A Little Friday File Fun (06/08)

June 8, 2007 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words....

Well, here’s a couple of thousand:

If you like the notion of going out for a scooter ride, but just can’t warm up to the idea of using your own power to do so – – – check out the dog-powered scooter at http://dogpoweredscooter.com/Home_Page.html

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Surfing a REALLY big wave at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlPqL7IUT6M

So, you think your pet gets into some interesting predicaments?   Well, check out these animals with a nose for trouble.  MORE at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=459657&in_page_id=1770

Did you know alligators could climb walls?    http://images.theglobeandmail.com/archives/RTGAM/images/20070525/wwip0526/Alligator.jpg

– – – In Paw Paw, Michigan , an unnamed 21-year-old was crossing the street in his wheelchair – – – at the same time as a semi-trailer truck started through the intersection – – – in such a way that the wheelchair got stuck in the grill of the truck – – – whose driver failed to see his new “passenger” – – – who then got “quite a ride” as the truck drove for 2 miles with the wheelchair stuck in the front grill – – – until the driver arrived at his destination (which was fortunately only 2 miles away, and didn’t require getting on an Interstate) – – – the man in the wheelchair was not injured – – – you can see how this looked at http://www.wwmt.com/news/paw_36328___article.html/truck_semi.html

– – – In San Bruno, California , the watchful eyes of Big Brother (in the person of Google Maps) is always watching – – – here’s one more reason to be aware   http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=San+Bruno,+California,+United+States&ie=UTF8&ll=37.625041,-122.482667&spn=0.022331,0.038109&z=15&om=1&layer=c&cbll=37.617952,-122.485275&cbp=1,228.978817071945,0.5

– – – In Rome, Georgia , an as-yet-unnamed thief had developed a certain effective “routine” – – – breaking into a convenience store – – – stealing scratch-off lottery tickets – – – and then covering his tracks by setting a fire – – – this had worked for him before – – – and again he broke into a store, sprayed what appeared to be charcoal lighter fluid, lit the fire – – – then, spotting a surveillance camera, he sprayed it as well – – – except by now the fire has some “umph” to it – – – and when he returned to spray more fluid on the counter he managed to light himself on fire instead – – – but not, as it turns out, the surveillance camera video – – – and you can watch it unfold at http://www.11alive.com/video/player.aspx?aid=73184&bw =

– – – In New York City, New York , a trailer truck driver (from Texas) went through the Lincoln Tunnel here – – – all 1.5 miles worth – – – even though his rig was 6 inches too tall for the tunnel – – – flashing signs and officers using a loudspeaker had warned the driver – – – and you have to know that the peeling away of the top of his trailer had to make a bit of noise – – – you can see the result online at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19003797/
