A Little Friday File Fun (09/04)

September 4, 2009 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well, here’s a couple of thousand….

If you can’t see the video below, try http://media.wakooz.com/pogostick-backflips

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EMBED-Eight Perfect Pogostick Backflips – Watch more free videos

Well, here's an interesting morality tale....

If you can't see the video below, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5_Msrdg3Hk&feature=player_embedded

- - - In Salt Lake City, Utah , Lee Redmond, 68, says that a car accident earlier this year, which she described as the "most dramatic" event in her life, changed her life - - - and robbed her of her identity - - - when it resulted in the loss of fingernails that she had, over a 30-year period grown to a combined length of 28 feet, 4 inches - - - she's currently grown them back out to 4.5 inches - - - but says she has no intention of growing them to their former length - - -

And here's another thousand...

- - - In Abingdon, Virginia , Bascome Howell, 44, and his brother, Ernie Howell, 37, decided to make off with a painted statue of a wolf - - - one of about two dozen painted statues on display as public art here - - - they would have been well-advised, however, to have put their new acquisition somewhere else in making their getaway - - - as you can see:

And here's another thousand....

- - - In Hamilton, Wisconsin , a rural land owner noticed a patch of marijuana plants growing on his property - - - so he

called police - - - who installed a surveillance camera in a nearby tree - - - but when the suspected gardener showed up to tend his plants - - - at about 4 a.m., mind you - - - he apparently noticed the camera - - - climbed the tree in an apparent

attempt to disable it - - - he didn't manage to do that - - - but the camera snapped - well, you can see....

TRIVIAL PURSUITS: Women from which state have won the most Miss America titles?


Well, this is something of a trick question - three states have each had six winners; California, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

You might also be interested in knowing the states that have NEVER had a winner:

Miss Alaska, Miss Delaware, Miss Idaho, Miss Iowa, Miss Louisiana, Miss Maine, Miss Maryland, Miss Massachusetts, Miss Montana, Miss Nebraska, Miss Nevada, Miss New Hampshire, Miss New Mexico, Miss North Dakota, Miss Rhode Island, Miss South Dakota, Miss Vermont, Miss Virgin Islands, Miss Washington, Miss West Virginia and Miss Wyoming.
