A Little Friday File Fun (10/10)

October 10, 2008 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well, here’s a couple of thousand to enjoy…

OK, so what’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to your vehicle?   Think it could bring out the amore in a moose?  MORE at http://images.seacoastonline.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=SO&Date=20081008&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=81008014&Ref=V1&MaxW=570&MaxH=370&title=1&border=0

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In Bristol, UK , Aarron Evans, 21, was caught on film breaking into a car here – – – the camera was planted – – – as was the car – – – by police looking to nab such troublemakers – – – however, in this particular case, tracking Aarron was even easier than normal – – – since he had his name and date of birth tattooed on his neck – – – caught squarely in the picture – – – MORE at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bristol/7657250.stm

– – – Near Norwell, Massachusetts , Siobhan Hayes, 21, was spotted about 3 a.m. traveling at high speeds (north of 100 mph) – – – traveling northbound – – – on southbound – – – Route 3 here – – – Siobhan led at least a half dozen police on a 17 mile chase – – – that finally came to an end after an officer laid spiked “stop sticks” across the road – – – though Siobhan didn’t stop for a half mile after running across those – – – and then only because she lost control of the car and hit a guardrail – – – she now faces charges of operating under the influence, possession of marijuana, and negligent operation – – -you can see her (lack of) sobriety test at http://www.myfoxboston.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail;jsessionid=A1A11F2BD068647F73D3FC75C2353993?contentId=7573174&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

There's something new (at least to me) called "tilt shift photography".   Apparently, you you change the focus and the angle of a normal photograph or film image to make it appear to be built from miniatures.   These are really cool - don't take my word for it.

Bathtub II from Keith Loutit on Vimeo .

If you can't view the above, try  http://vimeo.com/1785993

Beached from Keith Loutit on Vimeo .

If you can't view the above, try  http://vimeo.com/1789964

OK, the titling - and perhaps the focus - of this video is admittedly somewhat se.xist.   But I tried finding something to represent the "other" side - - - and couldn't (submissions welcomed!).  

If you can't view the above video, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xyn-9cn0nE

SCIENTIFIC NOTATIONS.   Did you know fleas that live on a dog can jump higher than fleas that live on a cat?   Ever heard about such research findings and thought: "People get PAID to do this?" Well, you surely will when you read the list of winners of the Ig Nobel Prize, the annual award given by the Annals of Improbable Research magazine for oddball but sometimes practical scientific achievements.  MORE at http://www.planadviser.com/research/article.php/2978

October 16 is National Boss's Day, an observance that we owe to none other than one Patricia Bays Haroski who, in 1958, decided her boss deserved a special day.  Patricia Haroski had a particularly special relationship with her boss - do you know what it was?

Her boss also happened to be her dad…and the date she chose - October 16 - also happened to be his birthday.   Haroski, then an employee at State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois, registered the holiday with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  
