A Little Friday File Fun (03/30/07)

March 30, 2007 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words....

Well, here’s a couple of thousand words worth…enjoy!

Just Born, Inc., maker of PEEPS brand marshmallow candies, apparently conducts an annual PEEPS Celebrity Survey, capturing such scintillating insights as:

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(a) who’s cooler, the PEEPS Chick or the PEEPS Bunny:    The Chick, with 59% of the vote,

(b) the preference for eating those PEEPS (fresh from the package, or “crunchy”):   Fresh from the package.

(c) and the favorite way to enjoy said PEEPs.   “Head first”.  


Let’s go surfing now, everyone’s learning how …. even mice, it seems.   The so-called Radical Rodents claim to be the world’s first surfing mice, and they have the video to prove it.     MORE

– – – In Orange County, Florida , Thomas Colson, 18, and an unnamed accomplice had engaged in a successful crime spree – – – burglarizing nearly 20 homes in the area – – – but they got 15 minutes of unintentioned “fame” – – – when they chose to videotape their activities in one of the homes they broke into – – – and then left said videotape in a stolen car – – – you can watch Thomas in action  HERE

– – – In Lee Point , in Australia’s Northern Territory, a pest eradication group called FrogWatch has stumbled across a toad that is the size of a small dog.   And yes, there’s a picture.     MORE

– – – And finally, in Damascus, Virginia , Howard Bradley Mayfield, 47, tried to pass four counterfeit $20 bills at the Gas ‘N Go here – – – he was thwarted by a clerk, who not only detected the bills, but recognized Howard, a frequent patron of the establishment – – – when police arrived at Howard’s domicile – – – about 5:15 in the morning – – – they found one side of the mobile home full of smoke – – – Howard’s girlfriend, Valerie Sue Lester, 36, sitting on the bed inside the smoke-filled trailer calmly knitting a sweater – – – a bed that had smoke billowing out from underneath it – – – from a stash of the fake bills that had been set afire – – – a stash of damp bills – – – damp, apparently, from having first been stuffed down the toilet (but not quite making it all the way down) – – – they also found met.hamphetamine, mari.juana, and the computer with images of counterfeit bills on the hard drive – – – Oh, and you just have to see what Howard and Valerie look like  HERE
