for the 5 to 25 minutes I need to come to terms with it being morning already.
At least - and I keep adding with every year of work!
Never, I have a $3 little alarm clock and know that if I turn the alarm off and roll over, I am toast.
I never use the snooze button nor do I even let the alarm go off.
Don't hit it - just keep the volume very loud and get up because I cannot bear listening to annoying commercials so early in the morning!
None since I gave birth 8 months ago, I'm typically awake before it goes off and if not, I've stretched the amount of time I can sleep to the maximum.
Our 3 year old is my alarm. It's rare when I can get her to snooze again.
I rarely set my alarm; I try to get to bed early enough that I wake naturally by 6 a.m. I feel better when I wake up without annoying noise. In the summer this is easy because of the sunrise but in winter it is a bit more difficult in the dark. My stress level remains lower throughout the a.m. when I do not wake to an alarm - even the radio is annoying these days. I don't want violent news to be what I hear first thing in the a.m. Early morning flights and my childrens' first day back to school when being late would be a huge problem are about the only time I set the alarm and then just as back-up.
After I shared the trivia from yesterday, a co-worker of mine said that she hits the snooze button 6 times.
On average three times...any more than that and it's vending machine coffee which I hate.
can't hit the snooze button. my alarm clock is my 10 month old son
5 AM comes early and I am normally awake before the alarm goes off. Please don't count me as an insomniac or sleep deprived, I go to bed at 9 PM.
I don't hit a snooze button. I don't even have an alarm clock in the traditional sense. My alarm clocks are the four legged variety. It simply amazes me that every morning rain or shine, weekday or weekend, and no matter what time we go to bed the previous night my Lab and Terrier seem to know when 6 am hits and wake us up.
I really like what I do, so when the alarm goes off I get up to start my day. I will admit,that I occasionally pet the cat for a moment or 2 before starting my day.
We use a clock radio, and set it for 15 minutes before we need to get up. We listen to the news until we can't stand it anymore, and that forces us out of bed.
I have two alarm clocks in my bedroom. Both in locations where I have to get out of be to turn them off. Many a morning I have snoozed through the alarms. So much fo snooze buttons!
I don't have an alarm clock. I just get up at the same time each morning on my own. It's a nice pet to have during the week but really inconvenient on weekends.
at least one; sometimes 2 or more
Don't trust myself with the snooze so I just set two alarms, no one ever gets up with the first nor is there ever any intention to get up with the first alarm...
I never hit the snooze button...I throw the nearest object on my nightstand at it.
I haven't set an alarm in years -- and am usually at the office by 6:30.
I don't have an alarm clock - except for the one in my head that gets me up on time.
The alarm goes off the first time and I instantly jump out of bed and start my day. My ex-husband would hit the snooze button for a solid hour before getting up which drove me berserk, especially when I was on maternity leave and needed that hour of sleep. My current husband is a college professor and never even bothers with setting the alarm because he never has to be up early - the lucky bum.
None. I'm retired!
Once always and almost never more than once.
never have used one as I have a built in alarm clock due to the many years on the road and getting up early.
I read where some engineering students invented a clock with wheels that rolls across the floor after you hit the snooze so you can't hit it again. Sounds like a classic case of necessity being the mother of invention!
I 'rarely' give my wife the opportunity to hit the snooze button, even though I'm 'always' tired...
I actually have a clock with two alarms on it, set 5 minutes apart. I know that when I turn the second alarm off, I'd better be "up and at 'em." There is a snooze alarm, but I've made sure I've never learned to use it!
and it feels like it's not nearly enough!
Never use it. Usually rise before the alarm goes off.
I wake up an hour before I need to every morning, no clock necessary. I need my wife to hit me back to sleep! Chris V.
0. I'm like you, if I hit my snooze 3 times, that would equate to 20 minutes and I'd be late for the train.
Amazingly enough, I haven't been using my alarm clock. Somehow, I just wake up when I need to, although with barely enough time to get ready and out the door! When I did use one, my wife had me trained not to use the snooze.
Most times I'm awake before the alarm and once awake, might as well take on the day. Exceptions -- sure. Sick. Traveling. Time zone changes can really mess up a person's internal clock.
I'm not up and at em but my dogs are! they get a treat after they go out so once the alarm rings they know it's time to get me moving. Weekends however really throws them though since they know it's getting later but the alarm hasn't rung 🙂
Sometimes the sound of the alarm is incorporated into my dream for quite some time before I actually "hear" it and wake up!
