A Little Friday File Fun (06/26)

June 26, 2009 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well, here’s a couple of thousand…

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If you can’t view the above video, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Qf7c2ei-PY

– – – In Groningen, Holland , an unnamed 14-year-old told police that he had been knocked off his bike and robbed of some money and his cell phone – – – unfortunately, he didn’t have any proof – – – that is, until he was surfing around on Google Street View – – – when he saw an image of himself–and of two males behind him, who – – – he seemed to remember – – – were just in the place where he was allegedly robbed – – – the police have now arrested twin brothers, one of whom was allegedly recognized by Groningen’s robbery squad – – – you can see the picture at http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/bto/20090620/googlestreetview.JPG

...and here's a couple of thousand more...

- - - In Edgewood, Washington , an unnamed 52-year-old driver lost control of his vehicle - - - and drove into (literally) a state liquor store here - - - at 11 a.m. in the morning - - -investigators believe the driver was intoxicated - - - you can see the aftermath at http://media.komonews.com/images/090623_liquor_crash.jpg

- - - In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Lahoma Sue Smith, 36, has copped a plea last week to a prosti.tution charge - - - for accepting a box of Frito-Lay chips in exchange for certain "favors" - - - apparently one Faron Jonhson, a Frito-Lay employee, told cops that he informed Lahoma that he did not have any money, but made the exchange for a case of chips he valued at $30 - - - you can read more (and see Lahoma's mugshot at http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0624091chips1.html

Here's a not-so-clever burglar - - - who remembered to spray paint the lens of a surveillance camera - - - but - - - well, see for yourself - - - 

It really is a "simple matter of physics..."

If you can't view the above video, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB8pKVHxXd4


...and here's a thousand more...

- - - In Edgewood, Washington , an unnamed 52-year-old driver lost control of his vehicle - - - and drove into (literally) a state liquor store here - - - at 11 a.m. in the morning - - -investigators believe the driver was intoxicated - - - you can see the aftermath at http://media.komonews.com/images/090623_liquor_crash.jpg

TRIVIAL PURSUITS : John Adams and Thomas Jefferson - former presidents and collaborators on the Declaration of Independence who were friends who became rivals and eventually friends again - died on the same day.   Ironically, they died the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1826).  

There was, however, another American president who died on July 4 (though a different year).   Can you name him?  

James Monroe, on July 4, 1831.

Extra:  Calvin Coolidge, our nation's 30th president, was born on July 4th, 1872. He is the only president to be born on that day.
