Plan Analysis |September 2017

Future Flows of DC Assets

There has been growing industry discussion about flows in and out of retirement plans and how the impending retirement of Baby Boomers will drain dollars from defined contribution...
Compliance Update |September 2017

Compliance Update

Summaries of the latest news from Washington and the courts—what’s coming, what’s contemplated and what’s critical for plan sponsors to...
UpFront |September 2017

Nonproprietary TDFs Gain Attention

Larger plans are taking the lead in moving away from proprietary TDFs, and research shows plan sponsors are also moving to CIT TDFs.
UpFront |September 2017

More Sponsors Turn To Cash Balance Plans

Small business continues driving cash balance growth, with 92% of cash balance plans in place at firms with fewer than 100 employees, research from Kravitz finds.
UpFront |September 2017

Many Miss Out On the Full Company Match

Best-in-class plan design in addition to financial wellness programs can get retirement plan participants to maximize their savings opportunity.
UpFront |September 2017

Education Against Hardship Withdrawals

This time of year is a peak time for hardship withdrawal requests, providers say, and call center staff and provider websites can help educate participants about implications and...
UpFront |September 2017

TDF Fixed-Income Exposure

Greater exposure to higher-yielding corporate bonds can notably dampen a fixed-income allocation’s diversification benefits to equity investments.
Running the Fund |September 2017

Rothification of DC Plans

Sponsors say this step would deter participation and lower savings rates.
ERISA Examination |September 2017

Minutes Essential

Drilling down to the procedural issues