Re your question: Are you kidding? I woke up at 3:30 this morning with all the things on my mind and couldn't go back to sleep (the alarm was set for 5:30). No way could I go back to sleep for 5 minutes (or however a "snooze" button works -- I don't actually know).
I have never hit the snooze button. Once that alarm goes off, the day starts!
Nobody should be made to get up if it's still dark outside.
For some reason I seldom sleep to the alarm. Perhaps it's all the pressing thing I have deal with that causes me to lose that extra sleep.
But I
When the windows are open I can hear the neighbor's alarm go off. Not only is he a sound sleeper (alarm rings long and loud) but he uses the snooze option as well.
I sleep very deep and wake up very slowly. When Hurricane Alicia struck Houston, my bedroom flooded and I slept through it. I discovered what had happened when I got up in the morning to wet carpet. Not only do I hit the snooze two to three times - I have two alarm clocks and I have to get out of bed to press the buttons on. Nowadays I don't have to worry about sleeping through another flood or other emergency - my dogs wake me up if there is anything going on I need to know about.
I am typically a morning person, but the weather has made me lazy and yesterday I hit the snooze three times! So I really laughed at yesterday's trivia.
Lately, because of my spouse's snoring, I've taken to wearing foam ear plugs, which means I don't hear the alarm, the music, or anything for that matter. But routine is a tough master, and I still manage to wake up -- most days -- on time.
Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning! I've never been a morning person, and at middle-age, I guess I never will be. Even on the weekends when I get to sleep in, it's still hard to get up (stiff muscles and joints aside!).
I set my phone alarm to go off and plug it in at night in my bathroom. It plays the Marine Corps hymn. If three loud whistle blasts followed by the marching band doesn't wake you, turn up your hearing aid...
A trick I learned about waking up when you have a stressful day ahead: get an alarm clock that lets you play music you choose as the alarm, such as one with a CD player or iPod hookup. Put on a song that energizes you upon waking up and your day will start great! For example, I play Tom Petty's "I won't back down" when I have a tough issue to address that day, or Vince Girauldi's "Linus loves Lucy" (you know, the Peanuts music!) when things are just too stresful and I need to lighten up.
I hit it twice, but I allow for it with the initial setting.
I'm so excited that I now have an extra 7 minutes in order to become average -- wait a minute (that's one-seventh of a snooze cycle), do I really want to be average? Is a "two hit" above average or below average? Maybe I should sleep on it.
I set the time on my alarm clock ahead - sometimes without knowing how fast it is because I am simply NOT a morning person...I hit snooze a few times, look at the time, then jump from bed because I believe I may be late - and I do it consistently -
I never set an alarm. I always wake up about 2 minutes before I want to get up. I've not overslept one in the last 10 years.
I probably snooze things for 20 minutes, but it's more than just three snoozes. I use a dual-alarm clock radio AND use a wakeup call service (best $10 a month I've spent) that's on the fritz and calls every two minutes until it's disabled. All in all, I'm probably snoozing, or saying 'Good Morning' to trigger the voice response unit and then hanging up the phone, about 15 times each morning. I usually eventually get up. --Karl S.
Not my core competency
The alarm clock is set 15 minutes ahead of all other clocks in the house. By the time my brain is able to realize it, I have already gotten out of bed.
I don't hit the snooze, but I am not up at 'em either. Hitting the snooze only delays the inevitable so I don't see the point.
Since I take the train to work, I have little flexibility on that third stretch at the snooze button. Turning the alarm "off" is probably the most difficult thing I do in a day.
My clock radio is set to a head-banging alternative rock music station that is so jarring I nearly catapult myself across the room every morning to shut it off.
I am not really "up and at 'em", but if I hit the snooze button it only makes me more iratable when I do get up!
My snooze button gets hit about 3 times a morning, ultimately just delaying the inevitable reality that morning comes way too early!
I never wake by the alarm. I'm always up anyway.
My husband got out of bed without turning off his alarm. As a result, I played snooze button jockey. Hitting the button every 3-4 minutes was much more effective at eventually getting out of bed rather than the every 9 minutes which allows me the opportunity to fall back asleep.
I always set the alarm, but I always wake up before it goes off. Even weekends I get up at the same time I do during the week or even earlier. Too many things to do, not enough time time to do them.
While I don't like getting up at 5:00 a.m. and starting work at 6:30 a.m.,(required to support the investment traders) I get alot done in the morning without interruptions. Now if I could only get the rest of the office to start at this time HR life would be nirvana.
