A Little Friday File Fun (09/05)

September 5, 2008 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well, here’s a thousand worth (and a reference guide for Grandparent’s Day).

In 1970, a West Virginia housewife, Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade, initiated a campaign to set aside a special day just for Grandparents.   Three years later the first Grandparents Day was proclaimed in 1973 in West Virginia by Governor Arch Moore – and in 1978, the United States Congress passed   legislation proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day (September was chosen for the holiday, to signify the “autumn years” of life).  MORE at http://www.grandparents-day.com/short_ver.htm

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– – – In Hooper, Utah , Rhett Davis, a farmer who has been at odds with some of his newer neighbors (who apparently don’t appreciate some of the finer points of living next to a farm), has erected what he calls a “Redneck Stonehenge.”   You can see it at http://www.foxnews.com/photoessay/photoessay_4739_images/0805080929_M_080408_stonehenge2.jpg

And here's a couple of thousand more...

   Too stupid to drive?  You'll "flip" over this one!

If you can't view the above, try:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QeKw9uivw8

   If at first you don't succeed....put your head down and don't succeed again...and again...

If you can't view the above, try:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm-EoIn_pxE

TRIVIAL PURSUITS :   The famous quotation "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission" is often attributed to Grace Murray Hopper.   Another quote attributed to her was invoked by Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) at her introduction by Senator John McCain as his Vice Presidential choice last month.   

That quote:  "A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is built for."

Another noteworthy quote attributed to Dr. Hopper:   "I believe in having an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out."

According to the History Channel, although the term "bug" had been used to describe technical glitches since the late 1800s, the bug that plagued Grace Murray Hopper on this day in 1945 (see above) was an actual moth that had managed to get into the circuitry of the Mark II computer at Harvard University.

The bug, which Hopper and her assistants removed with tweezers, was preserved at the Naval Museum in Dahlgren, Virginia.  
