A Little Friday File Fun (07/27)

July 27, 2007 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words....

Well, here’s a couple of thousand:

Ever wonder what a couple of hundred million dollars looks like in real life?   MORE at

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OK, so you haven’t gotten through the Harry Potter book as yet – and you’re worried that people will try to share it with you.   One enterprising girl from Downer’s Grove, Illinois has a unique solution:  MORE at http://media1.suntimes.com/multimedia/072507potter.jpg_20070724_23_45_20_381-282-400.imageContent

Thanks to new technology, the original footage taken of the first moon landing has been turned into a high definition video, complete with sound.   With help from NASA, Canadian astronaut aficionado Robert Godwin used digital technology to transfer the 16mm film clips to high definition DVD and Blu-Ray Disc. He also took separate audio and synched it up to the video.  MORE at http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_13059.aspx

In Orlando, Florida , Beyonce was performing at a concert – – – when the singing sensation stepped on her trench coat – – – in her high heels – – – and tumbled head first down about a dozen steps at the Amway Arena – – – the good news is that she wasn’t injured (she kept performing) – – – Beyonce asked the fans present at the show not to post a video of the tumble on the Internet – – – yeah, that’s going to work.  MORE at http://www.local6.com/entertainment/13750502/detail.html .  The picture is better (though the sound isn’t – and YouTube has apparenlty been pulling these down) at  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfDGQzUn15E 

– – – In Phoenix, Arizona , an unnamed man – – – and suspected bank robber – – – was being chased by police – – – but in the middle of a prolonged chase, the suspect all of a sudden made a pit stop at a convenience store – – – dashed inside, and apparently bought a pack of cigarettes – – – – and while he “seemed to be in a hurry” according to the store clerk, and paid for his purchase with a $20 bill – – – he left and resumed his chase.   And you can watch his “pit stop” unwind at http://kutv.com/watercooler/local_story_206130614.html