My "alarm clock" is my one-year-old, who unhelpfully came without a snooze button.
Why set your alarm for earlier than you need to get up?
Always seems harder to get up in Winter.
Mornings should be outlawed!
I'm usually awake before the alarm goes off on the rare days that I do set it.
In the past I had my alarm clock set 10 minutes ahead; I found I hit the snooze button at least twice since I had that fudge time. When I had to reset the clock after a power outage, I decided to go with the correct time...I had to remind myself a couple times that I couldn't snooze more than once so know I tend to get up without using the snooze.
My trick is to jump right out of bed as soon as I hear my alarm clock...or else I'd just get stuck in bed again!
I have a cat who is better than any alarm clock. He knows exactly what time I get up and is right there on the bed meowing loudly until I get up and feed him. Needless to say, this doesn't make me very happy on weekends.
I hate it! Co-workers and I have speculated about opening an east coast business where we serve only west coast clients - thereby allowing us to come in at noon every day!
I'm not a quick riser - so I purposefully set my alarm earlier than I have to get up, so that I can press the snooze button and wake up gradually. That way, even though I push snooze so many times - I'm never late to work.
If I have a flight to catch I don't hit snooze at all - if there's no flight, I take full advantage of the opportunity to grab a few more z's.
Don't need alarms.
I take my daughter to high school on the way to work each day so she doesn't have to ride the school I can't hit the snooze! This means I get to work 30 minutes early. During the summer months I get to sleep later....which I enjoy...and I get to work "on-time"!!!
I guess our family is outside the "norm". The clock goes off, we get up even when we forget to turn it off on weekends. "Snooze you lose"!
Some of us are just morning people and being married to someone who overuses that snooze button can create heartburn to beat the band.
If I hit the snooze button three times in the morning, I'd be late to work! After many years of getting up at the same time every morning, I almost don't need an alarm clock any more.
Just do it. Go to bed earlier.
My husband gets up earlier than I do so he hits the snooze. I'm usually awake from the time he hits the snooze until it goes off though - watching the clock making sure he didn't hit the off button instead of snooze.
Hardest thing I do all day. I have to have my shower to wake up enough to have my coffee.
Even wide awake the sound of an alarm makes me cranky. My brain is tuned into wake up time . . . if that doesn't work, my husband wakes me up because he is an "up and at 'em" person. It took him awhile to get used to mornings with me. I don't want to be looked at or talked to when I wake up. I'm not a coffee drinker either but about 10 am I turn into my pleasant self.
I set my alarm clock for 1/2 an hour early. I like the dreams I capture in the 9 minute snooze.
I also set my clock in my bedroom ahead anywhere from 15-30 minutes so that when I think I am running late, I am pleasantly surprised each day - stupid huugh? It drives my husband crazy!
I always hit the snooze 3 times and I never get up a minute too soon.
It's my least favorite thing to do every day! Even that last time the alarm goes off, I really struggle to force myself out of bed. My husband thinks that no one likes to sleep more than I do. Obviously, I am NOT a morning person...
What's an alarm clock?
I look at it this way; they pay me for my brain power, not for being there a certain number of hours. If I get back from a business trip on delayed flights that bring me home in the wee hours of the a.m. I do not make any attempt to get to the office on time. I'm sure they would rather have me later with a functioning brain than early and brain dead.
Why bother ruining a perfectly good sleep with the snooze bar? Just set the alarm as late as possible and then get up and get on with it.
The alarm is set for 5:30 am, but I am often awake and turn it off before it sounds.
Very hard on a rainy day. May have to add an additional snooze!
I purposely set the alarm for 15 min before I know I HAVE to get up so I can hit the snooze button. Wish I were a morning person.
My clock's snooze time is set at nine minutes so, and this might sound odd, I set my alarm for a time twenty minutes earlier than I need to get up so that I can hit snooze twice. There is something sort of rebellious in not getting up with the first alarm that I really enjoy.
And on top of the 6 snoozes, our alarm clock is set 1/2 hour fast.
If I allow myself to hit it more than once, I would wind up being late work for work. I set the alarm 10 minutes early to allow for one hit on the snooze alarm.
Sure would be nice if the newspaper guy didn't have a snooze button.
I'm a night person--not a morning person. I love Craig Ferguson, so that 6am alarm is tough when I've stayed up to watch his show...
I just cannot seem to get up in the morning. I have to set my alarm 2 hours early to wake up. So with nine minutes between each snooze, that's about 13 snooze buttons. The sad thing is, I don't even realize I am hitting the snooze until 20 minutes before I actually want to wake up. Another amazing thing, my wife does not wake up with my very loud alarm, but only wakes up to her quiet cell phone alarm, even after mine goes off 13 times.
