Employers Say Employees Understand Health Cost Sharing

May 12, 2009 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - The 2009 UBA Employer Benefit Perspectives Survey found 81% of employers felt their employees were aware of health cost crisis and emerging trends.

According to a video presentation of the survey results, around 78% of employers said they felt employees understood the reasons for increases in employee cost sharing or reductions in benefits. In fact, 46% of employees did say that although they didn’t like the changes, they understood their organization could not absorb all the added costs, and 38% reported they are aware of increasing medical costs and both anticipated and accepted the changes.

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Only 19% of employees say they are upset about reductions in benefit and/or increases in cost.

The survey also found 77% of employers strongly agree that employees need tools to help them choose the most appropriate plan option for them. Nearly 74% felt that the employer should provide education on health care costs and ways to manage those costs, including 68% who say employees should be given hospital/physician cost and quality info.

More than half (55%) of employers surveyed felt those with chronic conditions who make an effort to follow recommended treatment should pay less for health care benefits, and 44% said those who do not make an effort should pay more. Eighteen percent said costs should be same for all.

The survey was conducted in February 2009, and included responses from 1,650 employers of all sizes, regions, and industries.
