A Little Friday File Fun (01/23)

January 23, 2009 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well, here’s a thousand….

One way to take out the opposition….and with style!

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If you can’t view the above video, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lP0CmEA6PA  

Who says you can't teach an old(ish) dog new tricks...

If you can't view the above video, try  HERE

- - - In Boston, Massachusetts , Donna Rao, 20, called police to report a robbery - - - Donna told police that she had brought a wallet and a laptop from her home in San Francisco, California - - - but that they had been stolen by two men who knocked on the door of her room at the Sheraton Hotel - - - then pushed their way in at gunpoint - - - however, this was no random robbery - - -

 - - - Donna also told police that she'd placed an ad on Craigslist "for s.ex in exchange for cash for men she previously met on the Internet" - - - she proceeded to inform the officers that "her sole purpose for getting the room was to have s.ex with her clients" - - - in fact, she told them, she had already "entertained" one customer there - - - the men haven't been apprehended - - - but Donna now has a new room to stay in - - -

George Washington gave the first State of the Union address on January 8, 1790, but in 1801, Thomas Jefferson discontinued the practice of delivering the address in person, regarding it as too monarchical.   Subsequent addresses also were written and sent to Congress until 1913, when Woodrow Wilson re-established the practice.  

However, there have been exceptions to this "rule" of in-person delivery.   Who was the last President to deliver a written message?

In years when a new president is inaugurated, the outgoing president may deliver a final State of the Union message, but none has done so since Jimmy Carter (1981).  He was also the last president to deliver the written message.    

In 1953 and 1961, Congress received both a written State of the Union message from the outgoing president and a separate State of the Union speech by the incoming president. 

Since 1989, in recognition that the responsibility of reporting the State of the Union formally belongs to the president who held office during the past year, newly inaugurated Presidents have not officially called their first speech before Congress a "State of the Union" message.  Look for President Obama to do something along those lines next month.