I actually have two small alarm clocks one set to go off 5 minutes after the other. I know you can say that's a form of snooze alarm, but technically neither one has snooze alarm, so I don't hit one.
My real alarm clock is turning 2 today and he doesn't let me hit the snooze button.
We haven't needed an alarm in 8 years now. We are woken up 7 days a week by one of our 3 children somewhere around 6 am. No matter how late they stay up one of them is waking us up the next morning bright and early. Sometimes I wish they did have a snooze button, but I am just waiting till their teenagers and I will be able to return the favour.
I hit it for my wife then I have to hit her (gently)to get her going
Most times I wake up before the alarm goes off. It's a curse of heredity...I'm grew up in a farming family. However, there is hope for the future. None of my kids show the effects of this genetic disorder.
I purposely set my alarm 30 minutes before I need to get up so that I can trick myself into thinking I'm sleeping in by hitting snooze. Although I will admit it seems as though I might be more likely to pop right on out of bed if I was actually sleeping those last 30 minutes rather than leaning over and pressing snooze evrey 7 minutes. Also, just as a side note, there's nothing like actually falling back asleep and having a mini-dream in between snoozes to set your day off on the wrong foot!
Depends on the spouse. If he's lazy, me too.... !
After the second time I hit the snooze alarm, the cat alarm goes off. We call this phenomena "demando cat." When we sleep in late on Saturday and Sunday, the cat alarm gives us an additional 30 minutes of sleep--woo hoo!!
What can I say? I am a morning person.
I set my alarm 20 minutes earlier than what I really need to get up so I don't have to get right out of bed, but I am not running late either...
I set my clock 13 minutes so that, while psychologically I feel better by being able to hit the snooze (why, I don't know), I'm still up on time.
strangely, it is very refreshing to occassionally get up much earlier than normal
If I sleep until the alarm goes off, it just ruins my day. I am running to catch up all day.
If I were king of the world, getting up before noon would be illegal.
On the weekends, pawing at the bed won't let me sleep late because the dogs demand their morning walk.
My alarm clock is also set 20 minutes fast, purposely to confuse me. The time on my alarm clock turns out to be the time I get to the coffee pot after my shower. In my small mind, this gives me an extra hit or two of the snooze, and an extra 20 minutes each day.
I actually do find it easier to get up after hitting the snooze only once if I go to bed a whole hour earlier....but that rarely happens.
The darker it is outside, the tougher it gets to get out of bed. The days before the winter solstice are the worst.
is a joy to get up in the morning and by afternoon I wonder, "why did I get up"!
Getting up in the morning is better than not getting up at all!
My wife, on the other hand, is an 'evening' person...
I set my alarm 10 minutes early so I can hit the snooze once. It lets me feel like I am setting my own schedule (without being late!).
I set the clock for a late as I can possibly sleep and get up when it goes off--it may ring 2 or 3 minutes but I eventually get up.
I have to get up when the alarm goes off, it's such a bad feeling to hit the snooze and know that you won't be able to sleep much longer before the alarm starts buzzing again! Might as well just get up at that point.
Ugh. It's a shock to my system.
I also set my clock eight minutes fast, so I have a cushion of time while getting ready. It may sound counterproductive because I know the clock is fast, but it works!
I used to set my clock 20 minutes ahead to make sure I was always up on time. You wouldn't think tricking yourself when you know it's a trick would work, but it did.
Can you ask this question again, about 10 am? I'm not awake yet.
The snooze button on any of my three kids (all under age 6) doesn't seem to work, so I get up.
I hate to age myself, but over the years my internal body clock has taken over the alarm clock duties. So the only reason I set the alarm is to get the news while I make sure the other body parts still work.
Why prolong the agony??
Usually once, sometimes twice...turning it off is always nice. Fun topic, Nevin. Thanks!
My alarm usually doesn't have a chance to go off, I am awake before the alarm and my alarm is set for 4:30 AM
I don't think I have ever hit the snooze button in my life. Currently, I don't even have that option. If I didn't get up immediately, the cats and dog, who also seem to us my alarm to get up, would drag me out of bed so I could give them their breakfast.
I work from home 4 days a week, so it's not like a snooze will cause me to get stuck in traffic. Plus, with two kids to get out the door, they'll be getting me up either way. I must admit that sometimes on a weekend, I'll set the alarm, just so I can turn it off and enjoy the joy of going BACK to bed. Yes, I know it's weird, but it's a nice feeling.

