MI Cost-Cutting Moves Include Public Worker Health Care Changes

February 1, 2010 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – Michigan Governor Jennifer M. Granholm's agenda to cut inefficiencies and costs in the state government includes health care changes for public employees and legislators.

In her latest agenda, announced Friday, Granholm proposes to increase state employee participation in “a new health-care plan that maintains critical benefits for new state workers and their families while reducing the cost to state government by 21 percent.” Granholm says local government, school, university, and other public employees will be given the option to participate in the new health care plan.

In addition, Granholm has proposed eliminating lifetime health care for legislators.

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According to the announcement on Granholm’s Web site, the governor also plans to provide “positive and negative incentives to encourage 7,000 eligible state employees and 39,000 eligible public school employees to retire.”

Other proposals in the Michigan Recovery & Reinvestment Plan include, among other things:

  • reduce costs by implementing pay-as-you-go budgeting;
  • require financial disclosures of all state elected officials and candidates;
  • tighten ethics standards for elected officials, appointed officials, and state contract managers;
  • audit state contracts annually and review all tax expenditures biennially to identify needed changes and savings; and
  • shift to a two-year state budget cycle.

Links to audio of Granholm’s proposal can be found here.

Standard & Poor's Launches S&P GSCI Enhanced Sub-Indices

February 1, 2010 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – Index provider Standard & Poor's has announced the launch of seven single commodity sub-indices of the S&P GSCI Enhanced Index.

The sub-indices include:

  • Brent Crude Oil,
  • Heating Oil,
  • Natural Gas,
  • Chicago Wheat,
  • Corn,
  • Lean Hogs and
  • Live Cattle.       

According to S&P, these sub-indices are designed to alleviate the impact of negative roll returns – a situation that occurs when the price of the commodity’s futures contract is higher than its spot price.     

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Standard & Poor’s also announced that it has licensed BNP Paribas to track the S&P GSCI Enhanced sub-indices. According to the announcement, BNP Paribas is the Euro-zone’s leading bank in terms of deposits, and a global-scale European leader in financial services.      

The S&P GSCI Enhanced Index is calculated on a basis similar to that of the S&P GSCI, with modifications made in order to apply certain dynamic, timing, and seasonal rolling rules. Dynamic rolling rules are designed to yield enhanced returns when the WTI Crude Oil and Brent Crude Oil futures markets demonstrate wide contango conditions. Contract roll schedules are seasonally altered for Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Chicago Wheat, Corn, Lean Hogs, and Live Cattle to alleviate potential rolling expenses and to reflect the seasonal demand for the commodities.      

“With this launch, S&P Indices now offers all of the commodities with enhanced roll schedules from the S&P GSCI Enhanced Index as stand alone mono-indices,” says Michael McGlone, Senior Director of Commodity Indexing at S&P Indices, in the release.  “The solid performance and robust methodology of the S&P GSCI Enhanced Index is certainly attracting attention.”       

More information on the S&P GSCI is available at http://www.spgsci.standardandpoors.com.
