A Little Friday File Fun (08/15)

August 15, 2008 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well, here’s a couple of thousand worth…

– – – In Hammond, Indiana , the Army Corps of Engineers took steps to discourage ducks and geese from gobbling up seeds and fresh shoots from wetlands plants here – – – by placing two-dimensional cutouts of coyotes on islands in Wolf Lake here – – – two years later, the waterfowl aren’t fooled – – – but the cutouts have been drawing the attention – and calls – – – of passersby who, driving by, have been mistaking the cutouts for real-live dogs stranded on the islands – – – you can see what’s “fooling” them (among the geese they aren’t) at http://media1.post-trib.com/multimedia/081208pthome.jpg_20080812_03_14_53_6-282-400.imageContent

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Yesterday we covered the story about a Burger King worker whose workplace bathing – and subsequent YouTube filming of said bath – earned him a pink slip.   Look at him, you might wonder how he got hired in the first place.  MORE at http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/index.php?cl=9261400

– – – In Asheville, North Carolina , motion-sensitive security cameras at Asheville High School were triggered by what is being called an “unexplained image” at 2:51 a.m. recently – – – a motion-activated camera was activated for 24 seconds to capture the object – – – which is seen moving across the floor and then above the school elevator – – – then into a lighted hallway and casting a shadow – – – MORE at http://www.local6.com/video/17131579/index.html

Well here's a few thousand worth!

This may be the World's Most Unusual Olympic Trial .

You won't believe how it starts - or how it ends (and the commentators certainly have some fun with it - so mind the sound - you'll want to listen)!

If you can't view the above video, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woYG6Uq6OVU

And here's an "extra" thousand...

- - - In Brooklyn, New York , Samuel Manoharan, 31, has been arrested and charged as a suspect in five holdups in Manhattan and Brooklyn - - - despite employing a variety of disguises as he embarked on his crime spree - - - how was he caught? - - - "He has very distinguishable features - a very big nose. His wig couldn't cover his nose," one police source said - - - you can see Samuel at http://www.nypost.com/seven/08122008/photos/new0h.jpg

While it's not generally thought of as such, Charlie's Angels did result in a spin-off.    

The detective series "Vega$" (1978) is technically a spinoff of "Charlie's Angels" - since the character of Dan Tanna was introduced in the two-part episode "Angels in Vegas."