Need to get up before spouse so snooze is not an option.

My husband hits it about 4 times. I normally get up at the second one.

I never hit the snooze.   I get up because it is time to start the day.   My kids on the other hand might go five or six times at the snooze.   I find that allowing enough time to get 7 - 8 hrs of sleep is what helps the most.

Since I am the alarm and snooze button for the kids (takes about 2-3 'Are you up yet?' to get them out of bed), I only have luxury of 1 hit.   In order to hit snooze average of 3 times, I would have to set my alarm for 4:57 am and my Dad always said only farmers and fishermen wake up

before 5 ...

Zero.   Clock set to the latest time to wake up and leave me enough time so I can still make it to work on time and get a decent parking space.   Why would you routinely set the alarm for a time you know you will not get up at?   That just means you have less good quality sleep.

My husband and I have agreed neither of us are allowed to hit snooze - otherwise the spouse that may not have to get up yet will be very grumpy that their sleep continues to be interrupted.

I do not hit the snooze button.   I am one of those contemptible people who gets out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off (sometimes before) at 5 AM and goes running.   And yes, there are some early worms out as well.

0, I'm an early riser and for years have swam in the morning before work, so my motivation is that I can't miss swimming!

I ususally hit it twice. This week, however, not so good. Five times yesterday, four times this morning. Lately, the extra ones seem directly proportional to the number of times I have to get up during the night to go to the bathroom. It stinks getting old!

My husband bounces out of bed at the first buzz of the alarm.  About an hour later, he sends the cat in to wake me up - a different, but very persistent alarm clock, that doesn't take no for an answer.

What's a snooze button?   I never touch it.   All alarms are off from Saturday until Monday morning.

I guess I'm pretty average.   I hit snooze 3 to 4 times each morning, 7 minute delay each time, so I spend an additional 21 to 28 minutes in bed.   I chastise myself endlessly for this unproductive behavior.....but to no avail.   
